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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Leprous Monarch
well it's easier to see it via reading. its hard to case him because he is trying to erase all scummy things that cud be traced back to him

instead focus on his macro. what has RDK achieved after the fang's lynch?

and then little inconsistencies in his reads earlier regarding rugrat

things like that added to his bad reasonings for voting ultra and sticking to it

and his push for tweet instead of lethal

it just flows too well

please read day 4 to see how this conclusion was reached

also id very much like a claim
bruh nobody has achieved anything after aurelian's lynch

except me. I saved everyone n1 and ratchet n2 😎

The X

Yeah but why?
Better question, why do you think he's not? There's four votes on RDK right now and reasons are in thread; you can find them at your leisure. You obviously are concerned about this vote. So why do you think it's not a good one?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
bruh nobody has achieved anything after aurelian's lynch

except me. I saved everyone n1 and ratchet n2 😎
we are achieving a scum lynch now!

scums best chance today is stalling for a no lynch

lets put them in the dirt!

if RDK/lethal was town their wagons wud grow as fire like ultra's wagon lol


Mafia God
well it's easier to see it via reading. its hard to case him because he is trying to erase all scummy things that cud be traced back to him

instead focus on his macro. what has RDK achieved after the fang's lynch?

and then little inconsistencies in his reads earlier regarding rugrat

things like that added to his bad reasonings for voting ultra and sticking to it

and his push for tweet instead of lethal

it just flows too well

please read day 4 to see how this conclusion was reached

also id very much like a claim
I'm not gonna be able to read back any time soon still get beaten by work

He's been largely absentee since day one I don't know if that a slam dunk point, and a lot of your other points are looking to rely on unclipped scum reads.

Why would I claim just randomly?

Better question, why do you think he's not? There's four votes on RDK right now and reasons are in thread; you can find them at your leisure. You obviously are concerned about this vote. So why do you think it's not a good one?
What even is this post in response to me asking for why he's being voted?

I have limited thoughts as to why it's not good or good because I don't know why he's being voted. His play has been fine previous days from what I remember.

I've got mad feelings this is a power wolfed wagon, no bueno


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I'm not gonna be able to read back any time soon still get beaten by work

He's been largely absentee since day one I don't know if that a slam dunk point, and a lot of your other points are looking to rely on unclipped scum reads.

Why would I claim just randomly?

What even is this post in response to me asking for why he's being voted?

I have limited thoughts as to why it's not good or good because I don't know why he's being voted. His play has been fine previous days from what I remember.

I've got mad feelings this is a power wolfed wagon, no bueno
who do u suggest we vote instead?

can u give me ur top 4 scum reads? we can maybe cross match


Leprous Monarch
aight fuck it I've iso'd the people I had the least reason to think are town and have no sense of conviction whatsoever on anyone. I'll let the guys with over 2k posts combined have their lynch

vote rdk



The Alpha and The Omega
Ultra 6 - CP, Rugrat, RDK, Evans, Alco, Phenom
Tweet 1 - BLD

Ultra 6 - CP, Rugrat, RDK, Evans, Alco, Phenom
Tweet 1 - BLD


Ultra 8 - CP, Rugrat, RDK, Alco, Phenom, Tpein, Ratchet, Tweet
BLD 1 - Evans
Evans 1 - BLD
Tpein 1 - Lethal
Dalton 1 - Ultra


Ultra 11 - CP, Rugrat, RDK, Alco, Phenom, Tpein, Evans, Lethal, Doddsy, Arp, Big Man

Alright now that I went over DP3 again, I want to say that squad CP, Rugrat, RDK, Evans, Alco, Phenom here were very eager to get Ultra dead. I am not sure exactly why his claim was not believable? he made multiple cases on people and was vocally active and not afraid to voice his opinion. Him refusing to follow what was told regarding his claim ability actually looked townie. I guess I can see the logic in people wanting to flip him to confirm if Lethal is legit or not but that's a silly reason tbh. For RDK already confirmed receiving something from Lethal and that should warrant some townie points to Lethal.

Remove CP, Ratchet, T-Pein, and Tweet and you are left with Rugrat, RDK, Evans, Alco, and Phenom. I would like to go over these players first before talking about the players who hopped into the wagon later during the day. For I believe we have atleast 1-2 scum in this pile list. I would be very surprised if most of this wagon is scum.

RDK, his first post into the DP is voting for Ultra, didn't really provide any explanation and think he was content with the case ratchet made on the guy last DP. He was eager to hammer the guy if possible and also got a gift from lethal and threatened to shoot ekko but as we see, nothing. Each DP he progressively goes higher into my scum radar. I would assume if you were townie you would want to take advantage of the gun you received and actually shoot a player you scum read? I really liked his early game and that's what carried him and kept him in my townie list most of the game but this is getting ridiculous.

Evans, didn't like how he handled Ultra slot, he stated he wanted to only vote Ultra if there is no other damning wagon but in mere 7 pages he voted for the guy. He was very buddy buddy with ratchet and kinda relying abit too much on him. Felt like lowkey the dude is trying to pocket the guy.

Alco, he honestly looks the best out of these players, while I didn't feel like I was nodding my head as I was reading his posts as the previous phases, him hinting to his role throughout DP3 felt geniune, and didn't feel any maliciousness out of him. Town lean.

Phenom, I actually liked phenom in DP2 you can see why if you go back and read what I had to say regarding this slot. But his play in DP3 reminds me alot of his play in DP1. His vote on Ultra did not feel natural and there was no thought progress to lead to the vote. He kinda just voted him randomly. Gave me the vibe that he simply just does not care who get lynched. His town lean he got DP2 is gone and he falls under the scum pile again.

Rugrat, nothing he has done has improved his slot to me. He went back and forth with retro and it felt like a fruitless interaction and then was super pushy on ultra and just wanted him gone. Felt very opportunistic and trying to take advantage of the situation. Scum lean.

Now this is tricker than I thought since I actually scum read multiple people from the pile list here. I have a feeling i am probably wrong on somewhere for I doubt scum is that ballsy to all gather up and vote for a player from the get go. That would be some fucking balls of steel right here. Could it really be this simple? no way right? uhhhh.

Looking at the other players Doddsy, Dalton, Big Man, and Arp

Arp post content considerably went down in DP3. If memory serves me right he did 1-3 posts and one of them because a person asked him a question and the other is post is to place a vote on Ultra and call it a day. I also do remember him saying he would provide more posts as he is catching up but nothing.... Still think he is probably townie lean, fainter now tho.

Doddsy, I really liked his posts in DP2 as he was catching up. Felt genuine and he was scum hunting and asking good questions, that reduced in DP3. Wasn't really a fan of his vote on Ultra. I believe ultra provided much content to atleast reconsider your position on the guy but that mattered little to you tbh. Still I think he did enough so far to atleast be in town lean. For voting for ultra alone is not end all be all to put you in scum pile.

Big Man, dude is the stealth man of the this game. I wasn't aware of this guy existence until of late. Null and need to ISO him. I remember looking at his reads in DP3 and thought they were horrible. Especially his scum leans. If i recall it was Ultra, Yoshi, and uhhh forgot the third.

Yoshi just disappeared out of existence this DP lol.

Retro, I commented on her earlier and think she is just townie tbh.

Dalton, he had very low presence during DP3 but my issue with dalton is how he handled fang situation and I believe he had TMI to actually defend Fang that hard which is something I can't shake off and for that he always remains in my scum lean. I don't believe townie would try that hard to sway vote away from fang. Even if he believed he was indie, it was bit excessive and it just makes more sense that they are probably just team mates tbh.

The X

bruh nobody has achieved anything after aurelian's lynch

except me. I saved everyone n1 and ratchet n2 😎
So not catching wolves = no achievements? I think that's shallow thinking. Do you disagree that Ekko and I have put in work this game? Now that I'm confirmed and Ekko has claimed, does that not make you want to trust our work and effort in this game? You will blindly come in and sheep Poyser (who was harmful indie this game), but you still treat Ekko and I like aliens. The game has been everywhere, yeah, but that's because we also have formidable opponents in this game. Me and Ekko have been doing our damnest to try and collect pelts.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
aight fuck it I've iso'd the people I had the least reason to think are town and have no sense of conviction whatsoever on anyone. I'll let the guys with over 2k posts combined have their lynch

vote rdk

who were the people u had the least reason to think r town btw?


Leprous Monarch
So not catching wolves = no achievements? I think that's shallow thinking. Do you disagree that Ekko and I have put in work this game? Now that I'm confirmed and Ekko has claimed, does that not make you want to trust our work and effort in this game? You will blindly come in and sheep Poyser (who was harmful indie this game), but you still treat Ekko and I like aliens. The game has been everywhere, yeah, but that's because we also have formidable opponents in this game. Me and Ekko have been doing our damnest to try and collect pelts.
poyser actually caught scum. y'all haven't.

The X

we are achieving a scum lynch now!

scums best chance today is stalling for a no lynch

lets put them in the dirt!

if RDK/lethal was town their wagons wud grow as fire like ultra's wagon lol
Ultra had two MASSIVE wagons on him, both happened so quickly, no problem. Feels like we need to drag bodies for this one to happen.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i wish we have more day time. these timings r so short for majority

the difference in timezones and sleep times makes it so hard to get a full cycle of discussions

im gna try to wake up early to catch this EoD