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Game Elden Ring Mafia


His role looks fabricated and he outed as indie. He effectively sealed his fate.
Do you think his role looks fabricated?
Do you think scum outs themself as an indie?

I don't trust him cos I think he's not telling us the full truth, but the two things you've mentioned are the opposite viewpoint of mine so I find this interesting.


I'm kinda putting the pieces together atm but essentially Aurelian claims to be what I was in GoT, namely pro-town indy, yea?
Very similar yeah.

The fact that he did it having not played that game is a pro in his column too.

Something's not 100% with him but I don't think he's a sensible lynch today.


The Nexus
I have a problem with him saying he wont claim and then claims later.
No conviction.
Wasted people's time.

Hans Tweetenberg

I looked at the vote count and saw his vote there.
Didnt remember hom posting and Isolated.
Why you ask such a question?
You like that slot or something?

Nah I was genuinely curious about the chain of circumstances that resulted in you randomly quoting a post from a player who just about nobody noticed or talked about and who hasn't posted in a while. This answer is exactly what I was looking for.

(Before you ask, it currently has no bearing on the game)


The Alpha and The Omega
Do you think his role looks fabricated?
Do you think scum outs themself as an indie?

I don't trust him cos I think he's not telling us the full truth, but the two things you've mentioned are the opposite viewpoint of mine so I find this interesting.
His flavor parts he added looks fake and fabricated for I can see some of the characters mentioned being townie. Besides, you think everything he said is the truth?? interesting take, what makes you think he did not mix lies with his truth?

As for the second part, that's not how my brain operates. If you are not town then you are scum in my eyes and I hold all scums equal. They need to be executed.


This is quite possibly the most asinine reasoning I've ever seen spewed out of your mouth and I've seen a lot of the dumber things you've said in past mafia games over these last few months. Not only does it not address what I said, but it directly sidesteps around it. Nothing of what you said makes any sense at all; "dude just let yourself killed or don't let yourself killed, because the game is already beyond you."

Nah fuck that.

Also doesn't even remotely hold water when many times mafia/scum teams or roles can have janitors or janitor oriented tech/abilities that let them hide who they kill and posture with that anyways. So your basically saying take a coin flip and hope for the best based purely off RNG and factors we can't touch and aren't tangible and just run with the belief it'll work out like the way you WANT it to. Any competent scum team while just keep misdirecting lynches and townies jumping on the bandwagon become viable targets and will be the ones controlling everything

Well, okay then. I tried.


Aurelian's first post back is a lot of "ask those guys I've played with what I'm like" and that is not at all satisfactory. They've already expressed their thoughts about you, man.

There's so much text as well. Very word-salady


Mafia God
How similar are Aurelian's claimed role and teh GoT role everyone keeps mentioning? Was he in that game?

Hans Tweetenberg

Sooo let's see

I got RDK, Ultra, Evans as most likely town and Alco and Dalton a step below. Kinda vibing with CP as well but our accursed past is in the way of an alliance.

I'm not sure what to think of Ekko right now, 30 pages or so ago I woulda had him firmly as my top scum read but it's wavering now. Not quite sure where else to look otherwise either.

Hans Tweetenberg

How similar are Aurelian's claimed role and teh GoT role everyone keeps mentioning? Was he in that game?
I was pro-town indy in the GoT game, my win condition was basically the town win condition but with a caveat that made it slightly harder IIRC. I got no idea about the theme here but something tells me it's likely that Odo would rehash the concept of an indy like that.

Hans Tweetenberg

I'm really torn in that regard because on one hand I can buy the concept of the pro-town indie, but also Aurelians play has been big yikes so far imo. I wanna lynch him on play right this second but can already see myself going "yea shoulda known better"

Also has anyone actually stuck up for Aurelian so far? Like a single person?