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Game Elden Ring Mafia


i came to realize this recently when abi spent 2 days scum reading me but voted someone i scum read with me. i think he is town here and is scum reading poyser but is acknowledging the existence of a more immediate pressure vote and is willing to help out with it.
What makes you give benefit of the doubt here?


I'm guessing Golden Order is Mafia and then the volcano manor guys could be either a mini faction or their leader is the SK. Pretty sure Odo hates multiscum fwiw but @Poyser can fact check that
He’s not a fan but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t try and “do it right” himself. He has put a survivor in a game and he absolutely despises them. I’d lean probably not tho


The Alpha and The Omega
My brain is fried, but feels good to be live with the game right now. Too bad I am about to hit the bucket.

As for reads :

RDK is my strongest town read so far, I really liked his approach beginning of the game, very straight forward and felt no maliciousness intentions.

Pelo is another player I town read but thats because I am familar with her and how she playing right now tbh looks townie to me. Don't see her faking all that wallies up. Willing to bite, this is mainly gut read from my end.

I also liked Ultra posts, low side of the town.

I'll dedicate another post later regarding my scum reads so far, too tired rn.


Mafia God
I'm really torn in that regard because on one hand I can buy the concept of the pro-town indie, but also Aurelians play has been big yikes so far imo. I wanna lynch him on play right this second but can already see myself going "yea shoulda known better"

Also has anyone actually stuck up for Aurelian so far? Like a single person?
Ekko do a degree but that's about it from what I remember
Can't wait to get sussed all over the shop for this wishy washy shite I'm currently writing
I'm in the same boat brother, I think it's likely he's telling the truth about being indy but that doesn't mean he's not worth yeeting if a better option doesn't present, which I don't think is likely as no one is hard pushing elsewhere.


we could have maybe did it in the xmas game if the mafia team was a bit more active lol
Maybe, I did feel in trouble that game but then when I read back I realised I never had more than 3 votes and it was only you tpein and ace haha

lethal is too much of a coward to push me as scum. You can take that one to the bank!


Seeing lots of flavor hunting at around page 58, 59, 60 and the opening post specifically warns against that lol.

The basic question is: do we trust this geezer and do we trust that he's telling the whole truth? Inclined to say no at this time tbh


Tbf he was saying on discord the other day he's evolved his game a lot iirc. So i wouldnt say its something to discount since its something he's actively been thinking about.
I guess
He did just get caught rlly easy just last game that finished less than a week ago tho. He has made efforts to change his game but he can’t seem to stop himself falling into the same patterns lol

Hans Tweetenberg

Ekko do a degree but that's about it from what I remember

I'm in the same boat brother, I think it's likely he's telling the truth about being indy but that doesn't mean he's not worth yeeting if a better option doesn't present, which I don't think is likely as no one is hard pushing elsewhere.
Ye this is about where I'm currently at as well. I oughta be back before deadline so I'll vote Aurelian if it's him or no-lynch but also interested to see if anything else happens today.

Hans Tweetenberg

Purely on play, it's kinda weird how Aurelian went from not claiming at all, reaffirming that point, then getting superduper mad at Ekko, to just claiming and calmly answering all the questions.

Seeing lots of flavor hunting at around page 58, 59, 60 and the opening post specifically warns against that lol.

The basic question is: do we trust this geezer and do we trust that he's telling the whole truth? Inclined to say no at this time tbh
These are also good points and the same I said earlier, even after claiming it's like he still isn't actually playing the game or making reads. The one read he has is Yoshi, the rest is self-defense and flavor hunting.


but i agree with his post about aurelian. hes like super defensive as either alignment and just does his own thing and is very stubborn about it

what u make of this is up to u and the people voting aurelian. ratchet was just stating facts there to give yall insights on what u r up against. its up to u to decide if u want to continue ur energy on this or try to find another creative ways to read him or read the game around him
Ratchet wasn’t talking about him being defensive tho…


His flavor parts he added looks fake and fabricated for I can see some of the characters mentioned being townie. Besides, you think everything he said is the truth?? interesting take, what makes you think he did not mix lies with his truth?

As for the second part, that's not how my brain operates. If you are not town then you are scum in my eyes and I hold all scums equal. They need to be executed.
I do not think everything he said is the truth. I've said that I think he's not giving us the full picture several times...

He probably has some extra win condition stuff that he's not sharing for whatever reason. Could be for a variety of reasons.

Either way I'd rather hunt scum than take the third party lynch (which we wouldn't learn much from).


The claiming thing looked weird until I realised as a third party you don't want to claim if youcan help it since some people are gonna try lynch you based on that

really don't think aurelian is the one we focus on today, we've got more than enough on him to deal with him in the days to come and I believe that he's third party so not a primary target regardless


The Nexus
Aight imma head out now.


Well see what the Yuros do.


Literally Yoshi's only read is Aurelian lol. Other than that it's nothing but joke posts. Might have to recalibrate on him.


the only time i played with him in ws he was town but inactive. how experienced is he? seems townie here so far even tho too much on sidelines
He’s more experienced than me in terms of sheer years played. He’s very solid in terms of actual gameplay. Liable to disappear for periods of time etc. I can’t really remember any legit scum tells of his as it’s been a pretty long ass time. I don’t think he’s an easy read tho, and he does get mislynched a lot


...I'll take that as a no.

CP asked "so who wants to vote Ratchet?"

Me, noting that he hadn't voted for me, said "so why don't you start?".

He replied by saying the wanted to keep his vote where it was, to which I followed up with pointing out that he did has some support (in reference to his original question), and that if he aims to go anywhere with this, he should probably do so soon. It's not a "please vote for me", it's a "you are seeking approval too much for this to go anywhere currently", so I wanted to see what he had to say. He mentioned Retro after this, so I suspect you're reading some of this in reverse.
This is fair tho