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Game Elden Ring Mafia


This just seems like a general assumption, what does Christmas Mafia have to do with anything?

It's his most recent game as scum and apparently he got bodied. Lethal getting emotional is apparently a thing of the past, as mentioned in that game. I don't think the response from him over his readback is proportionate to what he was being asked/challenged on.


I think it's a stall

Does this change your town read of Ekko at all? How come you read him town in the first place?

Meta. As scum he tends to position himself a bit better with his targets. While he's not immune to arguing with townies or shading them I would figure he likes to go for easy mislynches in a pinch and will bring them up over and over, which he hasn't really done.


Meta. As scum he tends to position himself a bit better with his targets. While he's not immune to arguing with townies or shading them I would figure he likes to go for easy mislynches in a pinch and will bring them up over and over, which he hasn't really done.

Do you agree though that it looks like he could have been trying to derail the Aurelian wagon to get townie points prior to the claim?


Meta. As scum he tends to position himself a bit better with his targets. While he's not immune to arguing with townies or shading them I would figure he likes to go for easy mislynches in a pinch and will bring them up over and over, which he hasn't really done.
To play Devil's Advocate, arguing against a player he is unlikely to get lynched is a pretty safe position to take too.


It's his most recent game as scum and apparently he got bodied. Lethal getting emotional is apparently a thing of the past, as mentioned in that game. I don't think the response from him over his readback is proportionate to what he was being asked/challenged on.
I still don't get why you've said he wasn't this upset in Christmas Mafia as scum, it seems irrelevant, but I digress.

Your observations from Christmas Mafia have kind of looked like busy work to me, the CP one also didn't make any sense.


Do you agree though that it looks like he could have been trying to derail the Aurelian wagon to get townie points prior to the claim?

I think I'll have to look a bit more into his earlier posts and thought process to determine if he just had TMI or a good reason.


It's his most recent game as scum and apparently he got bodied. Lethal getting emotional is apparently a thing of the past, as mentioned in that game. I don't think the response from him over his readback is proportionate to what he was being asked/challenged on.

Incorrect. I was quite nicely played in the game, Tweet was the only one who even hinted at suspicion my way, and then I was fighting an uphill battle when Poyser tracked Barry to me (Barry could steal a role of the player he targeted). Given I was faking delayed BG (the role we janitored), I had no respite of explaining how I retained shots and was then 'bodied.'


I think I'm coming around to Evans point actually.

He thinks Lethal is faking anger to look like town because he knows his scum self is more controlled, is that it?


I still don't get why you've said he wasn't this upset in Christmas Mafia as scum, it seems irrelevant, but I digress.

Your observations from Christmas Mafia have kind of looked like busy work to me, the CP one also didn't make any sense.

I don't at all get how comparing his last scum game, with him and I quote stating "I'm having fun rather than being a moody bitch on heat when getting noosed" isn't relevant.

The anger and emotional outburst here is not at all warranted from people challenging his readback, especially when he's re-reading points of the game he was literally playing in. He's not even under any votes or significant pressure. Yet under worse pressure in his last game as scum which got him lynched, he was having fun and playing the game. If he's town, I don't see why he'd get so angry over people questioning a readback or making a bit of a joke about it taking hours?


Incorrect. I was quite nicely played in the game, Tweet was the only one who even hinted at suspicion my way, and then I was fighting an uphill battle when Poyser tracked Barry to me (Barry could steal a role of the player he targeted). Given I was faking delayed BG (the role we janitored), I had no respite of explaining how I retained shots and was then 'bodied.'

Hey @Poyser was the one who said you got bodied



Lethal is one of the easiest players to catch based on meta and has been for a while. I'm not saying he can't adjust successfully, but I will say he hasn't adjusted successfully in a while so trying to read him on a reverse meta read is gonna be shaky science at absolute best. Though I'm glad I actually understand where you're coming from more now.


I find him far more unnatural as scum. But I've not seen anything that's crossed that line yet
Eh, I've seen him make some really really forced posts as town that I've thought theres no way hes not scum and he was town. Albeit this is usually in terms of overreacting to some perceived flights but I just find his posting style really unnatural most of the time


So, what is your take?
Lean Town, but I am not fully satisfied with some aspects of his play. I think there are valid points against him. I think his defence of Fang comes from knowledge of Fang though, not some convoluted derailing on a buddy or whatever.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member

i see this isnt hammered yet. still on page 45ish. im going to talk live while catching up


And clearly he's up to date enough to know about Aurelian/Ratchet/Ekko and still only goes for Yoshi when asked directly for contributions from his read back
yeah this is a bit of a gun in fairness, thats why i reacted like wait what when he said he'd only just gotten past aurelian being defensive lol. its patently not true at all lmao


Lethal is one of the easiest players to catch based on meta and has been for a while. I'm not saying he can't adjust successfully, but I will say he hasn't adjusted successfully in a while so trying to read him on a reverse meta read is gonna be shaky science at absolute best. Though I'm glad I actually understand where you're coming from more now.

Per the below quote - do you not find this anger unnatural?

I find him far more unnatural as scum. But I've not seen anything that's crossed that line yet