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Monster Hunter World Mafia - Game Thread

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and rugrats thing okay can see it being a watcher, it flies etc.

just the thread play was bad, he seems confident in his assertions
prob a mislynch.

Voting Poyser for pushing the evans thing and now in hindsight Magic looking better
Could be Tpein was distancing from poyser by voting him as well.
This is so stupid it hurts


But earlier today you were saying I’m town :bosque1:
Any my perspective on you can't change or evolve? It has. I don't think your town, plain and simple. :kobeha
Do you think you can railroad or gaslight people into having one sole opinion on a player and its not allowed to change or move with the dynamics of the game or something like that?
Does this have anything to do with a couple of people expressing interest in lynching me at all? Or why did you change? My reads haven’t really changed since yesterday so where do the flips come from

Vote me please so this phase can end.


Any my perspective on you can't change or evolve? It has. I don't think your town, plain and simple. :kobeha
Do you think you can railroad or gaslight people into having one sole opinion on a player and its not allowed to change or move with the dynamics of the game or something like that?


Vote me please so this phase can end.
So how did you go from thinking I am Town to “I don’t think your town, plain and simple”

What changed?
Wasnt my reads
Wasnt my play
Wasnt my opinions

So what was it


Any my perspective on you can't change or evolve? It has. I don't think your town, plain and simple. :kobeha
Do you think you can railroad or gaslight people into having one sole opinion on a player and its not allowed to change or move with the dynamics of the game or something like that?


Vote me please so this phase can end.

Fuck off with this “vote me out” shit. Play to your win condition or ask for a rep.



Any my perspective on you can't change or evolve? It has. I don't think your town, plain and simple. :kobeha
Do you think you can railroad or gaslight people into having one sole opinion on a player and its not allowed to change or move with the dynamics of the game or something like that?


Vote me please so this phase can end.
we need ur heal shit, dont game throw


So how did you go from thinking I am Town to “I don’t think your town, plain and simple”

What changed?
Wasnt my reads
Wasnt my play
Wasnt my opinions

So what was it
It was literally everything you did in this day phase that changed my read on you though?


The fact you took your vote off me is telling you probably are scum with TMI and know my flip will just reflect badly on you and your push on Magic will falter hard


Divine Departure

No result means fuckery
That was not the wording you used.

Quick 10 away from the bar

I tracked Magic nowhere

I think Ekko is scum. If Ekko is scum I’d be going for Magic next. Simply because of how quickly he was trying to get attention off Ekko after my claim.

Ekko never had any real teeth in lynching T-Pein. Just had pointless conversations and left a vote there. Suddenly now is active and trying to look good off of it.

If Ekko is watcher like someone’s apparently said there’s two watcher claims, he’d have seen me at CP

vote Ekko
Here you made it sound like he went nowhere, to make him feel comfy or?
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