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Monster Hunter World Mafia - Game Thread

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Only hang up here is magic was questioning a lot of psychics town reads wasnt he?


Gonna go ahead and say CP's making a good point here. Magic just voting Hime and then going away doesn't do a lot for me.
ive quite frankly not been exposed to this level of shit play(from both alignments tbf). raem was the cop and claimed cop because he randomly assumed he wasn't being healed and thus had to claim when no one even suggested that. you got people, some of which have to be town, continually bringing up cp being the dead miller despite catching tpein(this was before hime's flip), etc. you have tpein's play in general as scum which was frankly just a loud of shit.

i understand ive been on the wrong side of it though, so ill just do my best this phase and town can go from there.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I don't understand how you came to this conclusion? I was ready to call you town because for the longest time it looked like you wanted to lynch Hime, what happened?
what happened is i started seeing poyser and dalton as scum, which lead me to belive hime is town by extrapolation


Flower's last post in the game was for lynching Ekko on Saturday

Ehh if it was late in the day that could be distancing if she thought she was doomed lol. I’d have to read back tho
If you think she was distancing why would she out of the blue specifically bring up my vote when I think most of the consensus was being more relaxed about me being town healer? Regardless of that who are your top 3 candidates for today to lynch? Or at least pressure?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
do u still think poyser is scum?

thoughts on evans and flower


Anyway @CraigPelton smashing this game
sometimes being a good player involves knowing when to be a good deputy and I’ll gladly take that mantle here


I can go evans too tbh

I’d be fairly shocked if he’s not scum at this point
If Evans somehow flips town would you be okay with then going after either Magic or Ekko? Not against an Evans lynch and also how do you read Tweet's slot?


Pretty sure his poe is basically the same as mine so I’ll vote with whichever one he thinks is most obvious

Thinking about jt, it’s probably evans based on both play and rolespec. Magic has been wrong on literally everything tho, and his tunnel on me has been horrible, combined with his pretty shit EoD yesterday too


If Evans somehow flips town would you be okay with then going after either Magic or Ekko? Not against an Evans lynch and also how do you read Tweet's slot?
Tweet almost certainly town
Idk how as scum he thinks he’s coming in today after that flip and pushing me as scum

Then again tho I think that post may have been pre written, and obviously he wouldn’t be expecting hime to die lol


do u still think poyser is scum?

thoughts on evans and flower

im pretty sure my entire poe is fucked up, so i could just be wrong on poyser lol.

ill have to iso flower as i dont think i remember much of what she's done or said. i recall her interacting with hime but cant remember if it was in conflict or just against ultra. evans im not sure on, but i guess i could see as scum as my argument of "the move is just too retarded" hasn't seemed to apply to anyone else but again the way he claimed and the thought process still looked towny.


From a rolespec perspective, Evans should be the lynch: we had a skitzo with gunsmith, redirector, cop and watcher all flip. Not sure if we'd get a tracker on top of that!
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