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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@T-Pein™ who we lynching today?



The point that arguing about whether you should/shouldn't ask has no relevancy. He's not going to, and the discussion should revolve around what to do in response to that.
This was a weird discussion because you’ve gone from saying me asking for a claim is wolfy to defending your stance by switching to it being pointless because he won’t change lol


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
If that's how you think it works I don't really know how else to cognitively explain to you. Seems odd to hyper focus on me mentioning my tardiness then say I'm making a big deal out of it when the day phase and game has barely started to begin with.

Seems an odd slight of hand to play.
this is a bit defensive

u r fang btw right?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
page 7

mental notes: controversy surrounding lethal's play being alignment indicative or not
i find this gap in opinions quite odd. one of them may be a potential narrative or a potential way to buddy him
cannot tell, dont know most of you


The Nexus

Aurelian could be scum, he does come across as defensive and I think he's scrutiny right now is duly earned. But he could just be low hanging fruit.

Wary of Poyser

Poyser kinda has these dudes perma pocketed btw.
Literally never gets lynched.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@Yoshi @Aurelian there may be some sort of cultural shock but most of the new players r veterans so they take the games more seriously, actively and possibly aggressively if we play with the same casual laid back style we used to play previously as thats usually scummy style

its ok to be on the low activity side but then u need to make ur posts count and just share ur thoughts across.


The Nexus
That isn't logical.

You've painted a bullseye on your back because your SoP is dictating right now you are operating like an opportunist. Which is by its nature, a fairly scummy behavioral trait to have brought out.

- I make my second post in the game
- RDK asks why I would announce my tardiness
- We have our little back and forth
- Poyser makes weird side comments
- You snipe at RDK saying he was deflecting attention from himself

Which is very ODD given there wasn't much scum or vote focus on lynching RDK to begin with before you pivot and switch around to say I'm somehow being extra defensive when I'm not, but for whatever reason or lack thereof, immediately switch on me.

I would be interested in testing this.
If you flip town I promise to scrutinize Yoshi


Leprous Monarch
This is an opportunity for a potential New CEO move by the WrestlingForum/WrestlingSmarks crew. We could set the tone right here and now. Don't claim under immense pressure? We lynch you. Your mother's tears fall on our deaf ears. Hell, T-Pein is aroused by them.