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Game Elden Ring Mafia


As far as Ekko is concerned, I think I understand his point of view. He believes Aurelian is an Indie and that lynching an Indie gives us a 0% chance of lynching scum. The disparity I have with him on this is that I'm not anywhere near as confident he is that Aurelian is pro-town. But his perspective makes sense, in a weird, warped Ekko-way.

The shit flinging and turning on town reads reeks of desperation though.

And he's refused to answer why he's keeping Aurelian alive when apparently Aurelian needs to kill Ekko?


As far as Ekko is concerned, I think I understand his point of view. He believes Aurelian is an Indie and that lynching an Indie gives us a 0% chance of lynching scum. The disparity I have with him on this is that I'm not anywhere near as confident he is that Aurelian is pro-town. But his perspective makes sense, in a weird, warped Ekko-way.

I don't even think Ekko is confident he's pro town. He would treat a confirmed serial killer the same way, probably


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member

But you said you ISO'd me then agreed that I was calling Lethal a wolf? Surely you'd have corrected him you'd read my posts properly?
bruv he is talking to lethal saying u scum not other way around


The shit flinging and turning on town reads reeks of desperation though.

And he's refused to answer why he's keeping Aurelian alive when apparently Aurelian needs to kill Ekko?
I don't see it as desperate. Chaotic, maybe. Aurelian doesn't need to kill Ekko, and they themselves discussed this besides. It's not an important point.


As far as Ekko is concerned, I think I understand his point of view. He believes Aurelian is an Indie and that lynching an Indie gives us a 0% chance of lynching scum. The disparity I have with him on this is that I'm not anywhere near as confident he is that Aurelian is pro-town. But his perspective makes sense, in a weird, warped Ekko-way.
What do you think of his fixation on me?


CFD on tweet
lets go
Excited Lets Go GIF by MLB
I'm happy with Ekko, Tweet or Aurelian tbf.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Broken pegged :heston :heston :heston

See, I don't mind this, but I'd rather pursue this tomorrow and get rid of Aurelian first. I outlined in a couple of posts why I don't trust that character at all.
u kind of seem calculated this game


I don't see it as desperate. Chaotic, maybe. Aurelian doesn't need to kill Ekko, and they themselves discussed this besides. It's not an important point.

Can you explain it? I can't seem the find the exact posts via ISO but T-Pein made a deal about it

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
usually aurelian is forthright, doesn't leave that many gaps when he tries to explain himself

if it were anyone else like, say, black pegged destroya, id probably have a similar stance to ekko rn

but because it's orwellion, i have mixed feelings on just letting him run willy nilly given his "Pro-town" and "eliminate all threats to town"
those are very convenient wincons for a reason. as a hostile indie, it's not like they'd be able to tell "oh hey my wincon is to blow smoke up your asses sorry town"
all his posts, all his defenses, have been made out of self-preservation regardless of what he's actually said
it's what he's done that matters