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Game Elden Ring Mafia


The Alpha and The Omega
Eh, I say that because I see many inexperienced players falling into the trap of getting caught up in the theme at the cost of actually playing the game. Wouldn’t really expect it of an experienced player tho
Trust me, I am one of the few who actually don't care about theme and focus more about actually playing mafia. But you my friend outed as literally the most fucked up character in the game and outed as an indie. Expecting me to sit down and look at it and say nothing is literally game throwing from my end knowing what I know.

I can see you making such mistake not thinking too much of the flavor and outing as an indie and get a free pass until the end of times. You talk about experience, but you are the one who willingly put yourself in such situation and not me, from where I am standing, an 'experienced' player would not do what you just did, matter of fact an experienced player would not out as an indie from the first place. Not sure what really was going through your mind when you outed as the dung eater but I admire your bravery and I am afraid you will never leave my scum pile list until the end of the game.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
We didn't, Ekko. That was the whole issue that game between us. I even said that we usually vibe but that game we didn't, a quote of mine you used in this game to me.
u scum read me but our other scum reads were similar

we only disagreed on magic


Ultra, distancing from Aurelian.

I don't appreciate you making these accusations with the wet paper towel promise that you'll totally "Make a case later!"

Off the top of your head, explain how I was "distancing" with a guy who I think at almost every point yesterday I was vocally reading as town


Wouldn’t even mind lynching lethal in a bubble but never joining the same wagon as abi at all, slimy as fuck

Hans Tweetenberg

I usually agree, I honestly did not expect the most evil character in the game to out himself and I would be a fool to look at it and pass it by and not say anything knowing what I know about the flavor of that character.
Sure, I'm saying though that hunting off of flavor is gonna get you nowhere in a Gramma game. In fact he sometimes puts in red herrings to actively punish flavor spec. If you're right about Poyser being hostile by virtue of his character claim, it'll be purely by accident.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Yes, it's going to take me several hours (approx 4-6 I think) so I want to finish work rather than come at it half-assed.

I don't have much of a read on Soul, Indie on Abi I think.
idk ratchet i sometimes get a feeling that u r just telling me what i want to hear or what ive already been saying. if u agree on stuff i hope u can make it more transparent in thread that u agree with it. i want to see u start taking sides

The X

Following players instrumental in lynching mafia sounds like a good tactic to me!

also that’s literally the point of mafia. You engage with peoples posts you find noteworthy. Would be weird if it was just a series of 1 on 1 conversations. Seriously weird thing to be sussing someone for. Don’t get it at all
Because Craig has been literally doing this suss behavior all game!


The Alpha and The Omega
im probably a townie golden order. what u gna do about it soul
I believe that actually, I can see some of the bosses being townie actually. The thing I don't like here is the fact that you say 'I am probably a townie golden order'.

Probably? lol.

You can either be mafia or townie 50/50 that theatre play you showcased last DP you are capable of doing both as town or scum.


Trust me, I am one of the few who actually don't care about theme and focus more about actually playing mafia. But you my friend outed as literally the most fucked up character in the game and outed as an indie. Expecting me to sit down and look at it and say nothing is literally game throwing from my end knowing what I know.

I can see you making such mistake not thinking too much of the flavor and outing as an indie and get a free pass until the end of times. You talk about experience, but you are the one who willingly put yourself in such situation and not me, from where I am standing, an 'experienced' player would not do what you just did, matter of fact an experienced player would not out as an indie from the first place. Not sure what really was going through your mind when you outed as the dung eater but I admire your bravery and I am afraid you will never leave my scum pile list until the end of the game.
Well the problem with all of this is I am a vastly experienced player that’s played for nearly 10 years and got to this year’s mafia champs finale. A mistake like that isn’t on the table because I wouldn’t make it. Can you give a reason that’s not “inexperience” or “not thinking too much” about my claim for why would claim it?


Leprous Monarch
I can't suss two people at once? I have nothing else to add in the Fang situation. I thought he was overly defensive and went after low hanging fruit. I think pressuring him here is a lot more of an effective move than throwing a vote down on Poyser.

You interested in voting Poyser with me?
Yes you did say that. Come on now I know you're not reading other people's posts but at least read your own!


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
defend myself from what? and it's not about defending Poyser, im trying to understand the logic in your scumhunting as you seem to think poyser and lethal are aligned and you went after lethal despite the fact poyser sussed him at a time nobody else was (as far as im aware, I may be wrong here as I have just skimmed a lot of pages) so I want to know if you think he bussed Aurelian when he started the wagon on him and then bussed lethal earlier as well.
who do u have as scum rn?


Anyway I'm going to bed.

Hewg, The Lands Between Aligned! Benefactor. Queen Marika has given me a sacred task, which is to forge a weapon that can slay a God. The endeavour appears futile. I can create a weapon and armour. I must send the object to another player. I cannot create the object and send it on the same night. I crafted an item last night and will send it tonight. If I am killed whilst in possession of an object (which I currently am), then it passes to the player who kills me or hammers me.

FWIF, I believe that this is a mechanic that exists within the game, that being, items being able to be passed between victim and conqueror