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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Don't love that Lethal is using a past game to go after Ekko either.
Literally your whole basis for sudsing me, so nice hypocrisy
Found this post intereting. Why call out CP for a deflective tactic? Deflecting is usually what scum does. Lethal is town reading CP. Weird for Lethal to call out a town read for a deflective tactic.
Um he was insulting your ability to read. You liked the post. Deflection.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member

Lethal has six fluff posts and two posts talking about his own scum meta. This post then is made and it stands out to me because the game had barely started and Evans certainly wasn't tunneling. I think Lethal had some slight nervousness about Evans talking about him.

Kind of interesting as well, out of Lethal's first ten posts, four of them are interacting with Poyser. It might seem like Lethal is looking for some safe footing into the game while interacting with someone they might feel safe with.

After this point eight of his next fifteen posts are getting into an argument with Evans. Funny that he tells Evans at the start that his game has changed. During this exchange, it's very clear that Lethal is scum reading Evans.

You can click through Lethal and Evans argument

Another interesting post I just want to put her as I'll be making reference to it later.

Now at this point, it has to be noted, that Lethal is gone from the game for almost twenty four hours and returns 1300 posts later. People are 100 allowed to be away from the game for whatever reason, just has to be said that is a lot of time missed for Lethal in the game.

This is Lethal's entrance back into the game. While I applaud the effort, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Not sure why if you have limited time, the first thing you comment is on Fang vs Ratchet. Considering Fang's flip, it makes sense for Lethal to position himself in safe way in regards to the entire Fang situation. Not sure how Fang vs Ratchet turns into a comment about Ekko protecting a mate, though. Don't see the thought process.

Not sure where the CP town lean comes either. This is an especially tough read because I scum read CP and Lethal admits that they have no idea how to really read CP.

This is where I think Lethal tries to start some suss on Ekko for a place to put a vote later on (Lethal votes for Ekko in this phase). Don't love that Lethal is using a past game to go after Ekko either.

At this point in the game, Lethal engages with Evans once again and restarts the tunnel. Lethal was the one the reignited this. It's also funny because Lethal called Evans 'frozen in the wolf chat' because he was away from the game, but then when someone says Lethal dipped, he did not like that.

Somehow Lethal's round two tunnel of Evans ends with an Ultra vote?

At this point, Lethal engages in an aggressive threesome with Evans and Ultra, some who will write legends on the dick holding that went on.

Interesting to note, posts 1668, 1673, and 1677 are all about Poyser.

I hate to say this, but I've seen this exact reaction from Lethal as caught scum fairly recently.

A lot more tunneling with Evans in this section. I would say a lot of emotional reactions from Lethal as well that might be put on a bit.

This is an interesting post here. If you remember that post I quoted earlier saying it'd be important earlier? Well, Lethal was excited for threadmarks and that it would make the game easier. But here, Lethal acts like he's got no idea how to work threadmarks and shows frustration. I think this goes to show that this emotional act Lethal is putting on is fake.

Post 1753 is pretty difficult. Lethal jumps to Yoshi as being suss (low-hanging fruit) and then also, somehow, at the end of everything, suggests a team of Yoshi, Fang, and Ultra.

Here are reads from Lethal. I'll say I am town reading all of Lethal's scum reads. I'll point out the Ratchet read is one I don't like because they didn't play a lot of games together and Lethal shouldn't just be able to give Ratchet a town read based off of experience on WS.

Here's the Ekko vote, for the record.

Interesting vote after Poyser and Craig start this wagon. Moves some votes off of Fang's wagon.


Found this post intereting. Why call out CP for a deflective tactic? Deflecting is usually what scum does. Lethal is town reading CP. Weird for Lethal to call out a town read for a deflective tactic.

Got to catch the last seat on the bus.
u come off better than lethal if that helps. hes not even gna bother with this

also he made some comments about me being scum start of day but never followed up on them anyway. i havent replied and he isnt pressuring me to lol

The X

You sussed me for shading a bad soul post because I was voting you as if I can't do both
Misrepresentation. I said you continue to make sideline comments. You placed a vote on me and just left it there. Didn't give reasons. Didn't make a case. Voted me after Poyser voted me and then started sideline commenting Soul when Poyser was talking to Soul. See why I might have an issue?

Arp Bladstrum

Hmm okay yeah I coulda just asked you but chose not to this time

Ekko is currently my top scum read, mainly because his suspicion against RDK look completely fabricated to me
any interest in joining me on a vote?

I henceforth place myself against the Voluminous might of Sir Ekko, a valiant combatant he may be but the I am highly suspicious of his intentions his words and actions appear to be to the benefit of the corruption

vote Ekkologix

For? If about poyser being the sole reason to catch scum last DP then yes you are wrong. Fang looked very bad end of the DP and alot of players where into him. Pinning such accomplishment on one player sounds rather.... very naive. I did notice you sheeping the guy whenever chance you get.
Being entirely fair to CP he has been stating that he operates on a policy of sheep Poyser D1 which at least today has yielded the result we crave in this contest.


Leprous Monarch
Misrepresentation. I said you continue to make sideline comments. You placed a vote on me and just left it there. Didn't give reasons. Didn't make a case. Voted me after Poyser voted me and then started sideline commenting Soul when Poyser was talking to Soul. See why I might have an issue?
Bruh the vote followed literally all game of me sussing you and giving reasons wtf are you on about

The X


Craig starts the game with a few fluff posts and then this. Considering how I've mentioned Lethal's play around Craig, and Lethal's interactions with Poyser, this is just super pingy.
That said I might just sheep poyser D1

vote Aurelian

Love the name btw, was considering naming the cat I'm gonna get this year Aurelian but I don't want people thinking I'm a cringe 1984-obsessed weirdo!
Interesting vote. Some early distancing?

Smart, he can power wolf for sure!
Another comment about Poyser.

Since a few players (including Lethal) have said has been CP scum hunting, let's make a post tally of where he scum hunts or where he just makes a comment about someone's play not looking great and not following through.

Scum Hunting:
Sideline Comments: 368, 421, 513, 538, 557, 708, 738, 747, 786, 805, 1892

*I did not see any actual effort from Craig to scum hunt. He mentioned, at different times, Ratchet, Ekko, myself, Retro, and Tweet being sussed. Kind of funny how Lethal also though that Ekko, Retro, and Tweet were scummy.

I have to comment on this post. A few of those above posts in the 'sideline comments' is Craig just musing out loud that maybe Ratchet is scum. This is his reply to me directly asking if he scum reads Ratchet. Craig wants to pressure Ratchet, but won't vote for Ratchet himself or even mention or question Ratchet. Seems like he's just saying it to say it. No convinction.
There's been a number of posts from him that I haven't liked at all and would like to apply some pressure! Feels like he might have TMI on Orwellian (shout out to T-Pein for being the only one who got that joke, anyone else who got it 100% would have laugh-reacted so it was clearly only him)

Dang, I'm really feeling this actually! Hence my post about there being an echo/Ekko. Feels like Ekko is snuggling up to Poyser hard which is a 180 from the previous game where he was scum and Poyser was town. A deliberate attempt to reverse his meta? What say you @Poyser ?
Here's an interesting post. Craig, who just said he wanted to put pressure on Ratchet, agrees with Ratchet about trying to go after Ekko. What's worse, look who he mentions in the end? Poyser.

I'm guessing Golden Order is Mafia and then the volcano manor guys could be either a mini faction or their leader is the SK. Pretty sure Odo hates multiscum fwiw but @Poyser can fact check that
Lots of interaction with Poyser from Craig this game.

*Lots of interaction with Tpein as well.

I'm sus of Ratchet, BLD and to a lesser degree you as well. Not forming teams rn tho, these are all indiv reads and one flipping scum can make me read others town etc
Great scum reads. Apparently Ratchet's points about Ekko also convinced Craig to scum read Ekko less.

@T-Pein™ Do you guys think Poyser was bussing his teammate with these posts? I don't think he's mentioned Ratchet again since fwiw, seems focused on Retro now

Aight who's down to vote Ratchet
Still asking but won't place a vote himself. Wants to pressure Ratchet, but won't do it himself.

I'd rather not jump off the Aurelian wagon if people aren't going to vote with me. Wouldn't be productive
So what's the point of saying you want to pressure Ratchet then? Shit like that makes me believe Craig is just saying shit to say it. Just immediately backs down when Ratchet calls him out.

I might prefer retro, stay tuned
Another name drop but no action (spoiler alert, he backs down from Retro as well).

I liked the initial vote because you echo'd what I was saying/thinking about Ekko echo'ing people and having read more than he was letting on but the more I thought about it the less paranoid I felt. I also saw that post where you tried to make it out like Ekko making one post telling people to go invisible was his "focus" when it was just one short post among a lot of other more substantive posts. Then another post where you were whinging a bit about "shit" players or something that didn't seem to have anything to do with the game and felt like grandstanding. I'm still sus of your Aurelian defense that felt like TMI too. Overall just not feeling that sus on Ekko anymore and still sus on you.

Dalton is making a compelling case on Retro tho and I do wonder what the point of that one "thinking out loud" post is. Feels a bit like show-and-tell but admittedly I have never played with this individual!
Hard to follow why Craig really backed away from his Ekko suss.

I'm fine for him to do either fwiw but he'll have to be really convincing for me to let go (though I may temporarily unvote to pursue someone else) without a claim!
Already making excuses for why he's going to unvote Fang. Ha.

you seem emotional and I don't do well with people's emotions tbh
Here is some interaction between Craig and someone he said he might be interested in, Retro. For someone he seemed like he might want to put a bit of pressure on, he didn't really do much here and then resorted to pulling out the emotional card. Yawn indeed.

Not so fast. This is how he plays as either alignment, mainly drops in for a brief part of a phase, drops quotes and dips. Hard to read him correctly, usually doesn't get caught/lynched without info or until POE.
Protecting Doddsy?

If he really is indie that makes me even more sus of the Good Guying going on initially from Ratchet but some others too I need to reread
Here's Fang's indie claim and drops Ratchet's name as suss and a potential pivot.

Can we bully yoshi into a quick claim they're new so they might crack lol

I still have no idea what BPD meant by opportunistic btw!
No matter how you slice it, I hate this comment, especially since Craig backed off of it pretty quickly. I think I was initially wrong about WHY I felt this was off. I think Craig backed away because he thought it would be a bad idea to pressure someone as naive as Yoshi into claiming and that it would unnecessarily put him in the spotlight.

aight I say yeet the indie who clearly has enough theme knowledge to fake something good lol. going to bed relatively soon
This post suggest that Craig might not believe that Fang is actually indie.

T-Pein defending me so hard and so reasonably has me shook
Still wondering if Tpein is a mate of Craig's or a victim of Craig buddying him.

Isn't there like an hour left lol
well sheeeeit I'm down to lynch tweet then
vote Tweet
This is another thought progression from Craig I struggle with understanding. Not sure that if you want to get rid of Fang, and think he could be faking his claim, why a last hour Tweet lynch is for the best? This reeks of him being opportunistic and also looking to move votes away from Fang.

Ideally tweet finishes his readback just as d1 is posted with his flip
Wolfy as fuck.

Tweet is Hans Tweetenberg. What other terms are throwing you for a loop? Happy to help! Ignore this rope on the floor next to my foot. It wasn't for you.
Acting friendly with Fang all of a sudden.

Anyone who has played more with Black PEGGED Dragon know if he gets lazy/sloppy as scum? His susses of me have been so uninspired and easily debunked and then he just slinks away and comes back later with something equally shit lol
yeah you're far more interested in taking posts wildly out of context without bothering to do any due diligence lol
check your notifications bruh you've been caught being sloppy af
wtf are you just not reading at all? so bizarre
I didn't say you weren't scum. I've said I'm sus of you before, but I haven't outright said that you are definitely scum or anything. Your reading comprehension is very bad!
So I definitely have not been happy with how Craig has handled my slot. The first post in this pile actually got a response from Ratchet telling Craig I'm not lazier when I am scum (which is true). For Craig to shade me about misrepresentation when that wasn't even being talked about (and I wasn't even talking to him), only to say I've been caught being sloppy, once again looks like Craig being opportunistic. When I push Craig on if he is scum reading me, he can't even commit to that. He puts me on the fence and says he's suss of me.

Not a null, scum lean

But it's also possible you're just bad at reading, idk
Contradicts himself on his read of me posts later. Just call me wolf and come after me.

idk maybe try reading the posts involved lol
Out of nowhere chirps between Lethal and Craig. Noted because of how I feel about Lethal.

vote Aurelian

Finally moves back to the Fang wagon after a short attempt at getting momentum on Tweet. Always room on the bus for more.

nah I wanted to see if we could get you to crack but you looked too lost in the headlights and it felt off lol
I'll just say that if Craig was paying attention and reading the thread, which I assume he is, he would have probably understood this about Yoshi before talking about bullying him into claiming and then seeing how lost Yoshi was around role claiming.


And that's why I sheep Poyser D1 😎

Also I reread the entire thread yesterday but my notes are on my work laptop which I haven't opened today yet lolol

I really didn't like Ultras play though. His commentary around Aurelian was totally benign and lacking substance until Aurelian cracked and said his only motivation was malice. It was only then he voted and was like "oh obviously I'm going to kill him". Wasn't a fan

Also felt a lot better about Ratchet, think he's likely town

Retro similar to ultra just wasn't taking a stance at all and was very happy to chat about stuff that had nothing to do with anyone's alignment while the wagon was going on. Dislike!

BPD's tunneling of poyser just to vote Aurelian without saying why until asked, then parroted almost word for word my reasoning and others but continued to sus poyser and then start tunneling me with BS which showed he clearly hadn't read my posts. Now he's doing the same thing with Poysers votes? We need to yeet this guy at some point

I don't see ekko or tpeins play around Aurelian as mafia at all

"Totally benign" and "lacking substance", lol.

I can probably go back to the point of his claim and bring up you chasing around Yoshi with a stick while other players were trying to flesh out what his deal was.

The X

Craig, that's how you make a case on someone. Hopefully you do a better job reading and responding than your mate Lethal did.

The X

You and Ultra are my scum reads why would I follow either of you
What happened to your Tweet vote from last phase? Tweet was a good enough suss for you to vote over Fang, but now he's got no mention here and you've switched susses.

Why Ultra, by the way? Odd that the two players that dropped cases on Lethal are the ones you suss.


Leprous Monarch
What happened to your Tweet vote from last phase? Tweet was a good enough suss for you to vote over Fang, but now he's got no mention here and you've switched susses.

Why Ultra, by the way? Odd that the two players that dropped cases on Lethal are the ones you suss.
I explained why I'm sus on Ultra he just quoted it lmao