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Game Elden Ring Mafia

The X

I’ve gone to great lengths to show how fucking slimy you were with your push of me lmao. Literally posted about it several times! You’re a snake. All slimy and disgusting
Put i didn't push you? I just said I didn't believe your claim and that you'd have to wait your turn. Don't act like you handled that and that's the only reason in slimey. Craig says he's been calling me slimy all game but you just recently interacted about me 'pushing you' this phase.

The X

Poyser is so experienced but doesn't understand the difference between what a suss is and what a push is.


The Alpha and The Omega
Well the problem with all of this is I am a vastly experienced player that’s played for nearly 10 years and got to this year’s mafia champs finale. A mistake like that isn’t on the table because I wouldn’t make it. Can you give a reason that’s not “inexperience” or “not thinking too much” about my claim for why would claim it?

Even the vastly experienced players make mistakes. I am happy for you for such accomplishments but that means little to me in the context of this game. A simple google regarding your character should of warranted you to pause abit before claiming. Matter of fact, the host himself said the claiming is permitted but not advised, yet you went ahead and claimed.

Sometimes the answer is more simple than what we think and no need to over think why you claimed such character. The fact here that you did claim as the dung eater and that's that. Only thing I can say is that I admire your bravery.


So if I am lynched in my sleep, which I fully expect, then please for the love of fuck can someone who is town be the hammer? I'm looking at people like Ratchet and Haza, not slime like lizard, evans, tweet or that opportunistic snake Pein
If it comes to this, and I don't believe it will, I will hammer if I must.


Even the vastly experienced players make mistakes. I am happy for you for such accomplishments but that means little to me in the context of this game. A simple google regarding your character should of warranted you to pause abit before claiming. Matter of fact, the host himself said the claiming is permitted but not advised, yet you went ahead and claimed.

Sometimes the answer is more simple than what we think and no need to over think why you claimed such character. The fact here that you did claim as the dung eater and that's that. Only thing I can say is that I admire your bravery.
So your entire case is I made a sloppy mistake because I didn’t read my flavour

cool I won’t bother engaging


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Just wanted to quickly share my thoughts/findings before I catch up.

First, on Fang:

So it looks like Fang claimed indie out of sheer necessity. That's the only reasonable explanation I can think of I had assumed there's no reason for mafia to do so, but if he has no (free) fake claims available, he either faces the risk of getting counterclaimed in a sea of townies vs claiming an indie which probably exists but won't step up to risk correcting him.

Or at least that *would* be the risk calculus, if it weren't for the presence of Generic Townies. My best guess is that he wasn't aware those actually existed before he bluffed a power role early on, and then he ended up putting himself into a corner.

In short I think I misread him because of a misplaced assumption, and because I gave him too much credit. Interesting stuff.


Next, Lethal.

So I was ISO'ing Lethal in the night and I think he strikes me as a really likely partner candidate for Fang

Here are quotes from his ISO either mentioning Fang, or context surrounding him. It's a bit scarce, but:

Notice that these two mentions aren't real reads or leans, they're just observations without implicating him. Instead of explaining why he suspects Fang, he just explains why he suspects Ekko by association. If youlook at the rest of his posts he does due diligence for why he suspects players like Ekko/Tweet/Me but there's 0 depth here. And that's suspicious because a partner of Fang is less likely to have genuine progression, and more likely to feel the obligation to read him as scum but treat it as an afterthought and place the focus on players they can develop as suspects.

Now on to the juicier stuff:

A similar pattern emerges here, where Fang gets maybe barely implicated, but Lethal does not miss the opportunity to tie it to another player. Tied with a bow by a complete nonsense conclusion about a Fang/Yoshi/Ultra scum team.

Now the reason why this is a major red flag is because *Fang has already claimed Ind and Lethal is well aware of this*. So I think this is a big TMI slip. There's no reason for Lethal to be thinking in the dimensions of partnerships with Fang not only claiming, but by his own admission, he believed him!:

Finally, votes are a good indication of where his skin-in-the-game lies, and his pattern at EoD was to Vote Ekko, then hop on the Tweet wagon when it appeared, and then only lynched Fang at the last possible second:

^ Cherry on top is that if you look at the vote counter, he's not even the one who hammered.

Others have brought up how his behavior is suspicious in general, lots of activity excuses “I’m catching up (despite coming across as well informed)”, etc. But I think this in particular is pretty damining

[Vote lynch Lethal]

I also think his flip will offer some indirect info about Tweet which is good.
probably the best post from u this game. naisuu


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Hmm okay yeah I coulda just asked you but chose not to this time

Ekko is currently my top scum read, mainly because his suspicion against RDK look completely fabricated to me
have u read the reason why i scum read him to begin with?


Leprous Monarch
All right people who did dick all to get aurelian lynched are for some reason being followed on lethal so I guess I need to establish some credibility that can't be argued with:

I stopped all kills last night. I won't be claiming character or role as there's no need for me to do so


The Alpha and The Omega
Sure, I'm saying though that hunting off of flavor is gonna get you nowhere in a Gramma game. In fact he sometimes puts in red herrings to actively punish flavor spec. If you're right about Poyser being hostile by virtue of his character claim, it'll be purely by accident.
Sure, I would usually agree with such statement if it was not for the fact that his character no matter how you spin it cannot be even 1% good lol and I know roles and lore play great importance when designing games and making the most evil thing to be somehow townie just can't see it in my eyes.

Anyways I talked enough about this and no need to repeat myself any longer. Back to catching up.


All right people who did dick all to get aurelian lynched are for some reason being followed on lethal so I guess I need to establish some credibility that can't be argued with:

I stopped all kills last night. I won't be claiming character or role as there's no need for me to do so
Towniest player in the game.

now can we all vote black pegging snake

The X

You’ve put more effort into me than lethal. That’s a push. It can be a push without a vote. Mafia 101. You’ve only got 1 vote after all
Please tell me how I've put more effort into you when I iso'd and made a case on Lethal?