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Game Elden Ring Mafia

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Why didn't you think my focus on Evans was weird?

Because it was odd.

Not much else to say on it. You saw the entire back and forth, I don't know how there needs to be anything else clarified on that.

Also weird, you accuse RDK of trying to deflect attention from himself when I'm having my exchange with him. And the exchange is solely about me mentioning being late, in a game which JUST STARTED, with next to no fluff or build up yet other then the obligatory SoP from everyone, regardless of having played with each others. Then you pivot on this much later on after I finish my shtick with them to say I'm being "bad" defending myself when I hardly did any defense.

You seem way too eager to hope on a potential lynch wagon at someone to hide.

But this is the point against you mate

Because your attention to that minor detail has more focus in it than RDK's.

You think I'm exactly scum that doesn't know if Aurelia is going to flip scum from another faction but am hopeful he does? :hestonpls

This guy for real?

mine? not really. another townie's, potentially a power player or power role? yeah

why not guarantee we go into d2 with no dead townies if we can? not using it would've been irresponsible
Alternative reality: RDK pushing fang here mightve been choreography to create as much distance as possible, and place other scummates out of the limelight

Likely reality: Fang got caught by Town RDK

I think there's more of a link to Yoshi and Fang, but I can't understand it--and I can't know if it was just a random, easy push?
But if that was the case, would his scummates not have started bussing Yoshi?


I must have missed the image, there wasnt much that couldve been said that would have swayed me from my read. How early was it?
What is your take on CP? Your observational skills have been proven to me before on the field of trial.
Much earlier in the day, close to when he first started getting pressured. I want to say within the first 30 pages? It looked like an hourglass or something I guess.

I think CP is town. I found him to be very sheepy but those familiar with him didn't take issue and their description of his town meta fit his play this game. His claim today is something that seems pretty cut and dry, if it's a fake claim he is only hurting his position for late game here so I'm happy to put him down as town and leave it at that.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
It was The Tarnished Ensha of the Royal Remains, Resident of the Roundtable hold, a mighty warrior on their own right
wait this was the claim? i didnt see it at all wtf

i remmebered he said tarnished but dont recall he said the character

was waiting for it to google it. this doesnt really work with his claim and tmi tho i reckon


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Odo isn't going to handicap his scum team by giving them claims that are detrimental in comparison to the town flips in the game, just stop
im not pushing it as a definitive idea, its just a possibility

ofcourse this is where i expect u to engage in anyway. non game solving talk


The Nexus
like what was the purpose of this? r u saying rdk didnt get town cred cuz he moved to tweet?

then there is this

Sad Roman Reigns GIF by Leroy Patterson

Talking about lethal there.
He was the worst of them.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
How'd that work out for ya when it came to Aurelian?

Also didn't we have a game recently where you made a point of disregarding any and all meta reads?
i am nowhwere remotely basing my reads off of it. can u argue so? eagerly wating for it tweet. i knew this wud be an angle u wud try. now follow throw it


i wanted aurelions claim so i can google the character and see if it makes sense for him to target my flavor and if he is towny or not. if he has a fake claim it shudnt be a problem to claim so why didnt he? idk
Did you google his character in the end?
yes. even saw the entire boss fight

the flavor stuff he was mentioning was bullsht tho. even his role doesnt mention anything about runes and demigods n stuff lol


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I'd lynch Ekko after him but think it's entirely possible he's just town trying to show off with his contrarian reads
this is one of the shittiest takes ive heard. im going to show off with my scum reads flipping scum. it doesnt matter to me if others suspect u or not and it certainly isnt anything worth showing off.

from ur PoV if u were town u wud know i am wrongly pushing u, meaning im literally going to be ashamed of tunneling a townie. how the fk can that be a show off?

Hans Tweetenberg

you cant say that when the people i scum read havent flipped yet tho

i didnt even really defended fang. i tried to work with him and he failed me

its way too early to say my play is bad when my scum reads havent flipped yet

you r probably just scum anyway
We know for a fact that you defended the one player who flipped scum so far based on meta so ykno


Leprous Monarch
this is one of the shittiest takes ive heard. im going to show off with my scum reads flipping scum. it doesnt matter to me if others suspect u or not and it certainly isnt anything worth showing off.

from ur PoV if u were town u wud know i am wrongly pushing u, meaning im literally going to be ashamed of tunneling a townie. how the fk can that be a show off?
we get it. you think he's scum. we're not lynching him without info. if he flips scum later you can clown react every post I make forever. so focus on something else now k


The Nexus
this is one of the shittiest takes ive heard. im going to show off with my scum reads flipping scum. it doesnt matter to me if others suspect u or not and it certainly isnt anything worth showing off.

from ur PoV if u were town u wud know i am wrongly pushing u, meaning im literally going to be ashamed of tunneling a townie. how the fk can that be a show off?

You are 0 for 0.
-1 for 0 actually cuz you didn't even vote to lynch flipped scum