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Game Elden Ring Mafia


The Nexus
Ratchet got janitored.
Always got modkilled? Lame if true
Dung got viged

And I assume either ultra is scum and lied or lethal is town and ultra is town.


I'm out at the moment, but I want to establish straightaway that I did in fact do my job, and that I spread some doubt whether or not I was going to hide on purpose, in case scum tried to go for two at the price of one.

So, 3 night kills. Sources?


The Nexus
- Sustained by Hatred (The only thing keeping you going is your utter hatred of every living thing. If this is taken from you, you will die. This role is considered to be a status effect also)

Wonder if this is how he died and what is it....
Who we lynching today?
Hope the tracker can verify ultras claim.


The Nexus
I'm out at the moment, but I want to establish straightaway that I did in fact do my job, and that I spread some doubt whether or not I was going to hide on purpose, in case scum tried to go for two at the price of one.

So, 3 night kills. Sources?

2 died
So they killed OLU.


My inclination is to flip Ultra today and work from there. Am open to other suggestions - there are a couple of things working in Ultra's favour, but I find it hard to reconcile the idea that he saw he was a Hider and didn't know what to do with it.


There were some comments dismissing my lack of goodwill so just wanted to get that out of the way and also point out that I, in fact, volunteered to have my target decided by public opinion, so just in case anyone was planning on using bad behavior as an excuse, it is revoked.


There were some comments dismissing my lack of goodwill so just wanted to get that out of the way and also point out that I, in fact, volunteered to have my target decided by public opinion, so just in case anyone was planning on using bad behavior as an excuse, it is revoked.
Where is your head currently at with the game? Given that you can, probably, assume Lethal is town from your perspective. That's more what I'm interested in seeing from you today.


My inclination is to flip Ultra today and work from there. Am open to other suggestions - there are a couple of things working in Ultra's favour, but I find it hard to reconcile the idea that he saw he was a Hider and didn't know what to do with it.

It is really not hard to reconcile.

Unlike yesterday, I'm not snoozing and have 36 hours to address you, so hopefully you can put aside woeful considerations like this. To anyone who knows you, you won't be able to stick with raisins such as this one.

However, I'll also probably be spending more of that time doing ISO's and making my own cases (I've got one in Dalton coming up). So ot anyone who cares to solve my slot, get burning questions out of the way and try to address them.


Unlike yesterday, I'm not snoozing and have 36 hours to address you, so hopefully you can put aside woeful considerations like this. To anyone who knows you, you won't be able to stick with raisins such as this one.
Or what, exactly?
However, I'll also probably be spending more of that time doing ISO's and making my own cases (I've got one in Dalton coming up). So ot anyone who cares to solve my slot, get burning questions out of the way and try to address them.
I have Dalton down as a scum lean too (which you would have seen, at least in part, from my big case on you). So I'll give it a fair hearing.


Where is your head currently at with the game? Given that you can, probably, assume Lethal is town from your perspective. That's more what I'm interested in seeing from you today.

I think my Lethal case wasn't bad, but it appears as if he fit the profile a little too well, and that should have maybe clued me in.

I think the undergrowth is going to be primarily in some mid tier slots like Dalton who neither positioned themselves affirmatively or negatively in Fang's lynch or really any other ongoings in the thread. With some lurkers sprinkled in.

As for you, I think you knew exactly what you were doing when you brought that case up at EoD to rapid pressure me. But unless you're strictly buddies with a scum godfather lethal...well I won't discount it, but I could see you doing something as cowardly as this as town as well, unfortunately.


The Nexus
Killing OLU was lame.
Literally no info from that flip.
We already knew poyser was a harmful indie.

I am donw to lynch tweet.
Not a fan of him refusing to lynch the harmful indie.
tn doing that wasted a vig shot.


While alco fits the undergrowth profile and I've been talking about him all game, upon reread he's said a couple of things that make me wanna give benefit of the doubt.

I also didn't like RDK's needless tangent about Rugrat on my Lynch. I have t reason to believe he observed that spontaneously. I also think it's uncharitable, because when I asked Rugrat for his case, he didn't elaborate and just called me a scum buddy with Retro, while Craig gave me the assurance he was a troll slot.