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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I was mainly looking at the viable lynch candidates.
You aren't one.
But maybe I am bias too so I am ok in lynching ultra, sk, retro, kekko in this or whatever order you want.

how come we arent in sync at all this game tea? we were so much on point in GoT


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
ultra sk i can agree upon

but obv me no

and retro i think is towny

why do u scum read retro actually @T-Pein™

The X

@Black Pegged Dragon would you be comfier if I’d given the gift to you?

I had bookmarked the post but can’t find it in my phone atm - Haza is high on my town leans. I feared that ratchet would be killed or it was going to him. Lucky hunch to given CP alluding to a failed kill on ratchet.
Honestly I would have been a lot comfier had you given it to me. You, me, and Ultra could have had a little town confirmation party then!

I still am worried about your slot though, my dear!


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
It's the fact that you looked at his interaction with Aurelian and immediately went, yup this is definitely a bus. RDK was on him from the start and just drove him straight against the wall and provoked all those unflattering self-defense posts that caught other people's attention, it's just beyond me how you can look at that and instantly think it's a bus, so it strikes me as fake and as trying to act like you're suspicious of one of the towniest players in the game just to look contrarian. You did the same thing with Poyser in Xmas mafia and you were scum then so I see clear parallels.

What I will grant you is that RDKs play has fallen off a cliff since d2 and it's got me intrigued as well. I pretty much read him town out of the gate and even moreso after Aurelians flip, but I'm also aware that as scum, he's only able to fake his scum meta for so long and that as the game progresses, he struggles for content. So by now I'm not 100% on him being town anymore but it's still a good 80% I'd say.
this just clearly tells me u havent read why i scum read him lol

also u dont know fang like i do. RDK doesnt either. i said it many times there r merits to RDK being a townie. which is why im not tagging every1 and asking them to lynch him now. i get that. but you dont know fang

RDK could have asked a normal queston to fang but fang exploded and this wasnt planned. my point is there was a gap between RDK's initial sus and when his vote came. this could be them trying to damage control in scum chat lol

and then after poyser voted RDK came to vote. the damage was hard to fix from there and they didnt interact much after that

i wouldnt be scum reading RDK if i didnt have the other issue with his play in which he lacks alot of solving. tell me tweet, aside from the fang thing, would u ever town read RDK?

The X

How do you know the role to counter Poyser is owned by a townie? It could be a scum or indy role for all you know. It being a scum role isn't even that far-fetched seeing as Poysers win condition was to get rid of the Golden Order among other things.

I'm holding on to it because it represents how much you've tried to take control of the narrative and refuse to work with people that I for one trust to be town. I can understand being wrong but you've been doing it to a degree that I can only infer ulterior motives.
Who am I not willing to work with, though? I think I've extended a hand to a lot of people. Heck, I've put my tunneling aside and am trying to figure out other solutions.

The X

this just clearly tells me u havent read why i scum read him lol

also u dont know fang like i do. RDK doesnt either. i said it many times there r merits to RDK being a townie. which is why im not tagging every1 and asking them to lynch him now. i get that. but you dont know fang

RDK could have asked a normal queston to fang but fang exploded and this wasnt planned. my point is there was a gap between RDK's initial sus and when his vote came. this could be them trying to damage control in scum chat lol

and then after poyser voted RDK came to vote. the damage was hard to fix from there and they didnt interact much after that

i wouldnt be scum reading RDK if i didnt have the other issue with his play in which he lacks alot of solving. tell me tweet, aside from the fang thing, would u ever town read RDK?
Did you bus any of your mates in the Xmas game?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I have these pairings tho.
If we lynch the first we get info on the 2nd.
Not a team.

RDK - kekko
Ultra - Lethal
RDK - Tweet
Ultra - Alco
RDK - tpein
Kekko - Tweet
u only get the info if the players flipped scum. we want to make sure when we get a lynch its scum lol

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻


What is DP?

Also, I don't care whether they're present or not lol. You said you feel like you're gonna be an opportunistic mislynch. That is helpful information for town if you are mislynched so we can analyse your wagon. Who?

If you're town, surely you'd want to survive and by naming the people who are gonna mislynch you could dissuade them from an active push?
If he's scum, I'm going to have to reassess my read of Ekko. When I say I probably should, I should do so regardless to avoid feeling too comfortable in my town read--my trust in viewing him as town can easily be exploited.
And he knows this.

I try my best to make sure I give equal thought to someone being town or being scum, not either or.

And look into Rugrat and Alco. Anyone pushing a lynch at random with zero serious convicting and to simply handwave it away by claiming it was to gauge reactions with a player they don't even know is frankly a bit weird. I don't view that intent in good faith.
The behavior presented with unvoting, noting the time of the end of a phase ("how much time is left?" when there's only 20 minutes left, "what's the VC?" when there's an obvious majority taking lead are all behaviors that make me???), and inability to truly interact with the thread at large, deliberete or no, makes it harder to detect if they're town for me.

That may not be true for you, you may be able to town read specific players just fine, but I'm not experienced with them, so I'm going by what I know: deflection tactics, hypervigilance of time, claimed TMI with no follow up, baiting for emotional reactions because they think their target is easy, etc.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I’m not willing to lynch Retro yet

Id go:
Lethal (ultra and Ekko clarify eachother tbh)
Tweet (VT, has grown into the game since the D1 meta read but still unsure tbh)

Doddsy is a growing interest of mine for a push. That random quote he came at me with when the whole interaction paints a different picture is intriguing.
half of those dont make sense as a team lol

me and ultra dont work as a team
me and lethal maybe but not rly
me and tweet absolutely not

ultra and tweet yes for sure
ultra and lethal no imo

tweet and lethal probably not unless we actually had double scum in the ropes in early day 2 which wud be fantasist

The X

I'm thinking about claiming.

- First, I hate claiming
- However, I am DEEP into this game
- Feel my voice has constantly been questioned
- I don't want to be a distraction anymore
- I am back to work tomorrow and will be not as active and want to help game state



If he's scum, I'm going to have to reassess my read of Ekko. When I say I probably should, I should do so regardless to avoid feeling too comfortable in my town read--my trust in viewing him as town can easily be exploited.
And he knows this.

I try my best to make sure I give equal thought to someone being town or being scum, not either or.

And look into Rugrat and Alco. Anyone pushing a lynch at random with zero serious convicting and to simply handwave it away by claiming it was to gauge reactions with a player they don't even know is frankly a bit weird. I don't view that intent in good faith.
The behavior presented with unvoting, noting the time of the end of a phase ("how much time is left?" when there's only 20 minutes left, "what's the VC?" when there's an obvious majority taking lead are all behaviors that make me???), and inability to truly interact with the thread at large, deliberete or no, makes it harder to detect if they're town for me.

That may not be true for you, you may be able to town read specific players just fine, but I'm not experienced with them, so I'm going by what I know: deflection tactics, hypervigilance of time, claimed TMI with no follow up, baiting for emotional reactions because they think their target is easy, etc.

Okay, so give me your thoughts about Ekko from him being scum perspective.

So you think Alco/Rugrat are the ones going to aim for your mislynch?

The X

half of those dont make sense as a team lol

me and ultra dont work as a team
me and lethal maybe but not rly
me and tweet absolutely not

ultra and tweet yes for sure
ultra and lethal no imo

tweet and lethal probably not unless we actually had double scum in the ropes in early day 2 which wud be fantasist
He's saying they don't work as a time and that when one flips, there will be info on the other.