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Game Death Note Mafia

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how much do u belive urself here btw? u haven't gone after me like AT ALL
I didn’t like your answer on how the Death Note works, it sounded too based and bland. Like you’re afraid you might scum slip.

You just might be a bigger fish than Poyser.

Vote: Ekko


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
That's more than you can say if Lethal lol
ok i'll give u that lethal didnt do jack either lol

after mislynching him last game I guess u could say I am employing some self hesitation and doubt. maybe I shud strengthen my resolve


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I didn’t like your answer on how the Death Note works, it sounded too based and bland. Like you’re afraid you might scum slip.

You just might be a bigger fish than Poyser.

Vote: Ekko
did u need me to ask u to pursue me for u to do this?

also what answer were u looking for exactly lol? i don't know how the death note works here

actually wait let me check my role PM with posyer


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
also posyer is the bigger fish trust me

go fry him instead i don't even taste good lol


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i think u r trying too hard to be ur *scummy* self, psychic

it wont carry u too far

I don't for 1 second belive that u belive in those reads u just presented


i think u r trying too hard to be ur *scummy* self, psychic

it wont carry u too far

I don't for 1 second belive that u belive in those reads u just presented
I actually do. I was right that you were scum in AM’s game and you’re acting similar in this game as well.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I actually do. I was right that you were scum in AM’s game and you’re acting similar in this game as well.
if u do u wudnt need me to tell u to pursue me for u to do it lol

also u scum read me all the same in yu gi oh game. I'm fine being scum read, can u say why at least?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
and no

my answer about what death note does is not an acceptable reason

give me something else to work with

The X

Is this a new leaf?
This is in reference to Lethal having a scum meta read of saying he is turning over a new leaf. While said with tongue in check, if we're to follow metas this could be a first hint on Lethal.
It's either beers/conspiracy/GUT FEELING/fear

Odo/Poysers interactions feel odd. It might be nostalgia of X-PacPoyser joining the NWO, but feels weird
I didn't disagree with this and my gut still worries abotu Gram and Poyser.
This is post like #5, why even question this that early lol
Just early Lethal talk from Poyser again.
this early?
This time with Gram.
Mostly taking the piss when I first entered the game. Hence the NWO comment :hestonpls

Definitely felt you/Poyser early interaction was off, but I didn’t read that much into it as you both haven’t played together in a while and realistically if aligned wouldn’t be that obvious about it
This logic still continues to make sense. At this point, it doesn't seem like Evans is trying to setup mislynches on Poyser, Gram, or Lethal, but wondering out loud about things that ping him.
Wasn’t he wishy washy last game? Iirc he didn’t have much focus as scum and didn’t have any killer reads/cases
This was about Doddsy in Elden Ring. Fair read since I felt the same way.
And I asked a question last night - I’m still reading so May find an answer

but if you could answer - thoughts on Lethals entrance?
Doubles down on making sure he gets an answer from Poyser. If Evans is just looking for a mislynch, does he challenge Poyser so openly while still sussing others?
It’s a bit soft, but you’re Lethals nemesis when it comes to reading him and you made a comment that he’s usually scum when he’s “turning a new leaf”. Which is what he’s announced pretty much this game
We do know the line of logic about Poyser supposedly being the one that should go after Lethal, so this is a fair assessment.
Here's some early thoughts.

Grammaton/Poyser on different sides of Lethal's alignment is intriguing, especially with Gramma town vibing him then bringing back to "I don't know how I feel about Lethal"

My early vote was taking the piss when drunk, but I still find the early interaction between these two odd. My memory may falter here, but last times I played with these two in a game, they tend to clash heads and wrestle eachother for town leadership.

Poyser who last game was bragging about how he can pick Lethal's alignment out early, which he did last game with his early soft town lean. Even using statistics of like 90% or so to being able to read him. It has me wondering if his scum lean and "he's within scum range" could be distancing. If Poyser has any inkling that Lethal is scum, surely he goes for the jugular and pushes this direction.

I'd expect a lot more bite on Poyser at any point of confidence in someone being scum, let alone someone he was making sure everyone knew he could read easily last game.
This subject obviously does get talked about more this game. I don't disagree with Evans point of view and all (though I think Poyser did defend himself well when he argued against this point).
@Grammaton knowing Poyser more so than I - how do you feel about the above around Poysers lack of bite even though he thinks Lethal is likely scum?
Doubling down.
I find it odd that Lethal is defending Poyser and cuddling up to him.

Then word for word uses his own post to try and get approval lol
Lethal even has Poyser has a town read.
I just reread him v Poyser in Elden Ring and him v Poyser here.

It's a huge difference.

https://onelastforum.com/threads/elden-ring-mafia.3168/page-2#post-143092 This post in particular contradicts Poysers thoughts

This is also a good post to use as a reference

This feels like Evans actually feels like he stumbled on something and not just pulling out old posts from old games to make busy work.
This isn't a tunnel.

Also, last game was intentional lol
I don't know if it feels tunnely either.
No read for me, when he was quick to question me dropping my Odo vote. Didn't question when I jumped onto Psychic with quite a terrible post. He was very quick to call me out for struggling for content in Elden Ring and come at me.

My posts stunk from my intro to the Psychic vote yet he has no read or sus about me. Is he avoiding confrontation and any possible tunnel?
Self aware of his game and willing to admit weaknesses.
vote Lethal tbh
No problem wit this.
Voting himself over one vote off me is certainly something
Whether or not this is actually true, Evans is at least giving a reaction to Lethal. Doesn't feel like wolf Evans gloating he made town Lethal break.
You've literally insulted T-Pein all game lol. Don't play this card.
Yeah I don't know if I buy Lethal giving up this early either.
Didn't really care about his alignment last game.

I very much believe he could be right now.
I do believe Lethal could be scum here as well.
I don’t see an issue with finding a point of contention in a readback and then using evidence to back it up?
Yeah, I don't really have much of an issue with this either.
Currently in work, I see lots of tags and quotes.

Hit me with some questions

I will literally ask people to ask me to do stuff as town. Ex) Ekko gave me three tasks to complete and I did.

From what I’ve seen of your posts - the reason why I was asking you about Lethal and your posts from Elden Ring is because I believe his exhibiting those behaviours this game.

You have a credible track record reading him. I wanted to see your thoughts on his behaviour when reading what you’ve said previously in defence of him.
Still doesn't feel like any tunneling, just feels like he hasn't gotten any answers for himself yet.
I said my posts were terrible as I didn't give any follow up. Don't misquote me, thanks.

You mean like I said in the post you quoted? Why are you acting like every post I make has to be a direct case?

Fuck off lmao

I quite clearly explain why it's weird he didn't come at me over struggling for content when that was his biggest point against me last game when I started talking about him.

I don't see how that's disliking it all? I asked you a comparison about him last game lol

I don't see how this is implicating you two are aligned at all. I asked @Grammaton about your lack of push on Lethal despite saying he's within his scum range and you doing nothing about it. Yet you leapt to the fences early about him being town last game. Doesn't sit right?

Except I made a post about your behaviour around him could be distancing? :pogba:

Because my post lacked the usual quotes/case to back it up other than 3 lines after being absent for a significant amount of time?

Not sure how else to follow up after a vote and Lethal wasn't active before I went to work and questioning Poyser over it?
I do think this isn't a bad response post.
If I am lynched, town should be looking at Lethal/Poyser and the rest of my wagon
I could see that being a team.
Also the main people pushing my wagon ignored any questions I had when I asked for them :draper2:
Feels like he genuinely was hoping for someone to ask him something.
This is very true
This was agreeing with Ekko saying Doddsy can't just cry and sit on the fence.
thoughts on Lethal
Still wants to pursue Lethal.

Overall I just don't see the suss with Evans? Yes he's been focused on just Lethal and Poyser, but I don't see anything necessarily wrong with his posts? Maybe Lethal could be low hanging fruit for Evans, but does he challenge Poyser along the way on doing that? I can't say I am comfortable with an Evans D1 lynch.

The X

Vote: Black Pegged Dragon

You've been suss all game and I've got a huge case on you.
The infamous opening post. Did Lethal do this for an ulterior motive? We'll never know until we see a flip.
To catch scum and win the game. Not be an emotional bitch.
I was really hoping this was true. Seemed committed to this and knew what he was getting into, especially when he played with basically all these players in Elden Ring. No excuses, right?
You make one joke vote and people start off on it. I’m out atm (on phone) but will get to the crux when I’m back on pc.
I mean, the joke vote didn't even harm Lethal really, though, just generated conversation. He should be happy his name is such a lightning bolt of discussion for town, if he's town.
Yes. He bodied me in Nile so I didn’t hesitate to ice him in Xmas when I rolled scum again. He’s got a way of catching me like you do, so yeah, he’s a worry if I were scum.
Hmmm. Lethal and I honestly haven't had any interactions this game.
Odo's getting a wagon because he made an observation from a vote I made going to bed last night? A vote that was from a joke perspective on the guy who death tunneled me last game? That wagon sure did build fast
Seems like he's actually worried about Gram's wagon? I mean, shouldn't Lethal come on and be like, 'holy fuck, we caught Gram all because of me'? Lethal should understand his role is good bait yet he seems hesitant that Gram has a wagon.
Ultra not letting the discussion of Odo's observation of me can be perceived as one of 2 things - he legit thinks he's caught Odo, or, he's struggling for content and using it as a point of discussion that leads nowhere as a way to look 'busy' in the game thread.

Psychic's OMGUS vote on Poyser and rambling post about being paranoid in being seen lurking is just a huge red flag as well
I mean, doesn't all actions mean you're either town or scum? I don't think Ultra was struggling for content at all, five pages deep.

We've discussed the Psychic shit at length too, so need to note Lethal thought it was a HUGE red flag to start.

+1 for Ultra and CP here
Gives Ultra and CP townie points here.
False. To think I'd carry over a 'grudge' from game to game is poor form.
Good boy.
It's all good (Y)

Valid observations from our past experiences. I'd be comfy enough to say that my scum game has evolved fractionally better since we last played. I had Poyser fooled (momentarily) for a few games on WS which is testament to that
Kind of weird to taut his improvements when he hasn't shown said improvements yet. Not really sure why he needs to mention Poyser here?
You shady, slimy little cunt-flap, I hope you're town this game and we can do this dance together.
This was to Evans.
I think it's way too early to give reads of any strength right now, the game's just been born. I mean I'm gonna think there's something suss on that Odo wagon and the constant discussion around my Dragon vote, so, yeah, I'd generously give a scum lean to Ultra for keeping it going.
Reluctant to give reads but till makes a general hand-waving comment, only to throw a scum lean on Ultra, who he just gave town points.
I hope we can be friends this game. What is pog?
This was to Evans again. So far he's avoided me and tried to friend Poyser and Evans. Is there something in common with us three?

Yeah this is an overreaction if I've ever seen one.

I mean this is Poyser's explanation for the vote, so I don't see why the paragraph has to be the way it is. Valid observation with an observable post.

No, if your phone is off or browser is off, then you're not displayed. Best bet to avoid this WIFOM bullshit is to just enable invisible mode. Ultra sniffing it out that you've lurked though, plus continually generating discussion re: my vote on Dragon, gives a bad vibe to his slot for sure
Doubles down on Psychic being scum.
I'd lean more the struggling for content cos as I said above he was the one who pointed out Psychic lurking - it's like he's looking for anything to latch onto to drive discussion over trivial issues.
Doubles down on Ultra being scum and struggling for content. Not sure how Ultra was looking for anything?
Yeah I saw that and replied. I read that exchange wrong then. I still think he's bitten on something that didn't need biting - that said, it's silly of me to shade him for that when I'm biting on him for biting.

Nutshell - Ultra's back to null for me. I was barking up the wrong tree.

Also gonna +1 you for this.
Backs off of Ultra all of a sudden. Gives Poyser townie points.
Nice? The game is 13 pages in, most of it has been convo about my vote, and then there's the Psychic reaction.
This is Lethal's reaction to being called nice for treating me, Evans, and Poyser, basically with kids' gloves.
I wish you weren't repped in. Having to suffer through your bullshit is torture.

He continued the conversation imo cos he had nothing else but to double down on what he saw and had no other avenue of discussion from what I've read once Odo slapped back at him, hence struggling for content. I mean, my sample pool of Ultra is one game where I got my read wrong, so I could be wrong here as well.

Can't I just be nice in general without being a dick on purpose?
Doubles down again on Ultra despite just saying he was stepping back his read? Ultra also never came close to getting slapped by Gram. Lethal literally admits he can be wrong on Ultra but doesn't seem to bothered by that.

Still talking about how he's treating me, Evans, and Poyser.
Ah so this is the FEAR post in question. All off a vote from Ultra. Surface level says paranoid, and the busy add-on seems too much, but in general I feel this is nothing.

It's more the overreaction to Poyser's vote. Pein lending support to Psychic gives me a reason to team link them, with absolutely little certainty
Interesting that Ultra and Psychic are scum reads but Ultra voted for Psychic. Over explains the read on Psychic?
You were telling him why he was wrong
So not slapping down Ultra, but just telling him he was wrong?
All she had posted was suggesting Poyser was seeking for everyone to roleclaim. That's absolutely not suspecting anyone at all. I think you're just talking shit and sadly, for your slot, that's NAI
I mean, why say Tpein is talking shit but then call it NAI?
Except he DIDN'T ask for people to roleclaim, and one of the posts you have there are her OMGUS vote once he had voted for her. I'm not sure what picture you're trying to paint here but this isn't it.
Defends Poyser and calls out Psychic. This is Lethal like, tripling down on the Psychic read.
You soft towned me in Elden Ring and I barely acknowledged it, so why would I acknowledge you soft scumming me here? It's you and Odo having a discussion about my slot. I mean you're wrong cos I'm town and if I were to be offended by people calling me scum then I'd have to quit the forum out of FEAR FOR MY SAFETY.
Sort of meh response to Poyser, but at least he's not completely backing away? But I think he could also be playing up how's he's not OFFENDED and would RUN if he was scared.
You dropped your Odo vote quick.
I mean, yes he did, but he dropped his Gram vote to vote Psychic. Shouldn't this make you happy and want to work with him?
It's not gonna be much if anything, lots of null
Drops a reads list on Gram's request.
But since you asked nicely:

Black Pegged Dragon

Big Man

- Evans hasn't done enough to gain a read
- Dragon is null cos I can't see a scum or town motive from his play yet. Discussing my vote and the reaction to it was strange, and he's kinda avoiding confrontation so far
- Craig's been liking posts but not really putting thoughts down
- Doddsy is always gonna be tough for me to read
- Big Man yet to post

As for the town leans:
* Odo I don't feel is gonna stick his neck out to make the observation he did re: my vote and he handled himself comfy with Ultra
* Tiara been transparent about playing this theme before. Seems natural
* Poyser is moreso gut given the line of enquiry
* Ekko is benefit to see how we work together if I'm not being hostile

As for the scum leans:
* Ultra I feel is reading too much into something that isn't there in order to appear busy
* Pein posting nonsense that is full of holes. Oddly defending someone when he's typically lynch happy
* Psychic for the overreaction on Poyser's vote and the paranoia about the lurking assumption
So two players he said that are good at reading him (Poyser and myself) are town and null reads respectively, even though his words on me could be seen as being shady. He also says nothing abotu Evans despite being unhappy with his quick vote change off of Gram and onto Psychic. And he has two players that pushed tunnel him in Elden Ring (Ekko and Evans) are town and null reads respectively. Ekko's town read I think is especially weak. His scum reads of Pein and Psychic are sort of weak as well. At least he finally puts Ultra firmly in the scum 'lean' pile.
If you'd bother to actually read and not be obtuse, you'd see that there's susses. I'm not in any position to push anything yet, but if pressed, I'm gonna see you swing today
Tpein seems to have jumped to the top of the line in Lethal's suss, despite talking about Ultra and Flower for longer.
Nope, just rethinking he's putting too much stock into your view of my vote for my liking. I was wrong in my recollection of his posts around psychic. When he gets back on I'm happy to re-evaluate cos there's a lot more to talk about now
So willing to now give Ultra a chance. Just really can't decide where to put Ultra.
@Poyser you've got Odo as null, and Doddsy town lean. Mind expanding on these? I know you mentioned that he (Doddsy) normally takes a point and gives a read off it, but isn't him wanting to know the end goal of the Odo wagon softly taking a stance?
This honestly comes out of nowhere. My gut reaction? This is a coached post.
What makes you jump to that conclusion? He wasn't the only one referring to me.

Hmmm well on looking back he's kinda vibing with where I'm at (Tiara, Odo, Psychic) and observed Dragon is less aggressive this game. Ok, I *kinda* get the point that Poyser was getting at with his list.
I think this is just an odd response to Doddsy. He reacts to Doddsy saying Evans used Lethal as a crutch. It's odd to me because Doddsy is saying Evans is sussy for his behavior around Lethal and Lethal just kind of shrugs it off. Not really sure what he's vibing with either or why he drops Poyser's name.
Wolfing you is better than nulling you, idk. Give me more to make my mind up on you
Still struggling with his Ultra read.
You ever going to NOT tunnel me to start a game?
I don't really think Evans is in a tunnel.
Do it.

Save me the agony of having to put up with this communal shitfight for another 20 hours.
It's weird he reacts like this to Gram saying Lethal might be the best option (though Gram later dropped Lethal from his top five suspects). Not sure why Lethal is starting to feel overwhelmed here?

Vote: Lethal

When I flip town, maybe my reads list will be taken seriously.

I'm asked for them, they get picked apart. This happens to nobody else. Poyser hasn't answered my question on his, but whatever, I'm going to sleep.
See, this is a confusing post. First of all, is he this upset because his reads list isn't being taken seriously? His three scum reads in his list were Ultra, Psychic, and Tpein. Lethal just admitted to wanting to give Ultra a chance and has been on the fence on him the entire game. Psychic is a pretty easy vote and I think most people understand that's not the best D1 vote. So is Lethal dying on the hill over her Tpein read? Which game later into the game and seems to be mostly based on how Lethal hates playing with Tpein? I just don't know where Lethal even got picked apart for his reads either. Not sure why he's so upset Poyser hasn't answered him? Poyser isn't going after Lethal and Lethal town reads Poyser, so why be upset if Poyser hasn't answered yet? How does your question even define your game? Lethal asked Poyser about his null read on Gram and his town read on Doddsy.
It's a genuine gripe and frustration.

You want me to cast a direction? I'd love to see Pein swing today - the defense of Psychic just stinks. But I'm only 1 vote.
I don't think it's genuine. Still no reason why Tpein is the absolute choice today. Is this really worth self voting over?

Vote: T-Pein
Here we go.
Reaction to Ultra saying no lynch pin would self vote. Lethal has been gone since.

Really tough to like Lethal's game so far.

The X

5 - @Black Pegged Dragon - LOCKED town and town leader of town core.
13 - @Ekkologix -Town: Probably my strongest town read? I've been vibing on most of what he's been saying and anything that I've disagreed with, I can still see his reasoning for it. I also understand his approach to this game better than anyone and think we are of a similar mind in what we are trying to do in this game.
1 - @Ultra - Town: Has lead his voice to conversation, hasn't been shy about his opinions, and seems to be trying to solve slots.
2 - @T-Pein™ - Town: I think he's defended himself from a couple of scummy situations well. I don't necessarily see him defending Psychic or his 'slip' being scum moves. He's been had the kitchen sink thrown at him and he's handled the pressure quite well.

7 - @CraigPelton - Town: I kind of think Craig is town here? I think he made some fair points earlier and while I thought he lost his exchange with Poyser, I don't think it necessarily made him scum. I think he just needs to refocus and see where he can be most effective this game.
4 - @Evans - Town: While I'd like to see Evan branch out a bit and get some reads outside of Lethal and Poyser, the fact he's willing to challenge a bit two players shows he's not yet settling into a tunnel.
6 - @Psychic - Town: I personally haven't seen or read anything from Psychic that I couldn't reconcile in my head. I know that may be a bold take, but after watching Psychic play the scummiest town game in the longest time, I have not been pinged this game by her.
11 - @Poyser - Town: I'll give Poyser a town lean here. I think he's defended himself well against arguments and I can see his point of view in a lot of the things he is saying. His thought process has also been easy for me to follow this game. I do have some worries about him being wolf simply because he's been opportunistic and while he's defended himself well, I don't think any of the arguments against him have been bullet proof yet.

12 - @Big Man - Null: With two posts, I got no real read on him, but I suppose him calling Flower out for her early isos can have one town point.
10 - @Tiara - Wolf: This is a tough slot to evaluate. I think Flower is going to end up flipping town, but I can't reconcile why she susses Tpein and voted Poyser. I'll wait to see what she has to say and I don't really feel comfortable lynching her in D1 because I did think she had a strong entrance.
9 - @Doddsy - Wolf: I don't think Doddsy has really done anything this game but complain about certain things. I'm less sure on this slot flipping wolf, but I haven't seen anything townie from it yet.
8 - @Lethal - Wolf: As my iso shows, there's not a lot to like from Lethal's game. I think his reads have been off and there is no confidence behind some of them. I don't really buy his self vote either because I didn't see adequate enough pressure on him to react like that.
3 - @Grammaton - Wolf: I've battled a lot with Gram this phase. I don't think he's shown any genuine scum hunting. I think he's treated a couple of slots, including mine, with prejudice and has not giving a fair shake to solving slots he's having issues with. I see a lot of talk from this slot but no action. I think his defenses against the likes of me, Ultra, and Ekko, have been uninspiring.

The X

I am VERY paranoid Lethal flips town here. The only other viable options here for town seems to be Flower and Evans. I town read Evans and don't feel comfortable enough voting out Flower after he day one entrance.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
gram's lynch wud be the most informative and probably nail a scum too, and certainly is the harder one to do rn

I agree with most of ur reads @Black Pegged Dragon minus evans probably, and psychic I am still torn about. i can see cp being townie I guess considering I have lots of scum reads I want to start moving some to town

I can move cp and maybe psychic to town

evans Idk what r u seeing that im unable to lol

The X

gram's lynch wud be the most informative and probably nail a scum too, and certainly is the harder one to do rn

I agree with most of ur reads @Black Pegged Dragon minus evans probably, and psychic I am still torn about. i can see cp being townie I guess considering I have lots of scum reads I want to start moving some to town

I can move cp and maybe psychic to town

evans Idk what r u seeing that im unable to lol
I'd honestly prefer Gram here but I won't stubbornly cling to that.

Psychic is a mystery as well but I don't sense any harm there yet.

Well, maybe I'm wrong on Evans. Why do you think he's scum?
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