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Game Death Note Mafia

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The X

Ultra, we have been friends for a decade and have played many games together. I really don't think it's that hard not to call me mentally ill or retarded, especially when you know how I feel about those type of insults. This exchange between us makes me very unhappy and had nothing to do with the game or anything.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
im very much on board with atleast 1 scum in poyser/gram

its getting pretty fked ridicullous

and ultra is completely garbage outside of day 1. idk if pocketed by them or scum aswell



Not only did you insult me personally, but now you're being too much of a bitch to own up to it.

Here is what you did: You sat atop your self-righteous high horse, seething at all the boyish fun that was occurring by flinging bad words at the expense of people who aren't here (I'm going to assume retarded people, actual ones, aren't playing mafia games). And then your moral outrage reached a pitch when your frail ego was harmed by people not taking your arguments seriously in a mafia game. And then you saw it fit to try and cause me injury in an equivalent way.

You see this as equivalent exchange, but it's obvious to any onlooker the disparity between crude ribbing and an actual manchild getting so tilted over a *game* and crossing a line. Pathetic.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
what post of ratchet r u guys talking about

what am I missing


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i see it. let me reread

someone unvote so this braindameged wagon doesn't get randomly hammered

I'm here and none of u fks on my wagon dares talk more than 2 sentences to me

pretty fken telling

where did gram go??


Ah, if the cops watch someone stab someone do they still need motive to charge someone?? Come on.
Well there’s a bit of a difference between seeing me murder someone and thinking I could be the murderer based on some interactions you don’t understand, don’t you think?

The X

You know this isn't what happened at all. But if that's what you want to believe, then you got to believe it.


I assumed I’d be the lynch because I said to lynch me if he flips town and people also reiterated that before his flip? What needs explaining exactly?

I am fine with giving it up. The streak is gonna end eventually and I’d much MUCH rather end it by putting myself all in on a read I believe in and being wrong rather than being mislynched for absolute nonsense

why are you saying it’s obvious I didn’t believe it? I don’t get it. Again, me claiming VT in my first place literally makes no sense unless I expected to be wagoned so where is the lie?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i thought bigmans post on u was great

if u think he is trying to set u up then go on him. its u vs him. from ur PoV he shud just be scum then. the fk r u doing

The X

Ultra if you honestly think I'd stoop that low even though you say I have a higher moral ground, then I really am sorry about everything. You have been a friend for a decade and I would never do the things you're accusing me of. It does hurt that you think so little of me and my respect for you and our friendship. But I also get that you got to believe what you're going to believe and I accept that as well.


Wtf are you talking about. Nothing you’ve said here shows that you’ve read evans’ posts


What point are you even making here lol? Why did I claim then if I didn’t think I was in danger? There’s no logic to what you’re saying here at all


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Did we kill you last game I thought Evans did? Also I don't coast how dare you.

Also I am down for a ekko lynch still, I prefer it to all 3 of the main presented options

Ram it home

Vote Ekko

this can go aswell

join wagon but unable to answer my questions or interact with me in any capacity

there is a limit to how much I'll accept a townie being lazy b4 it turns to scum

The X

Did you really think being wrong on Lethal for the first time would just cause town to riot and lynch you blindly next?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Wtf are you talking about. Nothing you’ve said here shows that you’ve read evans’ posts
i did

and i dont think he and gram are partnered

I wanted one of u gram and evans to start wagons on the other

he did

gram's sus of evans seem to completely disappear today

if I start scum reading u and gram I am bound to put evans as townie by default


Quote the posts where I was instigating him then?
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