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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Which is to say, I don't think it's an angle worth pursuing, but personally if I had to lean one way or the other based on his content I would go scum over town.
I have a different idea to you over his scum game but my idea of his meta has never taken your first point into consideration so I'm not particularly troubled by us being on different sides of the fence


The Nexus
In the sense of game play, I like how he's finding a flaw in Evans approach to me. Vibing well

Brb driving to store.



It's alright, nobody was worried about you showing up here late probably until you just made it a big deal.
I didn't make a big deal out of it though?
What do you think of those that have posted so far, assuming you've caught up, despite being so late.
So far I've noticed a lot of back and forth with Evans, and intrigued by T-Pein's focus on Ratchet and I think him. Not much else to say atm.


I didn't make a big deal out of it though?

So far I've noticed a lot of back and forth with Evans, and intrigued by T-Pein's focus on Ratchet and I think him. Not much else to say atm.
If that's all you think there is to say about the game so far, probably wasn't worth making an excuse for being late was it?


If that's all you think there is to say about the game so far, probably wasn't worth making an excuse for being late was it?
If that's how you think it works I don't really know how else to cognitively explain to you. Seems odd to hyper focus on me mentioning my tardiness then say I'm making a big deal out of it when the day phase and game has barely started to begin with.

Seems an odd slight of hand to play.


If that's how you think it works I don't really know how else to cognitively explain to you. Seems odd to hyper focus on me mentioning my tardiness then say I'm making a big deal out of it when the day phase and game has barely started to begin with.

Seems an odd slight of hand to play.
I hyper focus on everything.

If the day phase and game has barely started and you claim there's not much to say in reference to the game, I don't think expressing your tardiness is warranted and think it more likely comes from a place of scum than town. Because why would town care if they were late (you're not even that late) if there's been nothing to contribute.


There seems to be private conversations being had with various people here.
You are not making this very easy for me. Have you got *any* opinions on players that have posted so far, as pertains to their alignments?
If that's how you think it works I don't really know how else to cognitively explain to you. Seems odd to hyper focus on me mentioning my tardiness then say I'm making a big deal out of it when the day phase and game has barely started to begin with.

Seems an odd slight of hand to play.
It's not really any sort of sleight of hand. Like I asked towards Yoshi, do you have anything more specific in regards to reads on players so far? Doesn't matter how concrete or strong they may be, it's just so I can have something to work with.