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Game Elden Ring Mafia


there wud from my PoV because im town and i am seeing u with this great ass position to solve yet ur best solve is scum reading a townie
You were scumread by multiple people yesterday, so you getting targeted by a townie actually would make some sense lol


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
If you're right and if it's a towny you have nobody to blame but yourself
why is that? i think ive been pretty reasonable in what i say this game. their inability to read my motives is their own fault

im leaning its a coward scum who did it. someone i am scum reading - leaning u or ur teammate

The X

I don't think that's a great strategy, bud. Wouldn't you learn far more from actually lynching Poyser in that scenario?
Nope because I'm not 100 on Poyser being the wolf boss and I'm going to go for his mates first.


All of his opening posts are game related barring his opening fluff post and have no indication of lack of interest, therefore, do you buy his claim that he drew Vanilla and was disinterested?

If you think he has an emo response to being pushed as scum, falsely claiming that he was disinterested from the start would fit that and reflect pretty badly on him in my opinion.
Yeah I forgot about it but he went thru this phase of being like “this is why I hate playing here now”
Whenever he was pushed as scum lol

The X

Lmao this is so transparent tho. I said he could be telling the truth on the whole, but he’s definitely lying about his wincon. There were some people that thought he might have been lying about his wincon for other reasons than being hostile

it also doesn’t take into account my play around Aurelian at all, who I was on early and clearly rattled him. I also derailed my own counter wagon to go back to him because I caught him in yet more lies and a big contradiction. Legit doesn’t make any sense whatsoever to put us together in any world
Fang was a burning bridge and I would have bussed this shit out of him. I think Fang doing his best to cause distance between he and his mates was probably the focus of his flopping.

Except your vote never went back into Fang, Poyser... You and Lethal left your votes on Tweet.

The X

Day 1 Vote Count 5

Aurelian 10 - Yoshi, Arp, CP, Alco, Phenom, Ratchet, RDK, Tpein, Soulkiller, Evans
Lethal 1 - OLU
CP 1 - BLD
RDK 2 - Ekko, Aurelian
Tweet 1 - Poyser
BLD 1 - Dalton
Ekko 1 - Lethal

With 23 alive, 12 votes to lynch. You have 5 hours 5 minutes remaining.
Look Poyser, you never voted for Fang in the end.

Hans Tweetenberg

I voted Ekko, Aurelian, you (when CFD'ing) and back to Aurelian. You got any more fabrication of my voting habits?

For reference - in Nintendo we could only use it after Day 3
Idk man, when I read it yesterday it seemed like you agreed with Poyser that I was sus but never voted, then somebody else came up and you voted without a second thought. I can't really make heads or tails of it since that kinda voting behavior would kinda imply we're in cahoots, but since we're not, I'm just dumbstruck.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
My energy was divided because of Yugioh game. Then this game blew up way more than I was expecting and I was caught in the back foot. I'm VERY excited to hunt scum this game, just wait and see.

It has not. I think Poyser is probably a wolf here.

Also Ekko, I think you're town this game, but I think your reads are absolute shit so far (sorry bb). I'm going to drop a reads list soon but I need you to be willing to look at the game a bit differently than you currently are.
yeah i dont rly buy that because ur not even active in the other game

and did u see poyser's claim? if u think he is scum why not go for him instead of going for the people he is pushing lol

The X


Lethal has six fluff posts and two posts talking about his own scum meta. This post then is made and it stands out to me because the game had barely started and Evans certainly wasn't tunneling. I think Lethal had some slight nervousness about Evans talking about him.

Kind of interesting as well, out of Lethal's first ten posts, four of them are interacting with Poyser. It might seem like Lethal is looking for some safe footing into the game while interacting with someone they might feel safe with.

After this point eight of his next fifteen posts are getting into an argument with Evans. Funny that he tells Evans at the start that his game has changed. During this exchange, it's very clear that Lethal is scum reading Evans.

You can click through Lethal and Evans argument

Another interesting post I just want to put her as I'll be making reference to it later.

Now at this point, it has to be noted, that Lethal is gone from the game for almost twenty four hours and returns 1300 posts later. People are 100 allowed to be away from the game for whatever reason, just has to be said that is a lot of time missed for Lethal in the game.

This is Lethal's entrance back into the game. While I applaud the effort, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Not sure why if you have limited time, the first thing you comment is on Fang vs Ratchet. Considering Fang's flip, it makes sense for Lethal to position himself in safe way in regards to the entire Fang situation. Not sure how Fang vs Ratchet turns into a comment about Ekko protecting a mate, though. Don't see the thought process.

Not sure where the CP town lean comes either. This is an especially tough read because I scum read CP and Lethal admits that they have no idea how to really read CP.

This is where I think Lethal tries to start some suss on Ekko for a place to put a vote later on (Lethal votes for Ekko in this phase). Don't love that Lethal is using a past game to go after Ekko either.

At this point in the game, Lethal engages with Evans once again and restarts the tunnel. Lethal was the one the reignited this. It's also funny because Lethal called Evans 'frozen in the wolf chat' because he was away from the game, but then when someone says Lethal dipped, he did not like that.

Somehow Lethal's round two tunnel of Evans ends with an Ultra vote?

At this point, Lethal engages in an aggressive threesome with Evans and Ultra, some who will write legends on the dick holding that went on.

Interesting to note, posts 1668, 1673, and 1677 are all about Poyser.

I hate to say this, but I've seen this exact reaction from Lethal as caught scum fairly recently.

A lot more tunneling with Evans in this section. I would say a lot of emotional reactions from Lethal as well that might be put on a bit.

This is an interesting post here. If you remember that post I quoted earlier saying it'd be important earlier? Well, Lethal was excited for threadmarks and that it would make the game easier. But here, Lethal acts like he's got no idea how to work threadmarks and shows frustration. I think this goes to show that this emotional act Lethal is putting on is fake.

Post 1753 is pretty difficult. Lethal jumps to Yoshi as being suss (low-hanging fruit) and then also, somehow, at the end of everything, suggests a team of Yoshi, Fang, and Ultra.

Here are reads from Lethal. I'll say I am town reading all of Lethal's scum reads. I'll point out the Ratchet read is one I don't like because they didn't play a lot of games together and Lethal shouldn't just be able to give Ratchet a town read based off of experience on WS.

Here's the Ekko vote, for the record.

Interesting vote after Poyser and Craig start this wagon. Moves some votes off of Fang's wagon.


Found this post intereting. Why call out CP for a deflective tactic? Deflecting is usually what scum does. Lethal is town reading CP. Weird for Lethal to call out a town read for a deflective tactic.

Got to catch the last seat on the bus.


Fang was a burning bridge and I would have bussed this shit out of him. I think Fang doing his best to cause distance between he and his mates was probably the focus of his flopping.

Except your vote never went back into Fang, Poyser... You and Lethal left your votes on Tweet.
No, that’s a lie. I voted aurelian

and if he’s a burning bridge and I’m trying to bus the shit out of him then why counter wagon in the first place? You can’t have it both ways m8