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Game Elden Ring Mafia


What do posts like this achieve? Wind up merchant.

The X

But since I know I am town, and know you guys are wrong, can I consider you to be that strong?

Okay, but you keep referring 'people to buy it'. In your worldview, people shouldn't buy it. People shouldn't believe what a harmful indie is doing. The fact that you're still thinking a harmful indie can pretend and bluff for other people, but still you accept he's a harmful indie, is still a fucked thought process. It makes zero sense to side with someone you think is actively trying to harm town even IF you think they're trying to scum hunt. If Poyser's gig is up as harmful indie, why does he care where his vote goes? Doesn't he want to stir up the game and confuse both sides?

Yes, you did start to look better, but then you put a shite vote on me. I'm okay with suss, trust me. And sometimes being sussed as town is good because I know whoever is sussing me is WRONG. It's up to me if them being wrong is justified or not. Sometimes I understand why people suss me. Sometimes I don't. And in this instant, I don't really understand any of the votes on me, especially you. I've tried to clarify any issues you've had. I've tried to ask questions. I've tried a lot to help you solve my slot. All you've done in return is to keep a half hearted vote on me and frankly not give anyone else any thought. I don't think you've come at my slot with good faith at all and I can't really see the town motivation from your play here.

The X

You're thinking of voting elsewhere than Lethal?

The X

I've also seen fake gifters in games for scum.


Up to date.

Not really a fan of how this Lethal wagon seems to be getting pushed. It's like people just want to get it over and out of the way without any real conviction in the result. I feel like I'm at a crossroads as I have nothing to defend Lethal with but I don't have any conviction it's going to result in a scum flip.

I liked Doddsy's catchup. I can see the gears turning.


I've also seen fake gifters in games for scum.
Yeah, sure. It's not impossible. Just that the mechanics working as claimed all line up to me. Frankly I don't think Lethal, if a bomb, tries to get this cute with it. It could be that nothing at all happens too. But if I'm given a dichotomy here, I favour the town scenario over the scum bomb one.

The X

Not really a fan of the sentiments here X. Does it really matter who likes who? It's not particularly relevant to his slot.
My man, just making some friendly banter, my bad. I'm still trying to enjoy the game.

I read Evans as town, friendly banter or not.


As far as voting Lethal I will go there for a lynch if it's that or no one. I don't have much faith in the wagon. I can obviously be wrong. I wouldn't be surprised to see him flip town at all.

The X

I mean, devil's advocate, could Lethal still be scum without being a bomb? I mean, the fake claim could just be for gifter. I'm not sure who started the bomb rumors?

The X

As far as voting Lethal I will go there for a lynch if it's that or no one. I don't have much faith in the wagon. I can obviously be wrong. I wouldn't be surprised to see him flip town at all.
Where to then, Ratchet-kun? I feel like Lethal links to so many people here. If Lethal flips scum, we could go so many routes. I will admit that Lethal unvoting me has thrown me a bit, especially when there's a few votes on my wagon and it's the one counter to him. But what are the other choices? I offered Craig, you don't like that.

The X

Like I honestly don't think I'm reading this game THAT wrong. I feel fairly locked in. Maybe I don't have all the pieces right now, but I think I have at least some of them.


I mean, devil's advocate, could Lethal still be scum without being a bomb? I mean, the fake claim could just be for gifter. I'm not sure who started the bomb rumors?
It's possible. The bomb thing came from "Lethal is trying to organise who hammers him, so if he's scum, maybe he kills the person who hammers him".
Once I've made my cases we can see then, I quite like the idea of flipping T Pein today.

The X

It's possible. The bomb thing came from "Lethal is trying to organise who hammers him, so if he's scum, maybe he kills the person who hammers him".
Once I've made my cases we can see then, I quite like the idea of flipping T Pein today.
When are you making your cases?

Can I get a sneak preview of why on Tpein?


Also Items being transferred through hammering and killing is really really typical and just makes the most sense frankly. Pretty silly idea to contest.

Through killing, maybe. Through hammering, I have personally never seen such a thing in my years of playing. If the host has employed something similar before then it's more believable, but silly to contest?

He also didn't claim inventor, but something else.