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Game Elden Ring Mafia

Big Man

on Yoshi: this obviously isn't important right now but still wanted to give my thoughts while im here.

he sussed RDK when he pushed Aurelian. when asked why he just responded that he's new which shows awareness that he knew what he said doesn't make sense. when pressed further he just made up that RDK was trying to deflect from himself. I can't understand a town motivation to make that up, newbie or not. the idea that he was just trying to protect Aurelian doesn't really track given that he turned on him shortly after and was more than happy to push him.

I wonder if the original defence of Aurelian was him defending a scumbuddy without enquiring with his teammates first and then he flip flopped when he was told not to defend Aurelian as pressure was starting to form on him. the reason he gave was that Aurelian was being defensive but he was already being defensive in the first place when he was defending him so there was no logical reasoning for the flip flop.


One of two things come out of this Ultra lynch. He flips scum as i think we kind of expect him to now or Lethal is firmed up as 95% town and we can focus our search on next scum.

The X

Note that both of CP's claims were made to fit the narrative of the thread and has not distributed or can be confirmed in any way.


Ahhhhhhhh what? Why are you talking about Gram's botch? Why are you revealing this now? Again your claim just comes out of nowhere.

Look at what CP has done. Faction kill failed N1 so he claimed he stopped it. Faction kill failed N2 and he's claiming it. Great coincidence.
Except there has to have been an explanation for my survival, and yes it was not a passive ability of mine. So in this case he is just telling the truth. What are you doing?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
give reads
i had a list few pages back can do an updated one after catching up but not much changed. im still struggling to pick sdies

with cp's recent claim im probably going to be inclined to side with him though i still think its possible BLD is town lol

Big Man

There is nothing contradictory about this, really. I had a gut town read on him and was inclined to potentially look the other way if he didn't claim and a player I suspected more was up to bat.

One he claimed indie, however, the burden of proof changes, and he is now lynch by default, especially with his multiple mishaps. I was still sold that he was likely not-mafia, and probably an SK, but I'm never going to go for a no lynch over that.
I meant before he claimed indie. he said he's not going to claim out of spite or something and then you voted him.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
you understand that emotions are a crucial process of reasoning, right?
there's a reason gut feelings aren't something to be shrugged off immediately but to be considered for later. they aren't just "feelings that are shown in chickflicks"
it's your brain recognizing certain patterns seconds before you register it. it's little discrepancies that a player may subconciously see.
emotion and logic go hand in hand

emotions can (is it always the case? nah) help you reason in games like these. sometimes those reasonings are unwise, sometimes they're generalizations, or sometimes they're made from previous (neg or pos) experiences

my distrust in ultra gives me the ability to tread with caution and see whether my paranoid justifications have any merit or logic behind them, which can help with solidifying reads and filtering out the garbage (or adding more in)

for all i know, until a flip occurs, ultra could just be manipulated and trying to persuade and placate me. he could be using pathos to gain my trust.
i dont see that yet or right now from him, but all these things wouldn't be able to happen if emotions weren't used as a tool to manipulate in order to win the game

you can examine emotions and use them to your benefit and build a strategy depending on what side you're on, it isn't just some reasoning game
it's a multi-faceted, critical strategy game


I meant before he claimed indie. he said he's not going to claim out of spite or something and then you voted him.

So what's left out of the picture here is that I was interacting with him and asking him to provide me with good reasons for not claiming, and *that* was his answer. Which is...a very not good one. It's equivalent to saying "I'm ragequitting". My response to those players is to almost always give them what they want.

The X

Except there has to have been an explanation for my survival, and yes it was not a passive ability of mine. So in this case he is just telling the truth. What are you doing?
I don't believe Craig and how is just throws out convenient claims at convenient times. WS philosophy is to use a claim when you're pressure or in danger. Craig has just tossed out two claims, without being under pressure, that just so happens can't be proven and fit into the narrative nicely.


I don't believe Craig and how is just throws out convenient claims at convenient times. WS philosophy is to use a claim when you're pressure or in danger. Craig has just tossed out two claims, without being under pressure, that just so happens can't be proven and fit into the narrative nicely.
I don't know if you're some kind of Jester, but Craig's claim of protecting me last night is basically confirmed. He's town.


You don't only claim when under pressure, what is this? If you have info important for the game, you also claim it, whatever platform you're on. C'mon now.

The X

There were no kills N1. That
pretty much confirms his first claim, no?
Yes, but his claim was made after that and for no reason. No one was asking why there was no kills. No one was pressuring him. Just 'hey guys I stopped all kills'. So yeah, I have my doubts about the validity and the motivations behind the claim.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Am i scummy or just wrong or making a bad move? I admit throwing RDK's name at CFD wasn't the best, but I was rereading his interaction with Fang, with YOUR POV in the back of my mind, and I thought, MAYBE RDK could be scum, so I tossed his name out to see if it would go anywhere. I view CFD as an opportunity to do something maybe a bit different than how a full phase vote would go.
i think he is scum and im not worried about you just throwing his name out as much as you not having prior established scum read of him to support that decision

i mean at the end of the day scum got the game solved so it doesnt matter much where the end result is as much as how u got there. there is nothing telling us u didnt rly just throw the name of a scummate out there for lols