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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Mafia God
You are correct, you weren't hammered. I saw ratchet says it was hammered and assumed it got hammered until I saw Big man and Arp place their votes. But do answer my question in the quote if possible.
Which question about the hider claim? It didn't really sway me one way or the other tbh so wasn't much of a factor.

The X

question and opinions from you guys: would soul put in this much effort to try to push a narrative as scum?
he's legit taking his time and working through his own conclusions so it reads town to me honestly

i can't tell or imagine he'd be this invested as scum but maybe he relishes the competition
Considering Soul was away all weekend, and said he was dead tired, I don't know if he really goes this hard as scum? I do think scum team is doing good this game, so Soul could probably just easily slip into the background and let his team work.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
honestly if phenom and cp if u guys r both town yall can protect the do not touch town pool lol

i think phenom can possibly be a serial lol

also there is a chance taira dies. watcher is a strong claim lol


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i still have my rune which is supposed to upgrade my role but i dont know how to activate it lol

i am not told what the upgrade is or how to achieve it

just told life threatening circumstances lol


Leprous Monarch
i still have my rune which is supposed to upgrade my role but i dont know how to activate it lol

i am not told what the upgrade is or how to achieve it

just told life threatening circumstances lol
I'm guessing you kill someone if they try to kill you


Leprous Monarch
given the wording of my role I don't think you can kill an aggressor if I jail you tho since kill attempts resolve after it


Leprous Monarch
yeah I don't think scum can kill ekko without sacrificing a member

so I guess I can jail BPD and tiara can watch me?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
given the wording of my role I don't think you can kill an aggressor if I jail you tho since kill attempts resolve after it
maybe if they shot me while im jailed it activates

i was hoping i can survive a kill but i have no idea. wud be kinda op if i can with all those protections

i recommend just rolling a dice and jailing one of us tbh. keep mafia wifoming. dont say who u jail

or roll a dice and jail a scum in the PoE to stop the kill


Leprous Monarch
I'm hesitant to jail her tho because I'm still shook by "I'm a simple watcher"

made me think rolewatcher instantly lol


Leprous Monarch
maybe if they shot me while im jailed it activates

i was hoping i can survive a kill but i have no idea. wud be kinda op if i can with all those protections

i recommend just rolling a dice and jailing one of us tbh. keep mafia wifoming. dont say who u jail

or roll a dice and jail a scum in the PoE to stop the kill
you won't be targetable by the kill because kills resolve after jails. my role says you can't be targeted by any roles that resolve after the jail. so there's nothing to shoot back at.


Leprous Monarch
all right I'll either jail you or her tonight. if she can watch she should watch me but idk if I she can. probably shouldn't say one way or the other


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
you won't be targetable by the kill because kills resolve after jails. my role says you can't be targeted by any roles that resolve after the jail. so there's nothing to shoot back at.
id say look at this post and roll a dice

hopefully phenom rolls a dice too

if u can protect urself include urself in the dice as well

i honestly wouldnt mind trying to jail a killer either. can use it as a psudo cop and saves u from dying

if we lynch RDK and he flips scum jail anyone in the PoE's

happy with this direction then. thoughts @town ?

PRIMARY SCUM POE - should all basically be scum

SECONDARY POE - look for last wolves here, or missing wolves if one of the primary PoE flips town

@Arp Bladstrum
@Doddsy - potentially indie if he is not wolf?
@Evans potentially indie from claim but very very low chance
@Big Man potentially rune hunting indie? low chance as well

MOST PROBABLY TOWN. If a scum is here it's going to be hard to find them. requires the town in PoE to play good and see them.
@Big Man

TOWN DO NOT TOUCH. If a scum is here game is lost or goes to f3.
@Black Pegged Dragon


Leprous Monarch
I’m fine claiming to at least get that out in the open to help with my slot and also potentially help you answer that shot that didn’t hit Tweet :hayden3

I’m The Spectral Steed, Torrent. Role is X-Shot forced commuter. Essentially i can target someone and make them commute. It does stop them from using their role as well as making them immune to night actions. Only use is Ekko on N2. Scum read him so thought I’d try to hinder him if he had a role.
okay the force commute roleblocks as well so we can't do super broken shenanigans tonight lol


Leprous Monarch
id say look at this post and roll a dice

hopefully phenom rolls a dice too

if u can protect urself include urself in the dice as well

i honestly wouldnt mind trying to jail a killer either. can use it as a psudo cop and saves u from dying

if we lynch RDK and he flips scum jail anyone in the PoE's
can't jail myself lol it's a roleblock