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Game Ranked My Hero Academia Mafia Thread

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Leprous Monarch
Damn, 7 is the conservative number.

What has flower done to start shit with Gram besides kling to his nuts like a Koala on a branch?

What sort of assumptions can you make about other players based on her being scum?
tagged him multiple times for comment on me "discrediting" him (because I said I'm not going to just blindly sheep his reads as he's been wrong plenty)


Leprous Monarch
You are tho. The only reason I can see for that which could come from a Town you is that you‘re overly paranoid of me after previous game. But that stops making sense when you consider that all the people who have a good record of reading me (Ultra, Gram, Fang) call me Town. Why are you not taking their reads into consideration?
I don't sheep people against my own reads. not a scrub like you.
In fact, what are your reads on Gram and Ultra?
stop asking people for reads constantly it's obnoxious, I will comment on gram and ultra when I feel like it


tagged him multiple times for comment on me "discrediting" him (because I said I'm not going to just blindly sheep his reads as he's been wrong plenty)

Oh I see, you meant to say she's instigating. Well no objection there.

Trying to get a man to fight her battles for her, typical.



No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Oh I see, you meant to say she's instigating. Well no objection there.

Trying to get a man to fight her battles for her, typical.

Bruh, I tagged him one single time.

CP is either scum or the new Shottie at this point.


Leprous Monarch
Do you have any prior example of this?
search the archive for 'fang' and/or 'aurelian' in posts made by Dr. Watson, she goes on about him at length many times across many different games. lmk if you find an example of her just saying "he's town" and leaving it at that. I couldn't.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
CP could be Town fwiw. Either way he doesn’t think his points through properly which is unlike him.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
its more weird that ultra is standing out for a woman

got demoted to simp


search the archive for 'fang' and/or 'aurelian' in posts made by Dr. Watson, she goes on about him at length many times across many different games. lmk if you find an example of her just saying "he's town" and leaving it at that. I couldn't.

So what you have here is a negative claim, and again I think it falls flat because what she's put forth is not really that objectionable.

You have also neglected to comment on her follow up post:

I like your direction

So far I have this

Am honestly impressed with Ekko's play. Regardless of the muh unbiased observations shtick this seems to be earnestly solving. He seems like he's hardcoring mafia which is not something he's done for a very long time. I like his method for now

Re: Craig - has done similar shit to me when I was town and scum.

The earlier conclusion I had over Fang:
As scum he avoids disdainful or snarky retorts early game. That last reaction from him sealed a town lean. That's it. Not that deep. Not even a full case. Just some attributes in line with his town play. Craig is making a mountain out of Peltonhills

Flower: experiencing some cognitive dissonance with her rational on players like Mel. I don't think that this is coming from her being flustered as scum; it's coming from not having the ability to express what's (I think) a gut read. Why Melkor, I don't know. It's interesting she's less paranoid over others takes on her and why Mel, of all people, is falling short of her expectations and spooking her. Don't get that at all

And to fully clarify since it probably isn't clear. I don't mind her doing what's her pretty standard way tagging to pressure inactives. The issue I took with it initially was she went out of her way to vote someone while the heat was still on her.
She's now moved on to a more organic approach without hrat and has been consistent with that, which makes me think it was just a self-preservation as town coming from her this time.

(Ftr I do agree on pressuring Nibel - it's just something that gave me a pause on how quickly she went about it, wanted to see what the hubbub was about, got my answers)

-Ekko's solves echoes previous hardtrying as town. He's not being obstructive. Can be beneficial for nurturing discussion and angles. But would watch closely regardless, don't trust him to not get bored and do weird shit that'll hurt my and others reads on him

-Flower right now has a very inconsistently consistent town reaction toward the above variables, am fine with her

-Fang has been given a very soft town lean due to, you know, being... whatever you call this kind of headache when he throws snark instead of conversing like a cordial human being, it's that

-Craig has an edgy name now. His pressure I think on me is NAI imho, but he does have the capability to gently agenda press if he thinks there's an opening for him to do so. I don't see that here, seems like standard reaction testing. Overall null, need more from him that doesn't pertain to just my slot

Now, I'm not exactly an expert on "White Girls with Toxoplasmosis Who Do Massive Bong Rips" and reading Dr. Watson largely boils down to gut feeling for me, but I think this is the type of post that is just a lot more likely to come from her as town, just a wall of spontaneous consideration of the gamestate that required very little prodding from me.

The fact that you didn't even mention this is, well, convenient, because I'll give you that before with your framework and looking at her 12 or so odd posts you could have sold it to me despite my stated objections. So all in all feels like you're overextending here and usually as town you don't really miss these many haymakers in quick succession


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
lol, weak af
I‘m not wrong tho. Either you‘re paranoid af or you‘re scum fighting windmills. You‘re not getting me mislynched this game tho, so no idea what you hope to gain from that as scum tbh.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Alternatively you are scum and are making this go against the grain kind of play to get Town reads.


Leprous Monarch
So what you have here is a negative claim, and again I think it falls flat because what she's put forth is not really that objectionable.

You have also neglected to comment on her follow up post:

Now, I'm not exactly an expert on "White Girls with Toxoplasmosis Who Do Massive Bong Rips" and reading Dr. Watson largely boils down to gut feeling for me, but I think this is the type of post that is just a lot more likely to come from her as town, just a wall of spontaneous consideration of the gamestate that required very little prodding from me.

The fact that you didn't even mention this is, well, convenient, because I'll give you that before with your framework and looking at her 12 or so odd posts you could have sold it to me despite my stated objections. So all in all feels like you're overextending here and usually as town you don't really miss these many haymakers in quick succession
I literally replied to that post
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