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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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King of Conquerors
Gramm and Magic both feel different in this game but I can't quite put my finger on why yet tbh.

@MangoSenpai thoughts on Alco and Dalton?
Did a quick iso of Dalton, and it could appear that he's trying to set up Ratchet for a lynch down the line.
He voted for T-pein using the argument he was acting out of character, from what I've seen so far I don't sense that but it could be a tactical setup for a mislynch.

Seems a lil' bit sus to me.

As for alco;

From my own iso, I don't particularly see anything that sticks out?

I do recall Ratchet making a case on him, but I'd have to look at what he had to say. But from iso alone, it seems kind of harmless?

He's been consistently on Magic's ass, that's about the take-away I get from reading


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i love fruits, they taste good


King of Conquerors
Ah I found it, yeah, looking in the context this looks a bit worse.

I kind of just looked on his posts in a vaccum, but I didn't see this. I guess my reading skills really are down the gutter huh.

Yeah, this doesn't look particuarly good, I'll be honest.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
ur not only treating it in bad faith but outright ignoring whats been told to u despite conceding ur points couple of times u still continue the read which is scummy

BPD isnt going to immediately disengage, this isnt scummy
the read on BPD started leaning town as he voted cp with me and left fang

i repeated this multiple times, i suggest you move on immediately tbh


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i think from the past games when u get hung up on shit like this u have a much higher chance of flipping scum

not only that but there are plenty of posts in the thread to read me town from, but u deliberately focus onto something from page 3 that has been explained to u multiple times and ignore anything else ive been saying



Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
the only thing i agree with is i could have maybe let it last out for a bit longer, tho i felt it was pretty unnecessary at the time. i read fang town and i didnt feel BPD was scummy, and i know arguing with fang can derail thread so i prefer to just cut it short and asked BPD to do something else, if he was town

i then asked him to look over cp/gram and help me vote one of them, and he did so. the willingness to join wagons in itself is also townie

the read only got weaker again when i started seeing cp as potential town, in which case BPD went from arguing with who i think is town (fang) to voting who may be town (CP)


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Could Alco and Dalton be in cahoots trying to bring down the Behemoth known as Ratchet?

thoughts on cp voting u? i think him dropping everything he was doing at the time then voting u and leaving is actually pretty sus af, agree?


I've made it very clear that this was just one example of you feeling the need to post for the sake of posting. Continuing to suggest that is the only reason is disingenuous.

Also, you shutting down the conversation with Fang is irrelevant to me because forcing content is often not a conscious or intentional decision, whereas you shutting down the conversation with Fang was very much a conscious decision.

In fact, I would expect the town version of you to keep tunneling on a single conversation like the Fang one.

I would expect the scum version of you to try to replicate this high activity, and this could easily include getting involved in lots of different conversations while you are online, as this would 'maximise' your active image. This mentality could also involve you being worried about being called out for tunneling (even though tunneling is your town meta).

Simply put, the way you're posting feels like you're trying to play like your typical high-activity town self, but are not replicating it accurately.


King of Conquerors
thoughts on cp voting u? i think him dropping everything he was doing at the time then voting u and leaving is actually pretty sus af, agree?
Well, I'd have to iso him to see what he was trying to do prior to voting me.

But I can't say I have too many feelings about it, his angle was that I was singling him out and didn't read you v Ratchet.
Honestly you arguing with Ratchet is routine, so I didn't really think too much of it.

I do think that the vote itself was a bit opportunistic, but I don't think he was entirely in the wrong for voting me for the reason he did.

I'd just have to step up my game
VC 3 Day 1


Vote Whicker

Vote Lynch Craig

Then we take his teammate Lethal next

vote Mango

vote whicker

sure seeing as the ekko wagon is dead now i think with cp getting off.

[Vote Ratchet]

Rachet today would seem foolish. fuck it VOTE: MANGO


[vote lynch retrolize]

Hardest player to read for me hands down. Town reads on Aurelian and ratchet (I liked their responses to pressure)

aight lets get it.

vote lynch alco

Magic - Aurelian > Ekko
Aurelian - Magic > BPD > Unvote
BPD - Aurelian > Craig > Whicker > Ratchet
Craig - BPD > Ekko > Unvote > Ekko > Mango
Alco - Ekko > Unvote > Ratchet
Ekko - Alco > CP > Ratchet > Magic > Alco
Evans - CP
Gram - Magic > Ratchet
Ratchet - Ekko > Alco
Whicker - CP
T-Pein - BPD > CP > Alco
Mango - Mango > Unvote > Lethal > CP
Lethal - Magic
Aersoldorf - Whicker
Vinegar - Mango
Dalton - T-Pein
Cubey - Retro

CP: 3
Ratchet: 3
Alco: 3
Mango: 2
Whicker: 2
Magic: 1
T-Pein: 1
Retro: 1

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
one potato, two potato, three potato, four

and just like that, i am a wagon no more!!


Leprous Monarch
I'm down to yeet ratchet tbh so much of his content this game has revolved around his own slot meanwhile the people he's naming as scum (alco/balsamic/mango) are all pretty low hanging fruit and unlikely to shake much loose by pushing them. not really buying his play overall the more it's devolved into "I know I'm town so I'm going to solve the whole game based on why is voting me and why" etc

vote Ratchet

The X

Someone catch Dalton up that I've been changing my town meta. This is honestly what this post sums up to.

Not much else I can say here, Dalton, because I've dealt with these accusations over the last few games as well because I'm trying to play differently as town. All I can advise is that you try and watch what I'm saying and doing and see if you can understand my thought process, because most of the stuff you're sussing me on just can't really be argued with.

The X

Don't use buzzwords!


Leprous Monarch
anyway think there's like 14 hours left and I'm gonna be asleep for most of them and we have a ton of low-count wagons so we should really be converging on something fruitful here

The X

I don't have any suspicion of alco (gave him a town lean earlier) and explained why I'm voting Ratchet in the post you quoted
Just checking. I just saw the latest VC and saw you, Ratchet, and Alco were all tied, so definitely wanted to see your reasoning.
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