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Game Elden Ring Mafia


It's not that I can't look the other way or that I struggle to - I refuse to do so. Allowing objectively scum-siding play to go by might help with a game here or there, but it will burn you more times than not, and in ways that are typically worse than losing a single townie. It's within my interests both long term as a player and with wanting to discourage problematic play to draw a hard line. Your little snit is cute, but I don't need to go through all the times your defence of the so-called "difficult personalities" has likewise gotten you burnt, too.

I disagree, but I understand. Difference in philosophy, personally I see your endeavor to enforce play norms and a level of conformity is pointless. You've been playing for 10 years very seriously and you still have to deal with the routine monkey spanking their ass in your direction. And I think my score is not terrible for it.


Like he made that whole defence of Aurelian about how hes hard to decipher and how he doesn’t exist on the same plane as us but he’s always like that and doesn’t mean he’s scum. When none of this were ever points made against him in the first place

im essentially agreeing with you that ratchet sus af
It wasn't really intended to be a defence, and given that I've seen players express confusion as to what Aurelian has said, I think my post was within reason. I can see why you might not like it, I just don't really care about that.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
If you’re going to be gone for thay long then you should probably claim your character and role as you have a pretty big wagon and it’s just going to stall the day if you disappear without claiming. The pressure isn’t gonna dissipate on its own
wtf is this

????????? why are you role fishing so early in the GAME?
fuck fang
what is THIS


What’s missing from these calculations are that I think he’s scum and actively want to lynch him tho. It’s not like I’m just chasing him for a claim. I don’t really care what his claim is but he should get it out there because others do and as I said there’s a chance he will actually claim something I don’t want to lynch. Or maybe he’ll claim something that will at least give me second thoughts and want to explore elsewhere whilst I mull it over? If he doesn’t wanna play ball then that’s his funeral not mine

I’m not lynching him out of principle tho, I’m lynching him because I think he’s scum

My bottom line is that the hard standard creates a lack of pressure for everyone else in this game, but I suppose it's a bit premature to whine about

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Also idk if I missed it because I keep missing posts here for some reason, but did fang ever respond to why Yoshi would defend him in the first place if all he was looking to do was be a predator and jump on a mislynch?
could be a firm of projection or defending himself

yoshi is
i dont think he's the type of player that analyzes, he's very literal and observes the surface level STUFF tmk


wtf is this

????????? why are you role fishing so early in the GAME?
fuck fang
what is THIS
Fishing Fail GIF by Conesulfoz


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I understand what you said about Lethal and admit you are definitely more than qualified to make a read there. But it's what happened afterwards that pinged me. You want to soft town lean Lethal for seemingly not being fearful, that's fine. But shortly after you gave a couple of lengthier explanations around that read, which felt like you were trying to do more than just throw out a soft town read. Then, later on, you claim you just wanted to get the ball rolling. That's fine by me as that's what I do as well, but I think you could probably agree that there are better ways to get the ball rolling than giving someone a soft town lean, yeah? Sure it got a couple of reactions, but I think the reactions came and THEN you said you were doing what you did to get the game rolling.
not a fan of this changing the goal post. i dont think u r following a single trail here. what do u want poyser to say?


The Nexus
this is a new post that refreshed, still catching up but don't want to lose thought

why would you even worry or want "town cred"?
town usually doesn't worry about whether they gain town cred, not sure if you are why you would be

What you mean why?
To not get mislynched.
I will prove my towniness by lynching scum.
Thats all I said.


I disagree, but I understand. Difference in philosophy, personally I see your endeavor to enforce play norms and a level of conformity is pointless. You've been playing for 10 years very seriously and you still have to deal with the routine monkey spanking their ass in your direction. And I think my score is not terrible for it.
I mean, I've played on a lot of sites over the time, it's not like it was without progress. It's not like it was authoritarian either, if someone where to give a good reason as to why, say, claiming is bad for the town by default and should just be avoided, I'd be happy to listen.


could be a firm of projection or defending himself

yoshi is
i dont think he's the type of player that analyzes, he's very literal and observes the surface level STUFF tmk
Yeah I don’t think he’d be capable of any kind of deep analysis either, but the dude said he was being a predator and trying to jump on a mislynch but yoshi’s first reaction was to defend Aurelian which doesn’t really fit that view at all lol


The Nexus
Do you think Ratchet would give that weird planar existence defense of Aurelian if they were teammates? I'm feeling sus on him too but not sure they're scum together! Don't want to speculate multi scum at this early junkture even though the theme supports it.

It was strange.
I got more of a TMI feel from it.
But probably cuz I am tunneling him.
Ratchet had no reason to try and soft defend there imo.
This retrolize I think is just m8s irl so he just batting for his boy.