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Game Elden Ring Mafia

Hans Tweetenberg

look at the bolded lol
tweet tmi on yoshi being town lmfao
dissmiss a case another townie made to replace it with urs. guy clearly knows who is town and who isnt lol

this is the post that gave me a pause on RDK. i hard disagree with it because RDK never pushed fang. its fang himself that self destructed
That's the worst attempt at a gotcha I've ever seen. For my point it doesn't even make a difference if the third player whose point you're dismissing is town or not.

Also RDK is the one who got Aurelian on the ropes in the first place. Was on him instantly upon entrance.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I'd generally agree but I think Ekko is one of few people that would do it, no fear!
ofcourse yes id do it with no fear but if u analyse a bit u will realize the guy isnt working with me lol

ive stood for him more than he stood for himself. he was super content with yall bussing him he didnt even try to survive


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Vote: Tweet

Also happy with the direction. Having hyper-analyzed the post I originally town read him for, I started getting very weary of it. Like the way he described it as I was driving Aurelian against the wall sounded kind of resentful in hindsight lmao, which it would be if it was his teammate
u didnt hyper analyze sht lol

Hans Tweetenberg

Telling me that you aren't reading the thread isn't likely to help your case here.
I've been pretty upfront about the fact that drawing VT deflates me and that I can barely be assed to keep up so idk what point you think you're making here.

I probably oughta just handle things like N0M, Rugrat and Big Man who pop in here like once a day and never get sussed for it


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Vote: Tweet

Happy to support before i disappear for work. Should (keyword being should) have time to look over Aurelian’s posts / interactions tonight. Prepare for a GOATnom appearance.
r u an indie btw

u and rugrat seems most pacifist - an indie trait


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Subtle shading of Yoshi to try and take the focus off of him. Detecting a small bus here. Haza picking Aurelian apart from post 1 improves my town lean on him.

Not sure the motivation here? Open wolfing?

He's speccing. Uh oh.

When have you EVER been so insistent on flavour? Like, seriously?

Yeah this is all kind of yikes.


Why the suspicion of RDK? Trying to defend a team mate that's been caught off of something so trivial and isn't able to sway momentum?

Red flag. There's also the part where you were "catching up" but had knowledge he'd claimed indy, then spent posts waffling on about him claiming.

Defending the lynch traction. Town Ekko wants to lynch ANY non-town, so vouching for the indy here is just baffling. Now he's swinging away at Ratchet. Oh boy.

You refused to answer this last night. Purple town team? Huh?

50 posts to make a decision? Sounds like a LOT of waffling on to swing this positive towards you.

Yup, I vibe with this. Ugh that it's similar from pein too. It's eerily reminiscent of his approach to my lynch wagon in Xmas when he (Ekko) defended me as best as he could [ultimately went Johnny but the fact remains]

Yet you were hinting at Haza as the alternate? Your justification was flawed.

Are you going to question those who didn't push it?

Scum team has Tweet, Ekko and Yoshi on it. Haza & Ratchet solidifying as town leans (with a skew towards reads)
im going to reply to this when i get on pc


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I have cases to make on both Ultra and T-Pein. I read through about 60% of the game last night and I feel like both are compelling avenues to explore today. Won't be until this evening, though.
i thought ultra was scummy but with aurelions flip i have my doubts given their interactions. i wouldnt put it past the realm of distancing but it was better than most other players

tpein i agree being scummy


Idk what to tell you guys tbh, I'm disappointed I couldn't contribute more than this but then again you know how jaded I am these days.

Though I gotta mention that Poysers point that it's somehow suspicious that I didn't mention him in my reads is whack. His other points have merit but that one is weird, if I had an opinion on you I woulda put it up there. If you really want my opinion, it's "he appears sound so far but it's Poyser so that's not worth a town read".

Ima just vote my one scum read

vote Ekko
Last game you commented on how laid back I was being lol, you’re not afraid to pick at me for little things and make observations. You almost always do it as town but here you completely ignored me and I was in the top two posters. That’s why it’s suspicious. Also think I’ve been more laid back this game than last game (actually on purpose since I didn’t wanna get anybody mad at me) and you didn’t mention that either


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I have cases to make on both Ultra and T-Pein. I read through about 60% of the game last night and I feel like both are compelling avenues to explore today. Won't be until this evening, though.
also idk if there was a need for this post lol. just tell us right away later


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Is his contribution towards the aurelians lynch not worthy of anything?
my contributions? i was pushing against the lynch lol

i didnt town read aurelion but i belived he was indie not mafia. it worked better for my solve