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Game Elden Ring Mafia

Hans Tweetenberg

My opinion on Ekko changed because I thought I noticed him sounding more aggressive around Aurelian which is more in line with what I know from his town game, but when I thought it over lying in bed I thought, huh is he actually that different or is it just because he could sink his teeth into some flavor stuff that made it seem that way? So I've come to backtrack on backtracking if you will.

As for that post surrounding Aurelian Idk man, I made those posts yesterday and instantly knew they were dogshit but posted em anyway. I was still slightly on the fence mainly because I was the town indy in GoT so I definitely believed that a role like that could be in the game, but also Ekko seemed to insinuate that he has reason to believe the claim. I can't say I followed their conversation very well, not least cause I got no theme knowledge, but that was also a reason I thought Ekko might be town after all, the fact he evidently had a claim prepared already. Which now that I think of it, Ekko and claiming is... yeah. Either way I didn't wanna vote Aurelian only to be greeted with "yeah he's the town indy and you of all people should have known a role like that was in the game, Varys".

Hans Tweetenberg

I still got Ultra as town, a lot of which is based on tone. Idk the guy but he seems to me like he has this self-understanding that he's the one in the drivers seat which I associate with townies a lot.

T-Pein, I can't say I really read his posts.


I mean I’m pretty sure I do the opposite of bring them back to life


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
he didnt use duellist because we have another scum in the ropes - tweet and RDK

and no. my point is pretty fair. the wagon on tweet was mostly formed by townies with maybe 1-2 scum on it. it could have exexuted him if he
was town

its easy for mafia to shed doubts on a player and cause his wagon to grow without even voting them. tweet was semi inactive and already suspected. his wagon being used as an execute was the easiest shite ever and it wud hardly incriminate mafia directly. all they needed was 6 votes i belive

or simply if tweet was town aureliom can claim the duel as part of his indie role and duel yoshi while we lynch tweet. ofcourse they wont do that


I can jive with this thought process, for what it's worth.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
You could, idk, try to play along and do something? We have your claim, but your reads and position are very shaky


I don't even know what to do with this
its a pretty fair point actually

Hans Tweetenberg

That "I'm not gonna vote Aurelian" post I made...

Man I wish I could produce a post like that as the Jester someday, I couldn't sound more wishy-washy if I tried lmao.

Which is kinda my point as well, I'd like to think that if I was Aurelians teammate, I'd commit to a stronger stance on him and at least get something out of it other than "well this post is as sketchy as can be and the first thing we'll examine tomorrow".


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Ultra, distancing from Aurelian.
yes its very possible. i thought he was the 2nd most person to try to figure aurelion's claim after me but there is nothing that points to it not being distancing


I mean I’m pretty sure I do the opposite of bring them back to life
Probably so, but I'm mostly using necromancy as a fill-in term for interacting with/stealing the abilities of the dead. The best anti-case I have is you can collect dead roles/votes as some sort of Serial, but this is obviously undermined by the fact you claimed yesterday without needing to, and that, if you just wanted to be left alone, you could claim you just need to loot 5 bodies instead of also saying you need to eliminate the Golden Order (which gives them incentive to target you). I believe your claim, in other words, it just makes me uneasy.


It's almost like there's an abundance of precedent for me drawing VT, playing a half-assed game and getting mislynched for it
I'm not sure I agree with your self-assessment here, because you didn't really indicate during D1 that you weren't motivated or anything.

You just became self-aware of being "wishy washy" because others had pointed out your weak entrance.

So I think you're fitting your claim into a new narrative here.

The X

I agree with this. Let's put some pressure on Lethal.

Vote Lethal


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
yall can clear RDK if u want i just dont see it. its my opinion at the end of the day. i have another issues with his play unrelated to the flip

i am only willing to give him a chance cuz of the flip


Also possible, yes, but again Mafia would have to commit to saving their scum buddy at the risk of getting themselves caught pretty easily. I do think the lack of duel implies it was a concerted bus effort, though. I agree there.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i wanted aurelions claim so i can google the character and see if it makes sense for him to target my flavor and if he is towny or not. if he has a fake claim it shudnt be a problem to claim so why didnt he? idk

Hans Tweetenberg

I was self-aware of how crappy my posts were before Poyser made a push for me. I know CP said something like "riveting stuff, Tweet" but that was before people really looked my way.


i wanted aurelions claim so i can google the character and see if it makes sense for him to target my flavor and if he is towny or not. if he has a fake claim it shudnt be a problem to claim so why didnt he? idk
Did you google his character in the end?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
who do u scum read on ur wagon btw. surely u have more than just ekko