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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Thing that has me thinking Ekko is probably town is both the reaction to his supposed character name being dropped plus I just don’t really see his play around Aurelian being a teammate one

The X

Anyway as promised I am The Dung Eater, the Pox Aligned.

My role is that during a day phase I can target a dead player and “defile” their body. I’m the one that defiled Aurelians body. I get perks the more bodies i defile but I haven’t received anything yet from that one and have no idea what the perks would be. Hopefully at least one BP vest! But obviously as I can only target players that are already dead, it doesn’t really effect the game.

there’s also a game mechanic that can kill me but i obviously won’t elaborate on that.

my win condition is that I need to defile 5 bodies, see the golden order utterly destroyed and survive to the end of the game.
So if you keep getting perks with each body you defile, why do you think scum will keep you alive?

Hans Tweetenberg

Speaking of Lethal, I found it odd yesterday that he would find reasons not to vote me when Poyser was trying to build a wagon on me yesterday, yet voted somewhere else at the drop of a hat. I can't remember who the other guy he voted was but I felt quite amazed because Lethal struck me as if playing around a teammate of his, except I'm not his teammate lmao.


Thing that has me thinking Ekko is probably town is both the reaction to his supposed character name being dropped plus I just don’t really see his play around Aurelian being a teammate one
Agreed. Though it dawned on me over the night that he could also be some sort of Indie.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Ekko why the fuck are you operating under the assumption that mafia have an execute
they did in GoT despite also having a duel

and im not operating with that as a fact. i am considering it as a possibility and i think its a pretty reasonable one to hold

Hans Tweetenberg

Idk why Poyser would claim his ability at all if he was scum tbh. His play doesn't fit in the first place and if he's non-town indy then I still don't care about whether he wins by defiling 5 corpses or not.


So if you keep getting perks with each body you defile, why do you think scum will keep you alive?
They likely will not! Scum killing me is always the biggest threat to me when I am not mafia and since I need them dead anyway there’s not much I can do to get around that other than to let them know that currently, I have no useful role.
that said I wanted to claim my role to show its not really anti town and to them, nor is it really anti scum. Thought it would be pretty obvious it would come with perks tho so rather be honest lol


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Also possible, yes, but again Mafia would have to commit to saving their scum buddy at the risk of getting themselves caught pretty easily. I do think the lack of duel implies it was a concerted bus effort, though. I agree there.
if they wanted to exucute or duel then the first step is for fang to actually push another wagon properly. i think he was thinking about duelling yoshi but his team stopped him for the reasons i outlined since that gives town a second lynch and exposed rest of the team more


But how can he try and make himself look good off of a flip he knows is going to flip mafia? It doesn’t make any sense lol

I don’t see the yoshi thing at all, why try and sacrifice a teammate rather than try and deflect pressure to a townie? He turned on yoshi very early in the day when yoshi voted him lol. Doesn’t look like a teammate interaction at all and I really struggle to see how you got there
You remember his tactic with the coal during the xmas game? it spun confusion, made CP look bad, and he slimed his way into the victory. Maybe it's recency bias clouding my judgement.

Easy victim. He was feeling pressure given how he snapped at Haza shading his entry post, and then as you said turned on him. Maybe he got equally as annoyed that a team mate had voted him?


they did in GoT despite also having a duel

and im not operating with that as a fact. i am considering it as a possibility and i think its a pretty reasonable one to hold
Could be wrong but I think gram usually wouldn’t allow them to use it on D1

The X

Tweet looks horrendous imo, the whole “I’ll come back and hammer if needed but I wanna see if anything else happens” looked bad at the time, it looks absolutely fucking horrendous now with hindsight

flip was hilarious btw

I’m on my way to work so I’ll sort out the rest of my claim details when I get there and settle down, still waiting for something from Odo

vote tweet

Yeah idk if I’m feeling a tweet lynch here actually. He doesn’t really feel like scum here
This still you? What did Tweet do so far in D2 to convince you to go elsewhere?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
also mb the duel was a town ability in GoT. it was actually my ability and i used it on scum

for some reason is misremembered it as scum using it on me lol

it means the chance of mafia having execute here is lower now


This still you? What did Tweet do so far in D2 to convince you to go elsewhere?
I’ve not gone elsewhere yet, im mulling it over. It’s mostly just gut feel but he doesn’t really feel like scum to me here with his reaction to the his wagon. It’s not that he’s done anything inherently pro town lol