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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I mean, he did push back against Fang. I thought his interaction there was genuine and not theatre.
might need to reread if thats actually enough to not warrant them being partnered actually

speaking about that topic then, what about ultra?

The X

Vote: Tweet

Happy to support before i disappear for work. Should (keyword being should) have time to look over Aurelian’s posts / interactions tonight. Prepare for a GOATnom appearance.
Probably going to have to hold Phenom accountable for this or else I think he might be blowing smoke.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
how many votes is lethal at rn?

consider my vote on him. i'll vote whenever we ready to hammer


The Alpha and The Omega
My presence will actually be less this weekend for I will be out of town, just FYI. I do agree that it still does not meet my normal presence but i am trying to wiggle everything with all the chaos going on from my end right now.

One thing I noticed is that you seem to not pay attention to the thread, some stuff you said made no sense and is not in the right order of things. Like this for example, I voted for poyser before I dropped that post. Like not sure why you mixing the events that happened? You doing this on purpose or what??? Not liking it really.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
shud be at like 7 now? still far

vote lynch lethal

The X

might need to reread if thats actually enough to not warrant them being partnered actually

speaking about that topic then, what about ultra?
Ultra is probably a townie as well. He's a little bit on the back of my mind this game, but I don't really think there's much manipulation to be found in his game. He's also brought up a couple of times that I'm probably just town this game, including a post where he said he didn't understand the suspicion on my slot. Scum Ultra I don't think really tries to buddy me there because Ultra knows that's not really how I operate. I do think his town read of me is genuine and that shows me he is trying to solve the game and put people into the town pile as well.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
idk where vote came from? im saying u pushed poyser after that long post

let me correct, u pushed poyser before AND after that long post. is this better now?

the content doesnt really change. u havent pushed scum after the long post - this is my point

people tend to argue semantics around my posts all the time but the points still remain

Hans Tweetenberg

Doesn't really matter, IIRC you tried to present it as a real argument against him so you don't get to go "err just kidding lmao" after you get proven wrong.

I do think he is what he says he is and I don't think he's any sort of priority right now.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
well lethal gives info on ultra too so there is that


The Alpha and The Omega
No one is arguing semantics, your points don't hold cause they are not true. You are mixing things up and nit picking stuff from here and there to fit your narrative.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
No one is arguing semantics, your points don't hold cause they are not true. You are mixing things up and nit picking stuff from here and there to fit your narrative.
completely false tho

ive never said u voted poyser after ur long post. i said u pushed him. and thats true.

u pushed him before and after, and u were still pushing him and are still pushing him

u havent pushed scum. only now u r voting lethal


Leprous Monarch

So Ultra was thinking Aurelian was town, but

His case against Alco seemed to be that Alco is scum with Aurelian, knew he was going to flip scum and wanted to look good. "preflipping a buddy", as he says. But again, Ultra thinks Aurelian is town.

1) Why not follow up on this immediately D2?
2) How is this different from Ultra's "smoking gun" against lethal? You say you think Aurelian is non-mafia but you're pairing him with other players (in this case, Alco). How's it different? What am I missing?

The X

Lethal 6 - BLD, Evans, TPein, Retro, Soulkiller, Ekko
Tweet 4 - Alco, RDK, Phenom, RDK
BLD 3 - Poyser, CP, Tweet
Poyser 1 - Yoshi

RDK: Tweet (3471)
Yoshi: Poyser (3568)
Soulkiller: Lethal (3617)
Ekko: Lethal (3626)


The Alpha and The Omega
completely false tho

ive never said u voted poyser after ur long post. i said u pushed him. and thats true.

u pushed him before and after, and u were still pushing him and are still pushing him

u havent pushed scum. only now u r voting lethal
You are now deviating from your point. You put events in incorrect order to fit your narrative and when you get called on it you dismiss it and start saying 'No you still did this' which is invalid cause I was replying to people who were engaging with me after I dropped that post. I didn't go out of my way to push the guy again for I said all I have to say about him.

The X

Doesn't really matter, IIRC you tried to present it as a real argument against him so you don't get to go "err just kidding lmao" after you get proven wrong.

I do think he is what he says he is and I don't think he's any sort of priority right now.
Except when my main point hasn't been disproven, just one of my side points, then it's not really like I'm saying jkjkjkjk.

Well fuck, eh?