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Game Elden Ring Mafia

The X

there were 3 kills last night before the correction. I'm assuming mafia, SK and the vig. we always have SKs in our game so CP would assume there is one. that makes it very likely there is a role that stopped all the kills and it would be very risky for CP to claim that without knowing himself if the factional kill was blocked.
What was the edited third kill?


Okay, I might be being stupid here - but if Ultra flips scum. How does that confirm Lethal?
Mechanically, it doesn't. From threadplay, they're almost never buddies, and if you check the time stamps on how the wagon on Ultra built - Lethal was the player who started that wagon. So he gets town cred for that, and in all but the most fringe scenarios is just town.


Leprous Monarch
Who still wants to listen to the people who did NOTHING to lynch Aurelian and tried to MISLYNCH Lethal?


Mechanically, it doesn't. From threadplay, they're almost never buddies, and if you check the time stamps on how the wagon on Ultra built - Lethal was the player who started that wagon. So he gets town cred for that, and in all but the most fringe scenarios is just town.

Okay but you just said you think there’s a good chance Ultra is still scum.

Yet you confirmed Lethal here:

Big day for you today, as well. With Lethal more or less being confirmed town if you believe Ultra is legitimate, how does that affect your worldview?


Leprous Monarch
Also Poyser being a self motivated indie isn't a surprise but I'm glad the SK resolved him for us. Exactly what I wanted and advocated for!

The X

Ekko/BPD how are you reading each other? What do you think of Ratchet not really town reading his most familiar player slots?
Ekko is doing everything right now to prevent himself from being a strong town read. I want to say this just town Ekko, but he's doing a lot of different things and I can't trace his thought process on some of them. I can see him doing the Kansas City Shuffle with Fang and do something so crazy as to defend a mate like he did. Ekko is in my town pile for now.


I really don't like being tied with Ultra, for better or for worse. That doesn't make a ton of sense to me.
It makes perfect sense from my perspective though. You've both generally been aligned in thread, and your interactions in thread are not out of the realm of scum buddies by any stretch.
I suggested RDK as a possible CFD just because I was rereading him and Fang's interactions and thinking about Ekko's POV. I do think RDK is town, but I've also been tricked by him before. I tossed his name out to see what people had to say. I think the CFD was a bit of a wild time and I wanted to see reactions and also not have a no lynch.
See, this just reads ingenuine to me. You think RDK is Town, but you begin to think Ekko might be onto something... so you put him forward as a CFD target where we can't even get a claim? Nonsense. From your perspective, someone like Craig, or back to Lethal, or anyone you read Null, would all have been better CFD targets than RDK.


Okay but you just said you think there’s a good chance Ultra is still scum.

Yet you confirmed Lethal here:
"more or less"
My confirmation was qualified to include some degree of vagueness. Me thinking Ultra is scum only supports my position that Lethal is Town. I feel like we are getting caught into semantics here - his confirmation would obviously only stand if Ultra flips Town, but for the purposes of reading him, whether Ultra flips Town or Scum I am inclined to believe Lethal is Town.


Leprous Monarch
It doesn’t make sense to me.

How did they try to kill him?
Mafia didn't kill one last, he was a non factor. They didn't kill poyser,he was a claimed indie and nearly got quicklynched at EOD. Their kill is missing. Originally ratchets death was posted but removed. Mafia tried and failed to kill him. He is 100% town.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
That’s a very big leap. I’ve never played with Soul before and honestly haven’t read too deep into his posts whilst I’ve been pursuing my own pushes.

Asking why you think someone is scum doesn’t mean the person thinks they’re town.
no lol

if BPD scum reads soul he wud just say he agrees otherwise his question is just busy work lol

and it didnt seem he asked me to know why i scum read the same person he scum read. his question came more like asking me why we both have different reads on the guy


"more or less"
My confirmation was qualified to include some degree of vagueness. Me thinking Ultra is scum only supports my position that Lethal is Town. I feel like we are getting caught into semantics here - his confirmation would obviously only stand if Ultra flips Town, but for the purposes of reading him, whether Ultra flips Town or Scum I am inclined to believe Lethal is Town.

This makes more sense to me