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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Ye it's best I claim.

x-shot gunsmith. Checked Poyser N1, Tweet N2 and BPD N3. All came back as not being able to kill.
Checked Poyser to see if he wasn't hiding being SK (he claimed indy after all)
Checked Tweet to test the VT claim (and because at that time I was sus of him)
Checked BPD because he was my biggest scum read at the time.

Wording of my role is that it checks capacity to kill or to grant a kill, hence why I think BPD is not the godfather either.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
BLD's position on ultra was kinda safe tbh. i wish hed held his vote longer like i did


Let's start things with DP2 for things were going back and forth alot during this DP.

The first major wagon that developed was on Lethal. Both Ultra and BPD made some good cases on the guy which lead him to being the major wagon. That was until ratchet stepped in and made a case against Ultra and mustered an wagon on the guy forcing Ultra to out his claim. That's when things once again picked up and votes switched to Poyser.

Tweet 2 - Alco, RDK
Lethal 9 - BLD, Evans, TPein, Retro, Ultra, Soulkiller, Ekko, Yoshi, OLU
BLD 4 - Poyser, CP, Tweet, Doddsy
Retro 1 - Rugrat
Ekko 1 - Phenom


Tweet 1 - RDK
Lethal 8 - BLD, TPein, Retro, Ultra, Soulkiller, Ekko, Yoshi, OLU
BLD 2 - CP, Doddsy
Ekko 1 - Phenom
Ultra 6 - Lethal, Arp, Rugrat, Tweet, Evans, Poyser


Lethal 6 - BLD, TPein, Ultra, Soulkiller, Ekko, OLU
BLD 2 - CP, Doddsy
Ultra 9 - Lethal, Arp, Rugrat, Tweet, Evans, Poyser, Ratchet, RDK, Yoshi


Lethal 3 - Soulkiller, Ekko, OLU
BLD 2 - CP, Doddsy
Ultra 5 - Lethal, RDK, Alco, Ratchet, Poyser
Tpein 1 - Dalton
Ekko 2 - Evans, Tweet
Poyser 8 - Phenom, Ultra, BLD, Tpein, Arp, Yoshi, Rugrat, Evans

Look at the DP voting patterns, It will help me digest players intentions and give us better understanding of their agenda. Especially knowing what we know now. Before I jump into this I would just say from the get go. According to Ultra information, and the development surrounding Ratchet flip that both Lethal and CP are considerably more townie than the rest of the players. Letha due to Ultra claim and CP due to him apparently taking responsibility of saving ratchet (who was botched??? apparently he was supposed to die but he didn't die???) and no one but him claimed to saving ratchet and no one cc'ed such claim. There is a world where he might be pulling a 5000 IQ move but I fear it's not worth spending too much energy on unless we are in end game and the supposedly 'doctor' is still alive. It's honestly still weird to me now how he is still alive? for doctor is one of the most strong roles if played right, but scum seems to have no interest in him. Either way, we can speculate and run through this rabbit hole later down in the game. For he is not priority right now and I am willing to believe his position for now.

The reads will develope more as I go through DP3. But I think it's good to develop and see how these reads progress as I move forward with the thread.

Evan voted for Lethal believing there is a good chance he is scum, just to switch it to Ultra after ratchet making a case on the guy for then to switch it to Poyser during the end of the DP. This hip hopping from one wagon to another can be actually townie for townies have less knowledge and are more likely to hip hop. However, for some reason I really am struggling to get a clear read on the guy. I do plan to make a detailed read on him individually alone later tonight when I am free. Will determine where he stands, he striked me as a player who is blending really well if he is scum. He had various moments in the game where he was really present and then no presence at all for having strong presence again.

BLD, made a good case and I find it real hard to view him as scum. Reason why I placed my vote on Lethal because he was one of my stronger town reads and having very low time from my end. I did follow the lethal wagon mostly cause I trusted BLD more than others. Taking into account ultra case on lethal as well made it a good place to put use of my vote instead of being wasted. Alco recently claimed he has reasons to believe he is townie? which further puts him in better spot. But I need to see why Alco believes he is townie. One way I was looking at it to get even better read on the guy is to look at his interaction with CP. Knowing what we know now it's very possible this is a TvT interaction. This obviously will be revaluated if both CP and BPD are alive in end game. For at that point I do believe there might be scum there. For now, he can sit comfortably in my townie lean list.

Yoshi, this is a player I found hard to get a read on due to how programmatic his posts were. But now I have a feeling he might indeed be scum. He was very willingly open to claim whenever any minor pressure comes his way. Fang also was pushing him hard, I do have a theory here is that if Fang wanted to get better standing with the players he would try and bus one of his team mates (in yoshi) to better his position in the game. Very possible now that I see it right now. Also, Yoshi is very easily persuaded to switch wagons as you can see from his vote tracking. Voted for Lethal > Ultra > and then switched to Poyser. Him being easily persuaded tbh does strike me a bit townie, but I would say he is null with leaning him more to the scum side.

Doddsy, I thought his catching up to the thread honestly looked good? like he was paying attention and was trying to scum hunt. He def looked better than in DP1. One thing that makes me pause is how he kept his vote on BPD the entire time during the DP2 and did not waver or move his vote anywhere else. This tells me he was content with keeping the game stale and not flip any player. This at handsight does look bad on him tbh. This slot will develope more reading wise as I go through DP3. There is a decent chance doddsy might be scum here.

Phenom, I thought phenom play was actually decent DP2 to be honest. I liked when he saw that no wagon is moving forward that he instead went for poyser (harmful indie) which is a very logical move as townie tbh, if memory serves me right he was the first one to switch to poyser when he evaluated the situation in both lethal and ultra wagons are fruitless. Which he does get credit for. His vote patterns actually was at Ekko and then Poyser. I am not sure if he voted Ultra or Lethal at any stage? memory tells me yes???? Need to confirm. His activity were always on the lower side of things tho which does not help his case. (But again I can't really say shit about activity as I been MIA during the weekend lol) For now, I'll put him as townie lean and see how he progress in DP3.

Retro, is a player I town read in the beginning, due to the nature of how this girl play the game and her excessive overthinking scenario and from personal experience playing with her. However, I am not fan of how she voted for lethal then did not vote for anyone after that??? odd thing to do as townie and honestly made me pause for a second. I know she claimed something in DP3 so I guess i will put more focus on this slot in my next post going through DP3.

Rugrat, interesting slot. Dude came gun blazing trying to axe Retro providing little to no explanation and when asked for reason he with hold from answering waiting for someone else to reply. I think he was talking to Ultra? either way not sure what to make of that move. However though, he stated that he is willing to lynch Ultra without a claim. This vote on ultra felt opportunistic dude wanted to off the dude, and yet he switched his vote away from Ultra to Poyser. This tells me that the guy was full of shit and was all an act towards Ultra spot. Good chance he might be scum.

Ekko, I didn't like how ekko positioned himself around Fang slot. I said there is 50/50 chance he would do that as scum or townie and I interacted with him briefly in DP2 and got more scum vibes from him for how dismissive he was for certain events and kinda painted things to fit his own agenda. He voted for Lethal > Phenom > Lethal. Ekko position changes alot based on the information that surfaced today so I will be talking more details about him in my future reads as I progress through the days.

Arp avoided voting for Lethal and went straight to Ultra for him to change it to Poyser. But he is still one of the players I actually strong town read simply based of his composure. If this guy flips scum then kudos to him tbh. He improved alot since last time I played with him.

Dalton, this is a player I will focus more on read wise as I progress due to the information that presented itself recently. But I do not like dalton this DP. He had no use of his vote for he voted T-Pein a townie and was not really present. I already had a scum lean on this spot due to how he tried hard to defend Fang in DP1, and he does not improve in my eyes moving into DP2.

RDK is my first strong town read actually, but that dwindled as the game progressed. I really didn't like his vote on tweet. Trying to switch the wagon from fang to tweet and even pursued tweet even more during DP2 which we know is townie now. This made his strong impression he made on me fall to be honest. He did switch to Ultra but really wishy washy push on tweet. Moved down from town lean to null as end of DP2.

Alco, is a player who made reasonable thoughts in DP1 I liked his comments in DP1 felt very reasonable and always provided reasons for his thought process which I thought looked good. Wasn't a fan of that tweet push, and is blending well same as evan if he is scum. There are information recently merging so this is a slot I will focus more on in my reads as I progress through the DP's. He voted for tweet and then switched to Ultra. As of DP2 null to slight town lean simply due to the content he provided in DP1 and 2 which I remember nodding to while reading his posts.

Now, time to move on and revaluate DP3 which I believe have alot of juicy content.
just me or do most of these reads hedge your bets horribly?
do u know who ultra was referring to here btw?

im totally in line with bigman/alco fitting that category as people who just voted ultra one dimensionally and sat on it


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Ye it's best I claim.

x-shot gunsmith. Checked Poyser N1, Tweet N2 and BPD N3. All came back as not being able to kill.
Checked Poyser to see if he wasn't hiding being SK (he claimed indy after all)
Checked Tweet to test the VT claim (and because at that time I was sus of him)
Checked BPD because he was my biggest scum read at the time.

Wording of my role is that it checks capacity to kill or to grant a kill, hence why I think BPD is not the godfather either.
u dont check vt with a gunsmith that really doesnt work much. its basically like u r checking anyone else with a gunsmith.

did u take into account ultra's flip when u checked BPD?

and why havent u checked me or yoshi?

also werent u soft scum reading poyser day 2? doesnt add up much with ur check of him n1

and i believe u started town reading tweet in day 2 after his defense so why check him in n2?

i didnt fact check my questions. just going off memory. feel free to prove me wrong if u can


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
It looked like a lazy hollow post without substance. Wanted to check if he could provide said substance. Alas.
u havent really insisted for him to give u an answer. it tells me u dont really care to receive one. also most of the people that wanted to continue the day r townie not scummy imo

whats ur read of phenom rn?


u dont check vt with a gunsmith that really doesnt work much. its basically like u r checking anyone else with a gunsmith.

did u take into account ultra's flip when u checked BPD?

and why havent u checked me or yoshi?

also werent u soft scum reading poyser day 2? doesnt add up much with ur check of him n1

and i believe u started town reading tweet in day 2 after his defense so why check him in n2?

i didnt fact check my questions. just going off memory. feel free to prove me wrong if u can
What are these questions :pogba

If I find that Tweet can kill he obviously lied about being VT??

I took into account my opinion of BPD's play when I checked him.

I was not soft scum reading poyser day 2. I was hardly around D2 lol.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
you haven't really given anyone any reason to listen to you this game tbh
not me then, but town in general needs time to talk when there is confusion going on

there was no reason to axe ultra before seeing what his case develops


u havent really insisted for him to give u an answer. it tells me u dont really care to receive one. also most of the people that wanted to continue the day r townie not scummy imo

whats ur read of phenom rn?
I was on Yoshi at the time I believe and thought it wouldn't hurt keeping my vote there.

My read of phenom is the read I had at the start, to be honest, namely that I think he leaned into his meta too much upon entry and that he hasn't done a lot to convince me he's town.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
well yoshi was subbed

we're gna get a read on that slot soon

@Tiara how much of the game have u read lol?

i think a claim is demanded from ur slot


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Excellent point.

People who play with Retro, is this shit something they do as town? Because this reeks of busywork lol

why did you separate me/bigman/alco from sk/tpein/rdk? Is there one group you suss more than the other?

Also leave me alone pls ty
yes tweet SK tpein RDK were people i wanted to pursue more

after a reread my head is more around for alco/bigman for reasons ive mentioned. i only wanted to pursue u to see how far ultra goes tbh

as for retro. i really havent seen her as scum b4 but this is very much in line with her town play yes


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@Alco do you have info on BPD?

Lethal with an early breadcrumbing of me and then pointing out which of his reads we’re right/wrong is curious lol

Ekko’s refusal to lynch Ultra despite him saying “I can’t help you bro” and the fact it made sense to lynch Ultra seems like TMI.

Vote Ekko
btw i didint refuse to lynch him. i just wanted to take my time lol

i dont think im being unreasonable to ask for as much time as i can get to discuss and see what ultra does

maybe selfish, but certainly not unreasonable

considering ultra flipped town, this shud be a point for me for not quickly killing a townie and instead working with them

anyway moving forward. do u have a read list rn u can share with us?

Big Man

on big man

will have a sort of tldr/conclusion at the end

day 1

this is bigman's thread entrance. a post that came after aurelion's claim. a defense on aurelion and a shade on yoshi. the problem with this is bigman has not :
1. pursued his push on yoshi beyond shade
2. has not updated his read on yoshi based on aurelion flip

from this post, big man's position is that aurelion is townie and yoshi is being opportunistic on his wagon. this position changes after the flip as i'll show later but the read of yoshi is still grandfathered through after the lynch without due analysis given to how aurelion's flip reflects upon it. big man also safety mentions aurelion can be scummy depending on experience - very fence sit-y post

Big man is holding dear to his read of yoshi regardless of what he thinks aurelion is. big man here agrees that yoshi is new player but fails to acknowledge that new scum players are 99% of the time just very quiet and scared. instead yoshi was being more open with his reasoning who bigman just outright ignored to scum read him.

there was a small attempt by the scum team to derail to yoshi in day 1 but it did not get enough heat. bigman was readying himself to join such attempt. BLD/tpein look bad off this as well, but atleast they were more open minded than bigman in their approach to yoshi, who took a more sneaky approach.

this post came AFTER the votes reached majority and was bigman's second post. he felt the need to drop this to give himself some credit for the lynch despite not really adding anything on it. matter of fact big man's first post was more leaning into town reading aurelion so this change is unexplained.

voting after majority is reached comes off as trying to appear to be joining the wagon when u really arent. big man so far has not stuck to his initial thought on aurelion (which came after his claim), but here u could see his willingness to join the aurelion wagon despite seeing that yoshi (his scum read) is voting for it.

i'll note that lethal has a similar post too iirc where he votes after the majority is reached which looks bad on him.

these were the only posts from him day 1


day 2

bigman on lethal. no followup on this whatsoever when lethal was a wagon. in fact big man seem to have completely forgot his scum read of lethal as u can see in his reads below and there are no thoughts that can be traced in the thread showing the transition

bigman sees it important to spend a portion of his day 2 post count discussing the claimed indie rather than find scum or talk about lethal/yoshi who were his previous scum reads. big man has yet to talk about how the aurelion flip progresses his own reads. the entire question is blank busy work anyway because BLD already talked about it previously and big man does not really care to follow up on BLD's answers.

im going to note that i actually think BLD needs to claim today and he needs to be able to find scum because he has just a great position as i do. i think his play seemed townie on a surface level but he has been "wrong" too many times to ignore. this cp/BLD needs to be resolved eventually and i need BLD to move on and push someone properly.

agreeing to not liking lethal but again no followup on it with a vote or a direct question to lethal. very safe position to withhold. also the point he mentioned is NAI. lethal could be paraphrasing his role as town or scum.

this was all we have from bigman in day 2. zero talk about yoshi (his only sus at the time), showing no followup and progression to his reads after aurelion's flip. instead we have a shade on lethal for NAI reasons with no vote or followup. very safe.


day 3

this was a post to ultra. another busy work post from big man. big man himself shared similar sentiments around aurelion so this line of thoughts doesnt come off as genuine to ask someone why they r doing something similar to what u r doing. and ultra replied to this that its the correct move to lynch aurelion if he doesnt claim because it just comes off as him rage quitting and he (ultra) would vote aurelion to give him what he wants. ultra actually ended up voting aurelion at the end too so this entire question is busy work

big man here is trying to find reasons to suspect ultra out of nowhere because he has not previously in day 1 and 2 gave us a hint of suspecting ultra. these posts only came after the thread was more in favor of lynching ultra. negative points to RDK for having a shit reason to join the wagon as well

a point that everyone has talked about already. no original content

posyer is a claimed indie at this point. BLD have already acknowledged this. BLD though poyser was powerwolfing and BLD himself said multiple times that he is willing to let poyser aside and focus elsewhere starting with lethal. big man's post here comes off as awkwardly preflipping lethal/poyser despite he himself having a sus of lethal. in a sense that big man earlier displayed that he does not like lethal but for some reason he does not like BLD going after lethal even though they share the same read.

i am going to circle back to this after this post but I think it's entirely possible i was jailed n1 and the sk failed a kill on me and the mafia failed their kill elsewhere

another busy work / lack of content. at this point its clear big man is hyper fixated on this topic and nothing else because it provides for easy content to just discuss about the claimed indie since his alignment is already publicly claimed and mafia has tmi to trust it as true

another parroted post that adds nothing to the game. big man just says lethal isnt cleared but at the same time isnt a scum buddy with ultra. then just fence sits and takes a very safe position in regards to both of them. doesnt really give me the impression that he wants to solve lethal or ultra

big man continues his scum read of yoshi here but hasnt yet talked about it with respect to the aurelion flip

i would also very much like to hear the reasoning for town reading alco/phenom

big man scum reads ultra/BLD despite being unable to hold a continuous interaction with them and give his thoughts on their replies to his one dimensional questions

this is to ultra. this is very rich considering big man ignored ultra's replies yet continued scum reading him for the sake of scum reading him. and ofcourse still no vote has been dropped

no idea what the purpose of this was. a post to BLD. also no followup upon after BLD's reply. big man is shading but unable to hold interactions or change his view point in his replies. these arguments r very static and non stimulating. i can hardly see genuine solving attempts in them

this was finally bigman's post about yoshi, who he brushed right away by saying "obviously isn't important right now" - why would a townie do this? why wud town!bigman thinks his point on scum!yoshi is *obviously* not important?

and the content of the post itself tells you that big man wants to continue his scum read of yoshi and completely changes his position on him from "yoshi can be seen as opportunistic in fangs wagon by voting it for bad reasons" to "yoshi was instructed to do so". and then he obviously proceeded to not follow up on it. matter of fact him calling it not important now implies that he is willing to pick up on this in the future to push yoshi with it, perhaps for a mislynch before winning the game.

talks to ultra about BLD. shows you how much of a brick wall big man is. he is very one dimensional in his reads. he completely ignores answers given to him yet continues his scum read and repeats the same topics. has been overall very static and does not give any motive that tells me he wants to solve BLD and ultra.

lastly big man just cuts the day short to hammer here. he does not wait for us to wake up and give our final thoughts. big man has been answering ultra like a complete robot with the most one dimensional non stimulating posts i've seen the whole game. there is no reason for a townie to just end it here when he has not been replying to ultra's topics whatsoever. big man just wanted this mislynch so badly and outed himself for it. big man has to yet go over how his scum reads work together in tandem in regards to yoshi and ultra, and he completely drops his read of lethal.

also bigman should have waited to hear dalton's claim atleast and see where ultra's case go. this man isnt really trying to solve the game. he just wanted this mislynch that badly and to stop town from having any chance of longer discussion. if he genuinely scum reads ultra he wud have atleast wanted to wait and see what ultra comes off with his case. it could maybe help him clear dalton as town if ultra flips scum or maybe condemn dalton as scum if ultra flips townie. but nope. he just hammered immedietly with the excuse that we are an at an impasse when we are clearly waiting on someone to post and the day had about 8+ hours left if im not mistaken.

also big man could have used this time to question yoshi more if he so scum reads him instead of calling it "obviously not important".


big man's day one had a fence sitting post mixed in with soft defense of aurelion which then followed up with a second post that came AFTER votes are locked to try and pretend to vote aurelion and provide a rather generic reasoning in an attempt to pretend to be contributing towards this lynch. there are no thoughts that can be traced in thread to explain the transition from his first post to second one other than just wanting to pretend to be lynching aurelion.

big man has been very static, robotic and one dimensional this game particularly around ultra. he has been ignoring ultra's replies and just commenting the same thing multiple times. it feels like his shade/responses are all pre-written and he just has to click the post reply button. big man really wanted this ultra mislynch he could not even let the day continue longer and wait for dalton to post and wait to see how ultra's case unfold.

big man's position on yoshi has changed from aurelion being possibly townie and yoshi scum to yoshi being scum with aurelion that is coached what to do in scum chat. ofcourse big man isnt genuinely solving yoshi so he says "obviously not important". to him, whats important is achieving this mislynch on ultra rather than attempting to ask more questions to yoshi and try get a more educated read from him directly

i think a claim from bigman is very much required here
ok well the first point is just false. I didn't say yoshi is being opportunistic on aurelian's wagon. you've completely misunderstood what I said. I said I didn't like how he made up the fact that RDK was trying to get attention off himself when defending Aurelian. I still don't like it now and mentioned as much and Aurelian's alignment in this case is not relevant as there's motivation to defend him whether aurelian is scum or town so there was no reason for me to update my read based on his flip.

the only reason to update my read on him could be because of aurelian pushing him but I don't think this makes yoshi town because it's an easy bus. aurelian is under heavy pressure and so it's unlikely his push on yoshi was going to go anywhere.

I wasn't aware he had reached majority obviously. there's literally no benefit to voting after hammer as I'm not going to get credit for it. I don't think I was reading him town but the change is that he claimed obviously as my reasoning for thinking he was scum was I didn't believe the claim.

I'll admit I was a bit lost on day 2 as I had barely read any of the thread so didn't have any strong opinions. didn't feel comfortable with trying to lead a wagon on yoshi without reading most of the thread and others who knew what was going on trying to lead their own directions. however, you've misrepresented my posts here once again. the posts about poyser were trying to understand BPD's read on Poyser so I could read BPD which I followed up on the next day. I believed Poyser wasn't mafia. and the last post you quoted was agreeing on CP's point arguing against what I initially said. so it wasn't about not liking lethal at all lol its the opposite.

I didn't have the same sentiment as ultra on aurelian so more of the same here really. obviously people tried to lynch ultra the previous day but at this stage in the day phase nobody had mentioned wanting to lynch him. the reasons to suspect ultra 'out of nowhere' came because I had read more of the thread.

not going to bother arguing every point because im getting bored of this but the point on yoshi was important, I just didn't believe pushing him at the time was important as I thought we'd get more from pushing ultra or BPD who were my other scum reads at the time.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
can u guys all make a read list with like 4-5 scum pls. i think thats the amount of scum left in the game

16 alive

10-5-1 probably is where we r at rn