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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
So, your gut read is more relevant than not only people with up to date game knowledge and players like Ratchet who've been pretty on the money all game/a town leader?
ratchet was wrong on ultra. i dont think the characterization u r saying here is fair. ratchet also town read me entire game with the exceptions of few moments so he can be right and wrong

in ratchet's last post b4 dying he is asking for a claim from 2 people that are not me (dalton and BPD) lol

also i see no issue with a player sharing his own gut reads. town has to put everything on the table and work from there

i want to get around to u as well because i fail to see how u r scum reading me so we can talk for some time. im willing to answer all questions u have but i request u be open minded please


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@Evans @Lethal

actually i want to ask u both specifically how much of ur scum read of me is attributed/caused by paranoia?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
was more confused because i had you down as vig at this point so claiming other shit was confusing lol. was a breadcrumb mroe than anything but less bothered about it now
yeah i have both

the vig and malenia's great rune

my character was one of the names fang mentioned but my role doesnt mention golden order nor demigod

and the fact that i had a rune is what made me thing fang was an indie that wanted to hunt runes or kill rune holders so i played coy and pretended to not know how or what runes are lol


Could easily be hostile, not sure why you're playing ball with him. Seen scum bait votes before
I tracked him to Tweet when Tweet died. Tweet was clearly a vig kill. He claimed vig. Its not difficult logic for me to follow.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
my expectation here was that runes r going to be abailities that scum and town will have

so there will be town rune holders and scum rune holders

i expected fang was an indie tasked with collecting the runes

this shud also explain why i really pressed for his flavor claim because i wanted to google if that character is a rune hunter or what


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
my interactions with fang btw
this shud honestly clearly show u where im coming from in regards to thinking he is an indie rune hunter. i am sneakily trying to extract his motivation out of him. yall shud honestly be taking notes lol. this is how a townie ask a claimed indie to verify the claim

fang talks about the runes

i play coy and pretend mafia has the runes and we need to get it from them and ask him how he wins

there r rly 2 different characters with almost similar name lol
i pretend to know about the other melina, to hint that i am not milenia, the one with the rune

does ur role mention them by name?

those cant be the scum flavors bc my flavor is one of them lol

ur role is anti me


it means ur anti town or neutral at best lol
telling him that my character is town even tho he mentioned it as antitown lol

i mean lets talk business

how u gon help us yeet scum this game, indie san yo
talking business

he talks about the runes again that he has to get them

does ur role say u have to kill those?

r u like uhhh

danaeres from GoT game lol
i press him if his role really says that he has to kill them

how do we steal great runes from scum lol. does ur role mention that
i ask how do we steal the runes, obviously distancing myself from having one lol. my rune doesnt even drop on death

We kill them
says he has to kill them to get runes

does ur role mention that too lol
i ask him further is this in his role lol. thats when he stopped replying


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
obviously if im mafia then i am in his chat and i know he is talking horsecrap. id instead just position myself in a way that shows disbelief rather than attempting to work out his indie motive if its town or anti town lol


1. Lethal - I’ve been fairly sure since the beginning he was town, which is part of why I was happy to help halt his lynch. Pretty glad to say he was then regardless of the hider stuff but that just crystallises things.

3. Rugrat - Town town town

4. Phenom - Was a bit iffy on some of his reasons on the Ultra wagon, I know I relented slightly but don’t think part of the reasoning for a 1 shot hider being lynched is to ratify another player’s role.

6. Ekko - I believe he’s the vig chiefly for having a confirmed kill and secondly as his thought process regarding Tweet being scum made sense

8. RDK - think he’s town. He’s been super active and last time I played he told his team to bus him.

11. CraigPelton - Town. He also has a protective role which would make sense since scum will have two in the form of a roleblocker and the flipped BG.

13. Big Man - Haven’t noticed much either way. Made a good point on Yoshi, but also had a fair point on Ultra and before that he was sussing Lethal. Not disagreeing with the points obviously but Big Man has the ability to generate good thoughts either way. Pretty on the fence atm.

16. Evans - posts have been fine and made sense but haven’t done a deep dive. Lean town.

17. Dalton - I haven’t noticed him, but I hate hate hate hate being accused in part of a wagon he possibly would have been on. In fairness I don’t see a scum player sussing CP at the star of day. CP has more influence than him and is “confirmed”

18. Yoshi - Away for too long but has some ‘splaining to do

19. Doddsy - He does seem quite confused and like town Doddsy who is a lot less slick and organised than scum Doddsy.

23. Alco - GrLiam has a hard on for gunsmiths. He loves them as much as he loves not shagging, Ruben Neves or mentioning he does BJJ.

The rest of the players I can’t think of much content for if I’m honest and the game is a lot for my dyslexic brain to read and recall as admittedly I have skimmed parts. 75 pages when I first checked the thread :hogansun:

Big Man

please explain this vote. why not wait for the day to go longer so dalton can claim, or even push yoshi for a claim if u scum read him
why would dalton claim lol he had one vote and it was from the guy everyone wanted to lynch. I probably could have tried to push yoshi for a claim at that point yeah but I'll be honest I've forgotten about him a few times lol and nobody had said anything about liking my case.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Created, not sent. Can only do one thing per night.

I’ve been more than transparent about how I read your slot lol.
i want to be selfish and ask u to send me a kill but hey u do u

so did scum not roleblock u? does that mean u r supplying scum? i dont want to go as far as say u r scum urself but whats ur thoughts on not being blocked and allowed to craft as u wish lol

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
if you fully believe im town, im gonna need answers by seeing this lynch happen or one of us needs to be killed

you understand why, especially since you dropped paranoia with someone's reads against you, it may imply a more timid motive by you? say, you wanting to appear and be perceived as townie

you know me and my play.
yet youre giving me work to figure out the SK specifically here. that wouldn't normally matter, but you do it in a way where you're implying you want my focus tomorrow to be solely on hunting the SK through behavorial analysis

by anyone else, i wouldn't really give it much thought
by you? you're clever and smart enough to know i can easily tunnel and fall into tinfoil territory that tends to derail the thread
if you really want us to work together as one, wouldn't you tell me to scum hunt aswell at least?
it's too easy for me to tunnel vision and dive into rabbit holes (which are fun), and it feels like you're using this to your advantage