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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
also its entirely possible he isnt being fully truthful about his claim tho his hints checks out

The X

Dragon cleared by gunsmith so unless godfather he’s cleared. Red flags going off that he could be scum, but likely paranoia. Gonna check some sequences of posts and see what’s up
Honestly, what sequences and posts could be checked to confirm whatever Lethal is trying to figure out? If Lethal read Alco's claim, you know Alco said that I'm not GF because he's checking if players have kills, not alignment. Weird he'd try to say I'm GF here? Immediately backed off this when I called him out.


Leprous Monarch
my jailkeeper role does explicitly say it roleblocks, protects, and makes the target untargetable by any roles that have a later resolution order than it

The X

I'm going to bed actually, so fuck it, I don't mind claiming now to save town time and EOD will be 1pm UK tomorrow. RDK said he hopes I claim and Big Man has me in his POE as well as people who think they're scum lol.

Not sure I'll be awake in time to defend myself against a wagon and I have a caveat that will be beneficial for town and can prove my role at night.

I'm Roderika - The Spirit Tuner.

I'm 3 shot "Invigorate" - I can target a player at night and amplify their abilities. The abilities I can target aren't listed and players will receive notification of this action if it works on their roles.

N1 - RDK
N2 - Ratchet
N3 - CraigPelton

I've hinted at this usage, multiple times this game to all 3 players.

The caveat is, the first Great Rune that is lost will give me 1x extra shot and unlock more abilities to amplify as I've graduated from an apprentice spirit tuner.
@CraigPelton you confirmed you got amped?


Leprous Monarch
someone should see what evans' reads were d2 and if it lines up with his claim to have boosted ratchet

I'm not gonna do it because I'm tired and lazy


Mafia God
Reasons given yesterday? but aren't you suppose to revaluate his position during this DP? You didn't believe his claim? why? This feels like you just wanted to hammer tbh.
Eh, what are you talking about? I voted Ultra a few hours before EOD cause I was going to bed, nor was I a hammering vote.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
happy with this direction then. thoughts @town ?

PRIMARY SCUM POE - should all basically be scum

SECONDARY POE - look for last wolves here, or missing wolves if one of the primary PoE flips town

@Arp Bladstrum
@Doddsy - potentially indie if he is not wolf?
@Evans potentially indie from claim but very very low chance
@Big Man potentially rune hunting indie? low chance as well

MOST PROBABLY TOWN. If a scum is here it's going to be hard to find them. requires the town in PoE to play good and see them.
@Big Man

TOWN DO NOT TOUCH. If a scum is here game is lost or goes to f3.
@Black Pegged Dragon


The Alpha and The Omega
Eh, what are you talking about? I voted Ultra a few hours before EOD cause I was going to bed, nor was I a hammering vote.
You are correct, you weren't hammered. I saw ratchet says it was hammered and assumed it got hammered until I saw Big man and Arp place their votes. But do answer my question in the quote if possible.


Leprous Monarch
iso'd phenom and don't really have a problem with his posts. only reason I suspect him is role spec so meh


Leprous Monarch
I do feel like giving someone else the choice of who we lynch today because I don't feel sure about anyone being scum rn and I am confirmed wrong on my 2 main scum reads this game so reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I do feel like giving someone else the choice of who we lynch today because I don't feel sure about anyone being scum rn and I am confirmed wrong on my 2 main scum reads this game so reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
its time to put ur faith with me and BLD

what do u say?

The X

happy with this direction then. thoughts @town ?

PRIMARY SCUM POE - should all basically be scum

SECONDARY POE - look for last wolves here, or missing wolves if one of the primary PoE flips town

@Arp Bladstrum
@Doddsy - potentially indie if he is not wolf?
@Evans potentially indie from claim but very very low chance
@Big Man potentially rune hunting indie? low chance as well

MOST PROBABLY TOWN. If a scum is here it's going to be hard to find them. requires the town in PoE to play good and see them.
@Big Man

TOWN DO NOT TOUCH. If a scum is here game is lost or goes to f3.
@Black Pegged Dragon
Good legacy.