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Game Elden Ring Mafia

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I've casted my doubt on SK's claim. My second in line would be Phenom, but he's MIA.

I'll repeat because apparently you don't like reading all the posts that come through: I think all the poisons are too much and used as a deterrent. And I think it makes no sense scum would kill RDK and the indy would kill CP.
why do you not find an indie killing CP likely again


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
im happy with soulkiller and phenom being 2 scum

now we r looking for 2-3 more

points for lethal to point that out for sure

the question i have is why did phenom make that claim as scum? couldnt his team tell him what to say? he came to the thread after u guys

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻

activate Wolf Hunter @Grammaton

getting my pelt today


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
also possible cp jailed phenom. we have established that as well since bigman failed his result on phenom


Mafia God
Heh, funny you want to start by talking about Flower. Because I think in the hands of scum, tracker is weaker than watcher. I think that Flower's usage claim is not as strong as Dalton's. I think that Flower coming out with the info on Big Man after Big Man came out with his makes it weaker as well.

If you're not Soul exclusive, where is the other poison? Why hasn't wolves done some sort of status affect on anyone yet and we're in D5?

I've given reasons on why your three slots could be suss. I think a world where you three are a team with Fang is also a viable one. Setup spec is something I actually almost never do but my setup spec here makes a ton of sense for balance and getting away with claims. A lot of shit makes sense if you and Phenom flip wolf.

Yes, I'm the only unclaimed one at this point.

If you're down with Phenom, throw a vote down with me then.
Really how? Rolewatcher generally just sees what roles visit someone right not the person? They are very very rare so I might be misremembering. What info did Flower give on Big Mna?

How should I know, it depends on how the effect is applied tbh. We do only have one scum flip.

Gram specifically tailors his game to makle that not possible so I don't think your points are really well thought out.

Vote Phenom

Better than SK IMO but I'd still rather Ace

Big Man

I think pieces are connecting.

I think Gram has balanced this game in a very fair and logical way.

I think Phenom is scum. He is the counter to CP.

I think Doddsy is scum. He is the counter to Soul's poison.

I think Tiara is scum. She is the counter to Dalton's tracker.

All of these things help wolves to counter things that town and indies have. All of these are all possible town roles which makes them viable fake claims. Town has rune cop but it could still target town and scum. Town has a gunsmith that can target vig, gift maker gun, serial/harmful indie, wolves. This makes gunsmith valuable but still balanced and possibly misleading. Looking at all the roles, a lot of them could have their alignments or claims questioned. And a lot of the maybe stronger roles are harder to verify. Then there are also x-shots sprinkled in for town to use.

1. Lethal - Gift giver
4. Phenom - Commuter
5. Retrolize - Seraph
6. Ekko - Vig
13. Big Man - Neighborizer/Rune Cop
15. Arp Bladstrum - Vanilla
16. Evans - Invigorater
17. Dalton - Tracker
18. Yoshi - Watcher
19. Doddsy - Status Healer
20. Black Legged Dragon -
22. Soulkiller - Indie
23. Alco - Gunsmith
It’s never going to be simple as this, especially with a host as good as this he’s not going to allow to game to be solved like this using the setup. he will mix it up.

also as I said earlier having lots of investigative roles can be viable due to the jailkeepihg/blocking. you’re going to have lots of targets being unable to be investigated every night and some of them will be blocked before they claim.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I think pieces are connecting.

I think Gram has balanced this game in a very fair and logical way.

I think Phenom is scum. He is the counter to CP.

I think Doddsy is scum. He is the counter to Soul's poison.

I think Tiara is scum. She is the counter to Dalton's tracker.

All of these things help wolves to counter things that town and indies have. All of these are all possible town roles which makes them viable fake claims. Town has rune cop but it could still target town and scum. Town has a gunsmith that can target vig, gift maker gun, serial/harmful indie, wolves. This makes gunsmith valuable but still balanced and possibly misleading. Looking at all the roles, a lot of them could have their alignments or claims questioned. And a lot of the maybe stronger roles are harder to verify. Then there are also x-shots sprinkled in for town to use.

1. Lethal - Gift giver
4. Phenom - Commuter
5. Retrolize - Seraph
6. Ekko - Vig
13. Big Man - Neighborizer/Rune Cop
15. Arp Bladstrum - Vanilla
16. Evans - Invigorater
17. Dalton - Tracker
18. Yoshi - Watcher
19. Doddsy - Status Healer
20. Black Legged Dragon -
22. Soulkiller - Indie
23. Alco - Gunsmith
this shalt be the point where our paths diverge BLD. sorry but dont agree

The X

I literally gave you scum today. If I was scum I would know SK is an Indie and keep him around for next day‘s lynch given this obviously isn‘t lylo yet. Just stop. You only sound like the last scum yourself at this point.
But a Soul lynch this phase allows you to confirm you are watcher as well as another chance to kill more townies at night.

Please do not OMGUS me Flower, please. Look at my position in this game, it's COMFY. I got a check on me. Got to go through Alco first before you get to me. I'm strapped with a vest. Wolves really going to strongman kill me (if they have one), a fucking vanilla townie? Over power roles? That'd be stupid. Face it Flower, you calling me scum here makes you look worse.

Big Man

First of all, I did NOT claim in HXH because claiming was not allowed that game. I didn't even hint because that was also not allowed. I came forward with info that a certain player (Charlie) was confirmed to be a dangerous character (Hisoka/indie killer). So that's not really a viable comparison.

Second of all, I do have my reasons for not claiming. I'll say that my info doesn't really help solve the game state or answer anything else that will help push town forward. The only reason I would ever need to claim in this game is if Alco flipped wolf. I will also say that one of my reasons for not claiming in this game is a stubborn one; I'd like to end game without claiming.
wait didn’t you claim vanilla yesterday?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
CP jailing phenom makes sense

from his PoV he is a jailor so it makes sense a commuter could be faked

i read phenom town from his play today