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Game Elden Ring Mafia


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
We mislynch today, nothing stops SK from killing Ekko if he is an Indie either, Mafia gets a kill and it‘s GG. And if we off SK we don‘t mislynch and save one more Townie on top of it if he’s an Indie as well. How is this not the correct play here?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I mean, the wincon literally aligns with Poyser‘s:

You win when you have successfully defiled 5 corpses, and the Golden Order has been utterly defeated. You will leave the game instantly, and the defiled will be condemned to eternal suffering regardless of whether their alignment prevails.

Most of his supposed targets should be scum and Poyser needed to off the scum team as well.

Also the 5 defiled thingies makes me think there‘s 5 Mafia which makes a third Indie less likely. So I‘m leaning more scum than Indie on SK atm.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
ok sure.

im the great rune cop so I can target someone to find out if they have a great rune or not. tatgeted BLD on night 2 and they dont have one. can also invite 2 people into a conversation and speak with them at night only. invited RDK and Arp.

bruh your case was shit and nobody agreed with it lol no way I was claiming off that.

Well, I‘m a simple Watcher and saw you visit BLD. Not a fan of you beating around the bush like this, but I can confirm the visit.

Watcher, tracker, gunsmith and hider

we STACKED with investigation

i think BLD is probably a serial killer

i am honestly impressed that he has that many post counts as one, but he is also adopting a very similar way to how i would play a serial killer where id tunnel on some stupid shit to keep myself alive for as long as possible

the issue is we have alco saying BLD is not a killer

i dotn like how BLD is reluctant to claim because scum might kill him. no townie shud have that mentality

BLD aside, another serial killer candidate is soul killer. he is relatively coasting the thread with minimal effort

i dont belive for once that gunsmith alco does not cop me or ultra there. ultra was literally the wagon in most of day 2 why didnt alco cop them lol

what a pointless exercise.

actually nvm re: alco because ultra said he will commute

fair to not check him n2

wud of checked me then from his PoV he scum read me

Day 4 Vote Count 1

Tiara 4 - Rugrat, Alco, RDK, Big Man
Ekko 4 - Evans, Arp, Dalton, Retro
Alco 1 - BPD
Big Man 2 - Tiara, Ekko

With 16 alive, 9 votes to lynch. You have about 15 hours remaining.

Not exactly pointless.

Can you explain why you voted me up instead of answering my question when it was pretty clear what I was asking and why?

this easily fits into a scum role because so far 2 townies have runes and there r more townies with runes. scum need to find the townies with runes to kill them and take the runes. i dont see how this role benefits town.

who did u check n1 and n3?

BLD hinted that there is a claim that he has that could maybe result in scum killing them. i see it possible that u copped him to see if he has a rune or not so u could take it

do u invite 2 players in the same convo or different nights? can u please lay out what u did night by night

don't really have 4 outright scum reads but my POE falls in Rugrat, Evans, Soulkiller, Yoshi and Lethal right now. well I only put lethal in there on the chance he's the GF but I am going to assume he's not for now. a couple of town reads (PHEN0M and Dalton) are quite weak in comparison to the rest.

has RDK/arp claimed to u in the convo?

why does RDK think u r so townie when ur role is NAI / leaning scum due to finding runes

well it wasn't clear to initially to me because when you were asked to claim earlier you didn't mention that you needed me to claim first but only when I asked you did.

or...I scum read him and thought scum could have runes or catch him out when he claims lol. you keep doing this where you paint everything in a scummy light and ignore any possible town motivation. night 1 invited RDK into chat. night 2 copped BLD and invited Arp into the same chat, but they enter at the start of the following night.

yes they have claimed.

RDK said he thinks the role is more likely town than scum and it's a way to counter scum being able to talk during night and town not being able to.

I‘m Melina btw.


I suppose RDK and Arp can at least confirm the Big Man's claim here

I couldn't clear him lol, all his claim said was that there are great runes in the game that can be collected from scum. there's no reason scum couldn't know that. so you wanted me to out my role for no reason lol. so bad.

not sure why you keep mentioning I voted after the hammer. there's nothing scummy about not knowing what the vote count is.

Before I actually, let me vote Phenom

inb4 he comes in telling us he'll start playing the game for real after N4 :hogansun

also I am Sir Gideon Ofnir

you misundertand what im saying. a lot of your case is just looking at the scum motivations for stuff i've done and ignored any town motivations may be present. it's not a good way to build a case.

I didn't do anything night 3. no reason to answer how many shots I have. rather keep scum guessing and it doesn't benefit town to know.

What really?! Thought I could drop some shade and get away with it...

I think the tracker or watcher will be scum.

I can assure you I do not need to look for an angle to push as I have already provided my reasoning for reading your slot as scum and a few people agreed with it.

Dalton, Phenom, Rugrat and Retro scum team

Does it make sense?!

im going to regret not listening to myself for the rest of the year because u fks keep saying he is town

I want to see how long I can draw things out before needing to claim. I don't think I need to claim unless Alco flips wolf (and I know I am voting for him). :rippedone

Maybe. Let me catchup in the thread and see where my head is at.

Just feels like town is playing really badly post day 1 tbh...

The thread has been too clogged for a few people to have a real idea of what's going on (idk whether this is by design of scum team)

There's about 100 pages worth of stuff I've not read and don't have time to read

Ekko has been the leading presence in thread and seems town now based on uncountered claim despite having shot and tunneled town, so clearly me and him are both way off.

There's been clear diversion on wagons throughout the game so we already have a no lynch.

BLP has felt like he's playing a completely different game as pointed out by many and now apparently he's confirmed too. (I thought he was town regardless because literally wtf if he's scum)

I think scum is just in complete control and a total recalibration is necessary if town are gonna win this, or some drastic intervention from the SK who must know they need to help town here.

I'm going to sheep CP since he's the only one I think outside of myself can't be anything other than pro-town

/emo post

To me everything he said is safe

Also feels like he been trying to pocket me a little bit but maybe that's just paranoia. I do get the jeebies everytime he likes my posts though lol

why do u think u were sent that? im going to assume this is an indie and probably one of soul and arp then?

I can only assume because it's important to town resolving the game

im more concerned at why u specifically know this lol. its not alignment indicative but it probably has something to do with ur role

which begs the question why arent u killed yet?

More bigger fishes to fry

They could have tried to kill me n1, who knows

Ratchet n2 and n3 makes sense to me. Active and town read much more than me

I'm not surprised at all, u shouldn't be either

Especially coz ur tunnel may well have kept me alive

its honestly amazing people spend entire game telling me to fk off rdk and when i dont shoot him they ask why lmfao

I haven’t read at all so can’t confidently give you any scum reads my man. I’m sorry.

there is a theory bigman culted RDK and arp but man that wud be gg for town :trinny

i can totally see the neighborizer as a scum role. specially with a rune cop

Vote Lynch Rugrat.

Yes I have some info on the runes but idk if they good or bad etc

Idk the lores

it cant be a bad idea if u dont scum read me

im only afraid of an execute but its a risk im willing to take

i dont think scum has duel and execute

I announced this after my tweet vote. Idk whether you want to believe it as my reasoning for temporarily withdrawimg from the aurelian wagon now but once you see my flip you will be forced to take it as the gospel

@Tiara for you too i guess

Btw the phase is ending at an awkward time. I probably have 2 hours either side of bedtime to decide on my direction here. If people drastically want me to claim you're going to need to come to that decision rather soon.

Usually I would say this is a Townie thing to do, but given this is a Maj Lynch setup, getting majority is not easy and any attempt to derail from it, especially from a player who flipped scum, needs to be looked at.

I think SK is scum and those are all of scums mislynch targets


I think both are town !

Oh so you're claiming SK?

did u have to say the word "simple" here btw?

Evans and Lethal make no sense.

Also neither have expectations

He was baiting I thought

Can't remember but didn't it just stick in ultra defense which he then played off of?

Don't think the retro sus was ever that serious. Just a way for him to create easy interactions for himself

I'm town reading Haza after my conspiracy theory didn't work out and I reverted to reads before that as the scum team no longer made sense.

But the fact Haza & Big Man are apparently in a chat and they both suddenly put me into scum POE is interesting. More so on the Big Man as he hasn't mentioned me all game and gave no reasoning for me lol

Evans you've asked 100 questions but what significant contributions do you have

If you had to give one hot take rn while you're live what would it be

What info came out first, that Big Man rune copped me or that Flower watched Big Man visit me?
Notable posts

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Evans you've asked 100 questions but what significant contributions do you have

If you had to give one hot take rn while you're live what would it be

I mean im pretty sure Alco is our cop. gramma's game always has some type of cop unless you think it was the hider. even then alco would have to somehow know town do not have a cop.

I have no reason to town read you.

@Ekkologix you asked if I'm still scum reading you after your claim. It hasn't really changed.

I've seen claims, Tiara = Watcher? Alco = Gunsmith? Dalton = Tracker? It's a pickle because the amount of investigative roles is mental but there's not been a cop claim for town so I can see it balancing. But deep down I fully expect one of these 3 to be scum.

Your behaviour on both Aurelian & Ultra's wagons screamed TMI. You've been inconsistent around a lot of reads, if I use myself as an example - you were town, scum, town, then scum then back to defending me over the CFD as soon as I went to bed.

You claim that you listened to town players over shooting Haza because of their vouching/reads and shot Tweet instead. Yet ignored your town reads when lynching those 2 players? One who turned out scum. You've used up yours shots when your role is incredibly valuable to town which you were happy to listen to town to direct the shots but wouldn't throw a vote for a lynch which makes absolutely no sense to me.

So unless RDK magically flips scum or you flip town, it likely won't change

Because if you lied to get RDK lynched, you'd get lynched/shot immediately after?

Flip RDK. The path opens after that.

Fuck it.

Vote RDK


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
we're gna lynch soul

and BLD you of all people is gna hammer that wagon

if your bulletproof is real and soul is real we put all of this to work

otherwise soul flips mafia and u have nothing to fear


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
But whatever. I‘m happy I helped catch and lynch the SK and found another scum and got my target right last night. I tried my best @ Town.

Gonna dip now. See you guys.

The X

You want somebody who subbed to give you the team? I can‘t give you a team, but I can give you outed scum in SK. Whatever he is, he‘s definitely not telling us the whole truth here and a threat.
So you sub in and you don't even bother to figure out the next step? What if Soul really is indie? You have to no next step for that?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
There might just be 4 scum in total as well if there‘s 3 hostile Indies.
lets treat it as total number of scum. i think there r a total of 5 scum alive rn

so its 8-5 or 8-4-1 = 13 players alive

worst case scenario


WS tends to have a high number of scums btw