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Game Elden Ring Mafia

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I literally just explained it you and you ignored it?

I also said if Ultra/Lethal/BPD flipped scum with my theory, you look good from it

Vote Rugrat

would like a claim. I'll be back in the morning.

vote: Evans
Of f to bed

Hope he claims

@Black Pegged Dragon where should I park my vote in case I don't wake up in time?

Park it on Rugrat.

Vote Rugrat

Already there.

Still voting again in case Gramma misses this.

Vote Lynch Rugrat.

I have no issues claiming if that's what my town reads/leans want.

1. Lethal
3. Rugrat
4. Phenom
5. Retrolize
6. Ekko
8. RDK
11. CraigPelton

13. Big Man
15. Arp Bladstrum
17. Dalton
18. Yoshi
19. Doddsy
20. Black Legged Dragon

22. Soulkiller
23. Alco

Yellow doesn't necessarily mean a scum lean, but suspicious or would like more from

you dont have to ask lol

vote lynch RDK

Honestly don't even know where my vote is.

Vote RDK

@Tiara @Retrolize @SoulKiller @Arp Bladstrum

Let's get to it!

Vote RDK
that said i don't have a hard vote lock or whatever on anyone atm
sadly need a flip, even if it's mine (id prefer that - i am questioning my abilities to be able to solve this game without being overtly paranoid lol, trying to resist but it's always there)

i have a ways to go first to have a more definitive view. it depends on if i feel strongly about another potential scum concealed in this thread or not, but im no longer fishing for reactions

Still like 300 posts behind but not buying big mans claim and Im thinking phenoms scum

yeah I don't think scum can kill ekko without sacrificing a member

so I guess I can jail BPD and tiara can watch me?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I don't really think that's the case at all, CP's vote on me initially was pretty middling and he didn't really push it. Main push on me came much later off the back of Rugrat/Dalton

Why? Surely Odo hasn't just sent me to die by making me a healer with nothing to heal

This is fake af. Mans got SK and the watcher that caught SK making a kill. Bogus, at the very least indiciating it's TMI after the serpent claim.

I've been like 14ish years at this point I think?

Serpent pretty much aimed to kill the other gods.

I'm gonna be honest I thought you were SK/Serpent before Ruggers flipped SK. I still think decent shout you're serpent though. I don't see any benefit for a town rune cop, we've had no town roles that require it as far as I'm aware. If you find a rune do you get told which it is?

I can heal all status effects, but we've limited idea of what ones are in the game. I imagine there's more than just the poison as otherwise I think I'd just be a poison healer right?

How are you confident Dalton is town? Man looks absolutely woeful and I'd be lynching him today if the info didn't pop up

Hardest boss out of all of the games so far IMO

I'm Miriel, big priest turtle boi
can u case out dalton for me pls doddsy. i think hes town


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I think you've got this wrong.

Why is Flower scum over Dalton? Why would an SK having poison mean the healer is scum? Also as I've mentioned I'm pretty sure I'm not Soul exclusive as why would it bother specifying status effects instead of just poison?I've no complaints with Phenom though tbf

You've not really given any reason other than setup spec.

Also are you the only unclaimed at this point?
oh u guys know who is she already. ive been calling her tiara all the time if she wanted to stay anonymous lol


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Really how? Rolewatcher generally just sees what roles visit someone right not the person? They are very very rare so I might be misremembering. What info did Flower give on Big Mna?

How should I know, it depends on how the effect is applied tbh. We do only have one scum flip.

Gram specifically tailors his game to makle that not possible so I don't think your points are really well thought out.

Vote Phenom

Better than SK IMO but I'd still rather Ace
can u unvote pls. have u seen bigmans claim?

The X

yeah you dont think i see what u r doing here BLD?
Ekko, there's nothing nefarious here, I promise. However, RDK said that there was hints that Soul's character is in this game.

But something else just popped into my head. Is it possible that RDK's role could be just a red herring? We saw Fang didn't have a fake claim. What if RDK's role doesn't really give hints, but just allows scum to use Soul's character as a fake claim?

I don't know man. Things aren't adding up.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member

we need to find 1-2 more townies

do not listen to the cries of scum


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
But a Soul lynch this phase allows you to confirm you are watcher as well as another chance to kill more townies at night.

Please do not OMGUS me Flower, please. Look at my position in this game, it's COMFY. I got a check on me. Got to go through Alco first before you get to me. I'm strapped with a vest. Wolves really going to strongman kill me (if they have one), a fucking vanilla townie? Over power roles? That'd be stupid. Face it Flower, you calling me scum here makes you look worse.
the player copping u and the player giving u the vig r both in PoE btw. this is nothing


we're gna lynch soul

and BLD you of all people is gna hammer that wagon

if your bulletproof is real and soul is real we put all of this to work

otherwise soul flips mafia and u have nothing to fear
Poison negates vest, right? This is suss thinking mate


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
You do you. I‘m Town and I don‘t see why we shouldn‘t lynch SK this day phase. He literally admitted he killed the Jailor. Ever since I caught SK you started shading me. I just don‘t like this.
i agree BLD's play around sk has been terrible

on the contrast i like big man alot today. happy to add as town

dalton i didnt like much yesterday but he stood up for RDK even when the wagon was L-2. the thing is SK did too which is weird. why do so when we think RDK is scum. he could of farmed a rune maybe lol

guess for town cred?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Reflexive Roleblock / Nexus
Roleblock *
Bus Drive / Redirect *
Kill / Poison / Arson
Watch / Track / Follow / Voyeur / Motion Detect

On the host action resolution though, commuter solves before roleblock which I’m assuming includes jailor.

@Black Pegged Dragon
Am I overthinking this?
asking gram to confirm this


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I mean, Soul is also a better option for wolves to lynch than for a wolf to be lynched.
look at it this way

we lynch soul today and force PoE to hammer

mafia can kill 1 at night

game is still at worst 6-5 = we still have a chance to lynch scum

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
actually she probably can't watch tonight

I'm hesitant to jail her tho because I'm still shook by "I'm a simple watcher"

made me think rolewatcher instantly lol

all right I'll either jail you or her tonight. if she can watch she should watch me but idk if I she can. probably shouldn't say one way or the other

alco could also be a psychologist, basically an indie cop for mafia. I think there's multiple anti-town indies (malekith and rykard) in this game so could see it. the fact he copped BPD lines up with that because we've all thought he might be indie.

I'm still not really feeling a RDK lynch tho

or lethal. you're gambling on him being the godfather. low percentage play with 1 dead mafia.

bruh nobody has achieved anything after aurelian's lynch

except me. I saved everyone n1 and ratchet n2 😎

we are achieving a scum lynch now!

scums best chance today is stalling for a no lynch

lets put them in the dirt!

if RDK/lethal was town their wagons wud grow as fire like ultra's wagon lol

aight fuck it I've iso'd the people I had the least reason to think are town and have no sense of conviction whatsoever on anyone. I'll let the guys with over 2k posts combined have their lynch

vote rdk


big man, phenom, rugrat, arp, soul, alco (last one was when I was running with my indie-seeking mafia cop theory)

huh? nobody talked to me d4 except the host lol

re-litigating this is pointless but that's simply not true at all

bruh I explained already

my role can now protect against strongman kills including "destined death" kills. it was the same message.


what do you think of alco being a cop for mafia to catch indies? town seems to have a lot of strong roles

that's true but if he is the SK then he needs to kill mafia sooo not a big concern right now

could explain why he wants me to RNG my jail instead of just jailing him outright tho lol

also kind of interesting that alco hinted a power role on d2 which was picked up on by the entire thread but mafia was cool with him using his role n2 and n3 apparently

why are we lynching rdk? not fully caught up now but we can at least make him use his gun first surely?

I'd rather go for Rugrat or Doddsy tbh.


oh is this legit?

vote RDK

Vote Haza

btw I think alco actually claimed the tweet thing on d3 not d2 so it's not as sus he hasn't been blocked as I originally thought

Why is there only an outside chance Lethal is town

I am going to confidently assert that there is no chance mafia killed t-pein because they were worried about him.

and you guys want me to trust you when you both say stuff like this smh

and I don't think they shot him at all btw! ratchet was certainly the mafia kill

This is in the world where RDK is wolf.

I think he's the SK's kill. SK can't afford to get caught or it's game over so he'll go for someone nobody is ever going to watch or protect. sorry T-Pein

No, Big Man apparently did


I don’t really think Haza is scum

we only have like 7 hours left btw and I'm gonna be asleep during all 7

if you think he's scum then that post should be setting off alarm bells that you're about to mislynch and rugrat doesn't want any on him. no chance he's unvoting a scummate when it's looking like that's the only lynch possible.

ultra's main sus was dalton who you have as town btw lol

they're not gonna be mafia together dude I'm telling you.

1) doesn't confirm his alignment 2) his play/power level isn't threatening to them 3) there's more powerful players and roles out there to kill/block etc

they probably blocked me n3 so they could kill ratchet

what I wanna know is why tf the watcher was on BPD n2? wasn't like scum was going to go after BPD, he was heavily sussed at the time and just tunneling me. investigative/killing town roles would though :hm

actually was yoshi even around n2? Who tf submitted that role action? tiara just repped in?

okay I guess yoshi was around at the time and yeah I don't expect him to know how to use a watcher effectively

who's down to yeet big man while ekko is asleep? this rdk wagon is kinda nuts

why is rdk the wagon over doddsy/rugrat/big man[i think he's town but others don't evidently]

seems a weird priority

I'd be down to lynch doddsy too

being watched doesn't confirm you in any way tho?

vote doddsy

more likely to hit scum with this than rdk and definitely lethal imo

I'm going to sleep as well. the chai gave me about an hour of energy and now I'm crashing for real

good night all!

@Doddsy claim before I go to sleep lol

yeah you guys kept saying dumb shit after that and I was like wtf am I doing

aight I'm out. make doddsy claim imo


Vote Rugrat

join me :rippedcal:

having a gander at D1 and this stuck out

Yeah I’m going to say there’s a really really unlikely chance that Haza is aligned with Aurelian.

Haza is lightly pressuring Aurelian about his lack of play in the thread, this isn’t something I view teammates doing. Leave it for the QT.

secondly Aurelian is questioning Haza back in the early going but isn’t giving a vote. If we work on the basis that it’s genuine bussing then I’d expect a vote thrown, especially for an “I voted scum player” or “scum player voted me” for town read purposes.

I don’t think he’s

Fine. I need to sleep.

Vote Rugrat

@Ekkologix we might have a better chance of pushing this through.

vote lynch rugrat

Vote Lynch: Rugrat

Firstly, I’m being pressed so scum aren’t on the ropes

Secondly, the entire thread has picked up a huge appetite to lynch me so there’s no benefits to stalling

Idc for self preservation, on the off chance my posts are read after death. You must have more than a couple of reads yourself

Why am I claiming scum?

Vote Rugrats

I'm fine with this, prefer it to haza


He has come in the thread and been pretty suspect. The only read of his he seems to have any commitment to is that I am scum, but his reasonings were completely fake.


I don’t see scum having a watcher, tracker and cop. I’ve mentioned Odo loves gunsmiths and a smarter scum team would have manoeuvred Yoshi to claim a better usage. Not been whelmed by him personally - I’m always iffy when someone re-emerges after a wagon with the power of hindsight. I won’t knock too much for the RDK stuff, since I believe RDK is town.


He seems to be cruising through the thread. He sussed Haza slightly but didn’t join his wagon which is odd. Very eager to join mine

i am iffy on Doddsy and Ace being aligned if I’m honest but Ace has made more effort to solve the game so I’d go with him.

Miquella beloved. If I am lynched the following day phase will be skipped.

I can certainly meet in the middle here given I am refusing the previous wagon entirely. The defence of The Lands Between is an arduous and treacherous business with many unsavoury tasks. Oh how I long for open combat, warrior against warrior.

Vote Rugrat

So you think scum told Tiara to claim a shitty usage and just once, I think it’s more likely she’s town.

Evans is town - scum are not going to pressure their scum buddy into giving up their actual character lol

1. Lethal
3. Rugrat

4. Phenom
5. Retrolize
6. Ekko
8. RDK
11. CraigPelto

13. Big Man
15. Arp Bladstrum
16. Evans

17. Dalton
18. Yoshi
19. Doddsy
20. Black Legged Dragon
22. Soulkiller
23. Alco

split of 12/4/1 atm I reckon

Vote Doddsy

Day 4 Vote Count 2

Tiara 1 - Alco
Ekko 1 - Evans
Rugrat 8 - Tiara, Big Man, Dalton, BPD, Ekko, Soulkiller, Doddsy, Arp
Evans 1 - RDK
RDK 2 - Retro, Phenom
Doddsy 2 - CP, Rugrat

With 16 alive, 9 votes to lynch. You have about 4 hours remaining.

*No extensions, manage the time you have. I'm happy to extend night phases for preferred start times, but I dont want to hear complaints about having to wait for night to be posted.

Nobody is SK hunting as we need to catch mafia. SK can just play to their town meta so are unlikely to be high on PoE

1. Lethal
3. Rugrat

4. Phenom
5. Retrolize
6. Ekko
8. RDK
11. CraigPelton

13. Big Man
15. Arp Bladstrum
16. Evans

17. Dalton
18. Yoshi
19. Doddsy
20. Black Legged Dragon
22. Soulkiller
23. Alco

Gonna take a punt at the scum team being Big Man, SK, Ace and Doddsy

oh shit

i must have missed that.


let me think

Basically I’m saying the SK will have no choice but to shoot the second night, which gives us an extra day to solve as opposed to a functional MyLo

who do you think we should lynch instead then?

Willing to play ball though @Dalton


vote Doddsy

Alright who we lynching

Vote Doddsy

No I didn't, can't confirm

Well whoever pushed it is clearly worried about the gun lol...

At this rate I don‘t see how a no lynch helps.

Vote Lynch Doddsy.

Vote Doddsy

Would much rather lynch Ekko but I will follow the preeminent champions of Town

Why we cfd someone who hasn't claimed :Bidenhd:

Tbh BPD is probably godfather in all honesty

His bizarre play would suggest he was trying to bait a cop shot from the start


If someone claimed beloved princess they should absolutely be scum though

That's the counter to cps role

But that's my point lol

He is immune to investigation

He was baiting a cop or gunsmith with nonsensical play so that he could be confirmed town until lylo

CP doesnt stop a night phase, just the kills on the night phase... right?

Either way this is interesting

Just the kills presumably yeah

And rugrat would mean double kills without a day phase

Rugrat is an extremely annoying slot now

Not really sure what to do with that. We can't really afford double night right now at all

Cp should immedietely be thrown back into POE

His role makes sense as a claimable if there is a town beloved princess in the game that can swing the balance back for them if killed

Day 4 Vote Count 3

Rugrat 5 - Big Man, BPD, Ekko, Soulkiller, Doddsy
Evans 1 - RDK
RDK 2 - Retro, Phenom
Doddsy 5 - CP, Rugrat, Dalton, Alco, Arp

With 16 alive, 9 votes to lynch. You have about 40 minutes.

Miquella the Unalloyed

Yeah no lol

Beloved princess isn't just lynches its all kills

Either scum and flat out lying or scum and trying to bait my gun to protect a teammate

vote lynch: rugrat

happy to take the risk

would rather do it now than later in game where its unsalvagable

Vote Rugrat

Vote Rugrat

I trust in Haza

Vote: No Lynch

I need to think this over

Stop stalling! Vote ekko.

Anyone not isn't town!!!

If he's town ill take the blame but at least we will have time to fix it later!!!!

We can't deal with him in late game

I meant vote rugrat!


You don't need one right now!

This isn't the time.

You just shaded a no lynch yet you're not helping us get a lynch!!!

Day 4 Vote Count 4

Rugrat 8 - Big Man, BPD, Ekko, Soulkiller, Doddsy, RDK, Arp, Evans
RDK 2 - Retro, Phenom
Doddsy 4 - CP, Rugrat, Dalton, Alco
No Lynch 1 - Lethal

With 16 alive, 9 votes to lynch. You have 18 minutes.

Doddsy has the janitored role

Sounds like BS tbhayley

Desperate are we?

No, I unvoted. I can hammer anytime.


The janitor failed on N2. ratchet was the target

Vote Lynch Rugrat.

vote lynch : rugrat



Rugrat flips town and I'm daykilling you

Elden Ring Mafia - Day 4

Final Vote Count

Rugrat 9 - Big Man, BPD, Ekko, Soulkiller, Doddsy, Arp, Evans, Tiara, RDK
RDK 2 - Retro, Phenom
Doddsy 4 - CP, Rugrat, Dalton, Alco
No Lynch 1 - Lethal

Ahh, I can see it, clear as day! The coming of our dynasty! ...

Mohg, Lord of Blood
Serial Killer, 1x BP
Bearer of Miquella’s Great Rune & Mohg’s Great Rune

"Dearest Miquella. You must abide alone a while. Welcome, honored guest. To the birthplace of our dynasty!" - Mohg


Congratulations, you are Mohg, Lord of Blood, Mohg Aligned! The twin brother of Morgott the Grace-Given, unlike him, you fully embraced your Omen heritage whilst imprisoned below Leyndell. During your incarceration, you made contact with the Formless Mother, an Outer God with strength to rival that of the Greater Will. In exchange for your service, she ignited your accursed blood, allowing you to develop various bloodflame sorceries.

During the civil war brought on by the Shattering, you quietly built your strength, recruiting followers and disciples before absconding with the dormant body of the Empyrean, Miquella.

Your plan is to raise the comatose Miquella to Godhood and offer him as a vessel to the Formless Mother, and then establish a new dynasty and reign as King-Consort, but to do this, all vestiges of the Golden Order must be wiped out …

In this game, you have the following roles:

- Serial Killer (You may target a player at night and kill them)
- 1xBP (You will survive the first regular strength killing action used on you)
- Miquella’s Great Rune (Once activated, this will reflexively roleblock any non-killing actions you are targeted by. You cannot deactivate this once activated, and you may activate at any time. This rune will not transfer upon your death)
- Mohg’s Great Rune (Symbolic of your pact with the Formless Mother, this will allow you to offer some of your own life force in the form of one of your passives, in exchange for greater killing strength. You may make this deal at any time, and it will be processed instantly regardless of phase. This rune will not be transferred upon your death)

You win when you stand alone, or nothing can prevent this.

Your fakes are Miquella the Unalloyed, and Nepheli Loux. Each fake has risks and advantages inherent to it, be sure to prepare it accordingly!

It is now Night 4. I'm going to extend this night phase to give players time to catch up. I will post a start time for the next phase later today.

Elden Ring Mafia - Night 4

'Lately, I feel I'm on the precipice... Of falling into a deep... fathomless slumber...'


"I apologize for any offence given by my bearing, but I'm quite unable to move, you see. So. What do you need?" - Rogier


Congratulations, you are Rogier, The Lands Between Aligned! A pleasant and well intentioned man with no small magical talent as well as skill with the rapier, you are investigating the rumours of the ‘corpse’ in the basement of Stormveil Castle.

Ultimately, this curiosity leads firstly to the loss of your legs as you’re afflicted by deathblight, and ultimately your death, but whilst alive, you were a steadfast ally. You are knowledgeable about a range of topics, and are happy to share this information with your fellow Tarnished.

In this game, you have the following role:

- Scholar (You will passively receive hints and clues about certain aspects of the game at set intervals – however, you must resist your own curiosity, as you will lose this role if at any point you enquire as to whether you will receive any further information or any similar query)

You win when all threats to The Lands Between are eliminated.

'Hmph. So, this is the measure of my Lord? Perhaps it is precisely what I deserve. ...For surrendering myself to delusion'

Lunar Princess Ranni
Non-Consecutive Jailkeeper, 1x Grace of the Full Moon

"I, too, am to depart on a journey. Upon the dark path only I may tread." - Ranni


Congratulations, you are Lunar Princess Ranni, The Lands Between Aligned! The daughter of Radagon and Rennala, you sought to escape your fate as ordained by the Greater Will, and thus hatched the Black Knife Conspiracy with your brother Rykard, with resulted in the destruction of the soul of Prince Godwyn, and your own physical body.

Your soul now inhabiting a doll, you scheme to bring about an end to the Golden Order, and await the means to remove it’s influence over the citizens of the Lands Between. You are supported by your Shadow, Blaidd the Half-Wolf, and your advisors Iji & Seluvis, as well as your peerless command of illusory magic.

In this game, you have the following roles:

- Non-consecutive Jailkeeper (You may target a player at night and simultaneously protect and roleblock them. They will be untargetable by other actions that resolve after this)
- 1x Grace of the Full Moon (You may prevent all killing actions, regardless of strength during a night phase – this action cannot be blocked or prevented)

You win when all threats to The Lands Between are eliminated.

It is now Day 5. With 13 alive, 7 votes to lynch. You have 28 hours.