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Game Elden Ring Mafia


See, I don't know if I buy that. You're a fucking vet and a good one. You've played with limited time and I know you know how to make better use of that time. In D2, you knew there were votes on me and you must have known there was some suss around me. Hell, I'd be shocked if you missed all of me versus Poyser or me versus Craig. You also sussed Ekko and you admitted that. Yet in D4, Ekko comes and asks you to claim and you just hand it over. Then, I come up to you and ask you vote RDK with me, and you do. I don't believe that you were SO disconnected to them game that you can't even bother asking me why I am voting for RDK, who was a town read by you, be voted by someone you knew had votes on them at some point in the game. You don't bother asking me if I'm town read or if RDK is scum read? Seems like yu were more interested in wanting to appear being helpful and not completely useless more than actually making thoughtful decisions or questioning what was going on or being asked of you.

I mean you’re dead set on this so nothing I say is going to change your mind but I simply didn’t have time to dedicate or indulge in the game. I had a hell of a week at work, a child to take care of, etc. and that’s not excuse making, that’s facts and I couldn’t be more disconnected from what was happening nor did I care. I’ve been trying to be involved when I can and as soon as the weekend was here I was able to get back into it.


why is evans a firm scum read?

why would you be worrying about being shaded? Scum think about appearances, not town.

Interactions/play around flipped scum, i mean you just did a deep dive on him I saw, do you not see it too?

I’d like to not be mislynched, doesn’t help us win.


Interactions/play around flipped scum, i mean you just did a deep dive on him I saw, do you not see it too?

I’d like to not be mislynched, doesn’t help us win.
of course I see it. I wanted to know why you saw it. ie if you were just parroting or if you actually believed it.

i guess i cant do that now that ive laid out the cases in the thread :slip:


Seems no one has any actual questions.

If I am lunched today and don’t flip scum, trust me when I say you need to look at PHEN0M ;)


anyway fwiw im planning on an evans lynch today, then tomorrow phenom is probably my choice.

evans im confident on, phenom is borderline but suffers compared to the other POE options who are pretty null.

i'll wait for ekko to finish his read back and see if he concurs before voting

also @Black Pegged Dragon are you going to be willing to join on an evans lynch if thats our preferred direction or are you stuck on this Phenom thing?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
that’s not excuse making, that’s facts and I couldn’t be more disconnected from what was happening nor did I care.
(i want to talk to you and evans after game about this because i believe this is true more often than not, and it's a point i want to address without having the chance to)


we're looking at phenom tomorrow anyway, dw


Oh duck it

I’m not scum, nor town. I’m indie. I’m Rykard. I can harvest marked souls. I also have a great rune that protects me from fire & poison.

Ekko visited me N1. I marked him last night and that’s why he was buddying me D1 and has been pushing so heavy on me late game to get rid. I was gonna kill him tonight to solve him as I can’t get the lynch.

I genuinely think PHEN0M is scum


Oh duck it

I’m not scum, nor town. I’m indie. I’m Rykard. I can harvest marked souls. I also have a great rune that protects me from fire & poison.

Ekko visited me N1. I marked him last night and that’s why he was buddying me D1 and has been pushing so heavy on me late game to get rid. I was gonna kill him tonight to solve him as I can’t get the lynch.

I genuinely think PHEN0M is scum


also ekko's the vig, so if he visited you N1 you'd surely be dead lol. And how do you even know that he visited you?

This is a BAD claim.

The X

Lethal's D6

No target last night, couldn’t use my role.
Comes in mentioning his his role but why is this necessary if we know it's non-consecutive.
Yes, I’m The Spectral Steed, Torrent.
Its either going to be GOATnom or WOATnom, there’s no in between.
My guy. I have read exactly 0 things. You want me to go to the player list and give you some names?
More emphasis how lost he is.
I have absolutely no fucking idea where to start :hestonpls
Am i understanding correctly that BLD was poisoned at night and Doddsy healed him? Was the poisoning announced? I didn’t see it in the night post.
This would make me think him being poisoned and now being healed weren’t posted which is weird. I feel like that’s normally public info.
A little bit of shade here.
What did I miss… Why is lethal being brought up for a lynch? I thought he was hider confirmed.
Thanks, see ya!
There’s so many pages. Someone give me an assignment please, I’m overwhelmed as a motherfucker lmao
Haha thanks for the comment!
Yup I’m seeing all this now, appreciate it. Seems like Doddsy is main lynch target today, if he were to flip scum i think trying to find who figure out teammates would be best use of my time so that’s what I’m jumping on. Tag me if needed.
Dips when he sees Doddsy is the main lynch.
Given where we are in the game, possibly. From what I’m seeing though, you seem to be cleared by Alco? I’m still trying to sift through and get a footing on who’s what and role interactions/results.

So 12 left and we’re considering the one guy who has potentially the highest likelihood of being non-scum based on a flipped hider. Yippee.
Didn't want to lynch Lethal.
Could Lethal be GF? Sure, of course he could. The likelihood is way too small based on the probability that i can’t believe that’s a thing at this point in the game.
Makes sense to take this stance.
I haven’t assessed that yet, I believe you though :hestonpls
This was about not knowing about Lethal's game. He did say Lethal was townie early game.
Yup I’m discerning that, trying to identify potential teammates in the event he flips scum like people seem to be confident he will before bed.
Oh, pre-flipping instead of actually voting somewhere?
I apologize that I’m full of questions but please bear with me.

Is there anyone who’s seeing Doddsy/Lethal as scum/scum or is it currently like an either or type deal? Doddsy is doing ALOT of defending of him and his claim early.
I mean, this is weird considering I was talking about how they were both suss and he questioned this phase was Lethal was suss.
Lmao i was just reading up on Doddsy’s post and Lethal was involved a lot early. In the mindset of assuming a scum flip, I’m trying to determine if it’s defending a teammate or him using lethal an easy way to have a talking point and a stance making him look involved in the game.
I just feel like that's kind of a pingy comment and I don't know why.
Ill look at your post in a bit once i feel like I’ve got enough on the Doddsy iso.
Okay, better be good.
Bolded his town/feel good list here on page 40. Haza(RDK), CP, Ultra, Rachet all flipped town, Poyser indy. Ekko is vig and I believe to be town.

That leaves Alco, Evans and Retro who are currently alive. Assuming a Doddsy scum flip, I’d say there’s likely a teammate in here just based off probability. Even looking at the names mentioned and sussed in this post below that, BPD seems to be town (although cleared by Alco who isn’t cemented as town), TP & tweet flipped town. Who is Arp and are they alive?

Also, notice that the two flipped scum in Aurelian and SK are absent from being mentioned at all. I feel that gives more credence to at least one scum mate in the 3 from his town/feels good list, i don’t know that you would give town reads to all non-teammates as then you’d be narrowing the pool to go after to only teammates lol.

This is his very next post after the above and it’s about Alco who Ultra was shading. Alco/Doddsy interacted on one post prior to these two posts and Doddsy had given zero explanation on why Alco is his strongest town read before saying this.
So here is Phenom's 'big' defense against Doddsy. The way Ekko mentioned this earlier today (haven't you read Phenom's readback against Phenom) I thought this would be juicier. First, Phenom says simply there must be scume within Alco, Evans, and Retro just because of probability. We know Alco flipped town as well. I think this is a pretty lazy comment on Doddsy especially since he said he was isoing him.
I don’t think I’ve seen anything today that would allow him to survive so I’m down. Good fucking play btw, i love lying about my shots when they can benefit us and screw scum unexpectedly :hayden3
Still hasn't voted Doddsy. Despite isoing him and saying that he can't see him surviving. I think I was still pushing Lethal as the first option here.
Even more interesting based on that initial list assessment! I was thinking Alco after the early post review , do the 3 of them work as a team?
Phenom likes Ekko saying Doddsy/Evans could be a team. Throw in Alco for good luck.
Ninja’d lol.

You think Ultra is the unluckiest player ever hiding behind the GF too huh? I’m trying to rationalize that in my head but the odds seem so damn low that would happen
Seems like maybe Evans could have been a potential mislynch for D7 and then D8 could have been Lethal.

vote: Doddsy
Jesus Doddsy was going to BAT for Lethal here early. It feels like a lot for a teammate, like, an early Doddsy flip and lethals immediately looked at for a lynch in my opinion. I would have thought he were trying to keep him alive so he could use his role or some shit in hindsight. Feel like they were too tied together to be s/s if that makes any sense to anyone else but me.
Lethal coming in hot. Sheesh.
Interesting comments about Lethal near the end of Doddsy's life.
I was going to do that when I wake up if that’s cool? Bed time approaching fast.
Ekko asking him to iso Soul.
Talk to me about the serpent. I saw a few references, is that another Indy or we think part of scum? I have zero theme knowledge.
Indie talk.
100% agreed for obvious reasons but I CANT GET OVER THE HIDER CLEAR lmao. I’m weak BPD.
The math ain’t mathing to me, im basically refusing to believe he hid behind the single one person who he shouldn’t.
Really wants to sit the fence on Lethal.
I agree. Im saying I don’t believe you to be the GF and should be cleared by Ultra.
This was to Lethal.
I did use my role on BPD. I faintly remember seeing Big Man say his role failed on me so I assume CP jailkept me
If I were personally commuting, I’d say no it wouldn’t but i have no idea since I’m making another player commute.

Upon review, I don't see anything to suggest Doddsy/Phenom couldn't be mates. Not sure why Ekko said there was a big interaction between these two because there never was. Micro D6 as wolf.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
just saw this game has 11k posts

very god start to the site dont u think

without even night posting lol

town ekko and wolf BLD carrying post count
