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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Think there's a chance he's still GF. RDK waiting on shooting brings doubt to the gift giving. RDK needs to flip scum before I would ever consider going at Lethal again.
yeah RDK holstering was really bad. coulda shot literally anyone else in PoE lol


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
specially when u have a 3 man neighbor chat. u had such a good PoV to take a shot


The Alpha and The Omega
wtf is the last line? Ultra had 11/12 votes on him D2, and got lynched with 11/11 D3. You fucking think it was all townies on those mislynches?
I am following Gramm vote tally to keep count and he did not thread mark the final vote count tally.

Ultra 8 - CP, Rugrat, RDK, Alco, Phenom, Tpein, Ratchet, Tweet

This is the last vote tally he posted and I was talking specifically about this list of people. I will elaborate more in another big post i am dropping later today.

The X

yeah RDK holstering was really bad. coulda shot literally anyone else in PoE lol
I think a good point you brought up about him is how secure he feels in that he's not going to die. I definitely would have fired a gun right away in case I died.


The Alpha and The Omega
I am following Gramm vote tally to keep count and he did not thread mark the final vote count tally.

Ultra 8 - CP, Rugrat, RDK, Alco, Phenom, Tpein, Ratchet, Tweet

This is the last vote tally he posted and I was talking specifically about this list of people. I will elaborate more in another big post i am dropping later today.
@Black Pegged Dragon

There is most likely a scum in this group.

Take out CP, ratchet, tweet, tpein out of the equation and you have

Rugrat, RDK, Alco, Phenom

Very high chance we have either one or 2 scum here. I should probably post my wallie before tho for it will make more sense as it is in my head.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Your rune will pass to whomever kills u
this tells me u have knowledge on runes

mine doesnt pass it specifically says it doesnt transfer

and for the record i think i can survive one kill, otheriwse what is life threatning circumstance?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
vote: Evans

his first post regarding lethal arrogance seemed weird (I didn't really get it) and then he showed a bit of fear when questioning poyser on his read by clarifying to the thread that it wasn't any sort of scum read. Why do that?

decent place to start id say
Dives straight into the game.
You think he's being arrogant because of the quality of players he came here with, like trying to show he is one? Thats why he posted early?

Idk man just seems an oddly illogical conclusion to why a town read may not be appropriate. Like a pretty big reach haha

Correct me if I'm getting your thought process incorrect
Starts questioning players right from the start.
But more than half of the user base knows him so I'm not sure why you'd think he will be in a position to establish anything of the sort. If he did do that I think it would be immediately scrutinized (for better or worse) and I don't think that's the sort of attention he would want to bring as scum.

I do appreciate you questioning the reads of a strong player- but it's not something I give you much town credit for since you've shown willingness to do it before. I do however question the logic of it which I still can't get on board with.
This sounds reasonable enough.
Not likely. Pendex on WS, you may have played with him in one of my games. He's a player from ekko/tpein home site. Quite calculated as both alignments, strong player
Good to know.
If you're scum here btw I wouldn't think your task would be to scum read lethal, just to make sure he isn't easily cleared.
Interesting observation.
I didn't get tagged. ..

I only get notifications for quotes
You should activate notifs for tags to make things easier.
I like T-Pein early
Why, though?
Why would that make you suspect him?
Interesting take.
I'll keep my reasons for town reading him under wrap for a while to see how it develops but your first point is fine enough.

I have a different idea to you over his scum game but my idea of his meta has never taken your first point into consideration so I'm not particularly troubled by us being on different sides of the fence
Weird conclusion, though. This small interaction can be taken as scum igniting flames in a TvT interaction.
N0m and me picking the same avy :banderas
It's alright, nobody was worried about you showing up here late probably until you just made it a big deal.

What do you think of those that have posted so far, assuming you've caught up, despite being so late.
If that's all you think there is to say about the game so far, probably wasn't worth making an excuse for being late was it?
Seems like nit picking.
I hyper focus on everything.

If the day phase and game has barely started and you claim there's not much to say in reference to the game, I don't think expressing your tardiness is warranted and think it more likely comes from a place of scum than town. Because why would town care if they were late (you're not even that late) if there's been nothing to contribute.
Hung up on a minor thing.
Yes, please hold me back, don't let me tunnel this guy anymore. God forbid I make a third post about them.
Where was the tunnel, though? You barely interacted.
It's a weak lean based on observations I've made in scum games I've played with him, one of them was the one you were in quite recently. I'll keep it to myself for now with the hope of it developing but you'll probably get there on your own if you think about how he behaved that game as scum. It was obviously very different to how he's started this game.

How new are you exactly?

Alright that's fine.

There wasn't any attention on me, so how/why do you think I'd be trying to deflect attention?

I'm not even voting for you so claiming I'm tunneling you is premature and oddly defensive.

Well that's not what I asked at all

In 'these games'? They just told me that this was their second game only? If the latter is true I don't think we can be following any patterns.

I don't either in fairness, but I do know it directly contradicts a tactic he employs as scum.

No I was getting that impression already on my own so I appreciate the sentiment.

Are you abi?

Am I misremembering on was it you that said you used to add 'lol' to your posts a lot as scum?

Obviously self awareness matters but you know, old habits die hard...

Why didn't you think my focus on Evans was weird?

But this is the point against you mate

vote: Aurelian

seems fairly rattled, happy to push this

Yabba Dabba doo

I'm still with you in spirit on the evans direction but I think there's a good chance at scum in Aurelia and think some more pressure would be helpful

I think his attempt to discredit your town read of lethal lacked logic and merit. Suggesting he would be bolder on a new forum because he can recreate himself doesn't track with me as most of the players here knowing him already anyway, so the idea seemed like a reach. Especially when lethal wouldn't want to draw attention to himself as scum which he surely would if he came out with a whole new meta.

Why are you saying they 'could make more sense' rather than they do make more sense? This feels wishy washy.

It's like you're saying this could make him towny or scummy but I'm choosing to think it makes him scummy.

With this being said, Poyser hasn't done anything so far to make me lean either way, I like that we have mostly been mindmelding but I'm not blind to the fact that this could be by design. The content he generated off my initial shade on yoshi for example was very, very easy. Even if it's the same stuff I'd be asking them.

Having looked back over lethals past games I don't think they're much alignment indication to be had based on timing of entrance but I will say he felt more natural here off the bat than he has in some recent past scum games.

It's more nuance than that mate, you've reacted badly to my suspicion, and the level of the reaction doesn't match the degree of my initial observation.

This is how we play the game. There will be no lynch if deadline is met so there is a degree of urgency involved in getting claims from people we are considering lynching. Stalling a game for half a day isn't something we can really tolerate.

I think it's more reflective of the confidence myself and Poyser have in ourselves to get things done. But of course- other items may require more urgency down the line, there's no telling what could happen!

I do not, and that is another benefit of pushing this particular slot even outside those I've given.


This is an inaccurate representation of what he said?

Sus post

Like he wants people to point people towards lurkers undercover

.....and just like that

Of course it is, he was never telling people not to enforce meta, he was just telling people to thoroughly explain such meta if they do so.

You've clearly misrepresented what he said by ignoring a key detail in his post.

But he didn't clearly suggest that at all lol, unless if choose to completely ignore half his post :swaggyp:

You've literally just changed his entire post:

"the locals are not going to be able to keep up with the meta reads you ws folks are using. probably need to define the meta reads more or not use them all together" doesn't equate to what you've just turned it into at all lmfao

What are you doing

I agree, the other would be nonsense, but it's odd that you've taken that and presented it in isolation when doing so just misrepresents his point.

His point was that if it can't be explained thoroughly then meta should be left out, but he didn't suggest that it should be left out in isolation.

If he had done then I'd be agreeing with you not questioning your intent.

But it's literally not what he said.

He said they should be expanded upon for the benefit of players that are less familiar or not used at all.

Well no I'm not saying anyone misinterpreted that second part. I'm saying that sussing it while willingly ignoring the part you did misinterpret is questionable.

Well yeah- if that's your reasoning then my next question would be what's the point, but seems like you're already aware that it was a bit of a redundant comment. Still very cautious to the fact you selectively scrutinized one of his posts but I think this subject has probably run its course

I can't say I have much recollection of Fang at all

Aurelian realizing his plan didn't work when he comes back from his 10 hour absence to realize he still has 8 votes and still needs to claim

I'd support that wagon too, not ready to release aurelia from the shackles of suspicion yet though!

@Big Man anything to add dickhead?

Are you suggesting that focusing on something I determine to be scummy is indicative that I'm scum?

You think I'm being lazy yet my focus has bred an entire wagon which will be more useful in game than anything else that has happened up to now.

If that's what my laziness can achieve I think it's a glowing endorsement of what I'm capable of.

why are you replying to me, you're not in the game :pogba:

I honestly can't recall ekko

The name is vaguely familiar, the player isn't.

Apparently I did ( I didn't )

Picking on my lazy solving and then pointing out three separate points of focus from me is a little odd don't you think? How many others in this game have done as much as me to display their reads and progress the game? I'd argue not many.

You've seen me be lazy before lol, half my WG tenure was being lazy, I don't think you actually believe I'm being lazy here. At all.

I think tweet is likely town

It's not my job to scum read myself

Never disputed that, it's still a product of my work, there's been nothing lazy about my play today. You know that, you've seen me be lazy, this isn't it.

This is a quite desperate attempt to discredit some of my reads I think.

Made very transparant by your theory I'm bussing Aurelia.

Now if he is your teammate, you'll point to that, rather than give my reads any credit.

I'd let him go mate before more damage is done.

Why aren't you voting me?

Are you scared to try and solo me?

Still testing waters in thread to see if I'm viable?

I think the meta he applied to his read of me showed that he was making a genuine attempt at reading me

Ok well this is different and I can now accept your POV more now that I understand it.

What you're essentially saying is that you don't think my solving is good, not that you think it's lazy.

I back the results of my solving to be fairly sound though so I don't really care what you think of the means.

If not then we can go from there

Yeah it's nothing to be particularly worried about. The problem is if he doesn't have any independent thoughts coinciding with it, but he has shown that he does here so far

It's OK he already gave his defense in case that happens, we had a bus gone wrong situation

What did you want us to say lol?

You came in and asked us what you need to do, you know how to play the game

There is a wagon formed but he went afk for what he said would be 10 hours as soon as he got L-4 so it's held things up a bit

Demonstrably untrue

It's not rude at all, you shouldn't expect us to do all the work and then spoon feed you the game when we don't even know which side you're batting for. I've no idea what you actually expected anyone to say why you asked what to do, you know what to do

As soon as you asked a meaningful question I gave you a quality answer

Fine. I'll lynch him in the morning if that's the case

36 hrs I think, so should be 1pm tmr

I'm not trying to be a dick lol it's just you seemed surprised when nobody answered you and there's a reason why. If you have questions I'll happily answer them but I'm not building the blocks for you, If you truly want to help as you say, read back and give us your thoughts

Yourself, evans, Ratchet and the dildo guy have all pinged me

Top of my head you have the most equity with arelio

Don't think him flipping town changes much of the above though

No- I have, and it doesn't change the above :hestonpls

Great! But I'll take it from this post that you think I'm posting from a town PoV, thanks!

If I'm scum then I would have certainty, your post describes that I have doubt.

Your tmi on me is noted!

Is the same as the one I use on WS too, easy transition

You think I'm exactly scum that doesn't know if Aurelia is going to flip scum from another faction but am hopeful he does? :hestonpls

This guy for real?

I'll be off to bed then mate

:hestonpls what a Muppet

vote lynch : Aurelia

guy claimed indie ffs, finish him off

Oh dear, stop embarrassing yourself bud

Cp was town in Xmas Mafia so why do you think he's town here if you're pointing to a contrast in his play

I have but his point was that It looks good that I've done it right out the gate, I usually shyer from the off as scum and I'm much better as scum when I rep into it as there's already stuff going on I can hide amongst. The fact he has come up with this to read me made me think he is actually trying to solve me

Are we waiting for the flip
Alright, no need to reply to every post. RDK generally looks like he was going for a power play from the start and driving conflict between players. With said players flipping Town, this does not look good on him. While he was a lot softer towards Aurelian and didn‘t pressure him as much as the ones who flipped Town. Need to ISO his remaining posts, but I can see team equity between him and Aurelian from what I‘ve read so far. The rest follows tomorrow when I‘m up again.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
No need to be insulting. I haven't been able to keep up with the insane posting volume as I've just been busy.
i can sympathize with that

i'll divulge another reason why i didnt shoot u

there is a recent game in ws i read u as scum very strongly and u turned out town. we both read each other incorrectly. i isoed ur posts in that game versus when u subbed in as scum in another game and there is a very clear difference in the number of questions u ask. typically u asked alot of questions as scum and almost none as town.

obviously this is a sample size of exactly 1 town and 1 scum game. i isoed u here and u arent asking alot of questions, so ur thoughts came from u and werent parroted / asking players to spoon feed u thoughts like in ur scum game where u asked alot of "so you read him town?" etc.. kind of questions.

ur slot is reconcilable. i am willing to step back and take another look at where i was wrong. i disliked that u went to vote for the tweet wagon but i can also see it coming from a town PoV in that u went back to aurellion and a townie shud have no issue exploring avenues


I think I was handing out clown reactions to those who called Ultra scum. Sorry bb.

But I do need more from you this game. I want to say your town, but there's not enough there yet. What can you offer?

I’ll forgive you. While you’re reading me correctly, i can understand that the content and post count isn’t all there though to solidify that and I’m sorry to say it just won’t be. All I can offer for the time being is playing supportive role of voting where needed and if the task isn’t too large, taking a very quick look back at something specific.


this tells me u have knowledge on runes

mine doesnt pass it specifically says it doesnt transfer

and for the record i think i can survive one kill, otheriwse what is life threatning circumstance?
Yes I have some info on the runes but idk if they good or bad etc

Idk the lores


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
can't see why just doing what ekko asked you to would ever be a good idea
it cant be a bad idea if u dont scum read me

im only afraid of an execute but its a risk im willing to take

i dont think scum has duel and execute


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
as i said i only read the tl;dr so I don't know if what you're saying is technically even accurate, and I've got no desire to go back and iso his posts lol.

If he is doing complete 180s without explaining it like you say then that is too blatant for Big Man imo.
how is he as scum?