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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Mafia God
for instance he held the tracker claim and havent said it until i posted because he was also wary i could be a vig. a scum doesnt do that. a scum just kills me next night or maybe paints me as a serial killer? no reason for a scum to clear a vig

the way dalton handled RDK, bigman, arp came off to me more from town PoV. dalton is looking to shrink the PoE not expand it.

dalton defended RDK yesterday even when we deliberately asked him to hammer. he stuck to his read and he was right. RDK was really town!
For the tracker claim I believe he was told to hold off on the info correct? It also tracks if he's trying to make his roletracker role look believable and set a claim basis.

What about the way he handled them did you like?

Writing was mostly on the wall at that point, hammering would immediately make him look poorer.

These just aren't well thought out reasons to have him as a strong town read.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Well I’m assuming cos it says in my pm if I die in possession it goes to whoever kills or hammers me
well it doesnt say the same for RDK does it?

i am feeling the weapon is probably fake anyway but we'll see!


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
For the tracker claim I believe he was told to hold off on the info correct? It also tracks if he's trying to make his roletracker role look believable and set a claim basis.

What about the way he handled them did you like?

Writing was mostly on the wall at that point, hammering would immediately make him look poorer.

These just aren't well thought out reasons to have him as a strong town read.
they actually are! because i am looking to see the people who are driving ideas, not the people just replying

dalton is proactive, not reactive. dalton is town!!


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
well doddsy he will answer u soon anyway. if he doesnt then i'll consider his direction

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Hi, here for 5 minutes.

I am having a very difficult time making sense of how you can possibly have a stronger town read on Soul than me, especially when your reasoning is so narrow on the Soul read. You can ignore information you think you shouldn't have, but this just implies here that the list isn't entirely genuine. It doesn't even make much sense - if you think Lethal is scum, then you have me, who says your top suspects are town are your town reads are scum (not universally), come in and defend Lethal indirectly by pushing Ultra, and am in a super comfy position in the thread. It's quite easy to see the scum agenda, especially because if Ultra is town and flips town, I would then be able to push another three mislynches off the back of it.

But I'm not done.
So, there is a litany of evidence in the thread suggesting both Craig and I are Town. There just is, I don't need to list it all out. That's not enough for X, he has to be sceptical. Okay, fine. Let's move on.

According to this same person, receiving an item from Lethal would be enough to confirm Lethal as town, somehow Ultra gets confirmed as well (who knows how) and all is right with the world.

X, I have too much respect for your town game to believe that you actually believe any of this. It's all far too inconsistent and poorly founded. I'm starting to think you actually might be a Jester or some kind of Indie, it would explain your position towards Poyser to an extent too. Because I just can't see a better angle for this, I think at this point I've tried to keep an open mind on your slot today but I'm just about ready to close it.
I sense motive for killing Ratchet after this particular post
Finally rocked up the courage to respond and you have nothing worthwhile to say

"Why haven't you done this!!! Why haven't you done that!!!"

Who the fuck cares? I'm trying to talk to you about how to improve town's winning odds today and you're still trying to measure your pecker against mine. You aren't winning, son.
just quoting this because it made me giggle
I'm currently trying to give you a chance fwiw

So first you don't know why it's a gun and now you suddenly know because you and RDK are a team?

But why not ask lethal?
You are the one saying the gun thing is true here.
As if you have the TMI

also more possible motives for night kills and why (that may align with my theories)

lethal needs to go next, maybe, if i manage to not operate primarily via paranoia


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Day 5 Vote Count 2

Soulkiller 6 - Alco, Soul, Doddsy, BLD, Retro, Lethal
Tiara 1 - Evans
Doddsy 1 - Soul

With 13 alive, 7 votes to lynch.

Next count in 9 hours or so.

BLD: Phenom > Unvote > Soul > Unvote > BLD
Doddsy: Phenom > Soul
Retro: BLD > Soul
Ekko: Soul
Soul: Doddsy
Lethal: Ekko > Soul
@Dalton after you catch up give us a vote on soul would ya m8?

also reply to doddsy please!

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Day 5 Vote Count 2

Soulkiller 6 - Alco, Soul, Doddsy, BLD, Retro, Lethal
Tiara 1 - Evans
Doddsy 1 - Soul

With 13 alive, 7 votes to lynch.

Next count in 9 hours or so.

BLD: Phenom > Unvote > Soul > Unvote > BLD
Doddsy: Phenom > Soul
Retro: BLD > Soul
Ekko: Soul
Soul: Doddsy
Lethal: Ekko > Soul
A self lynch, eh


Skimming iso of Haza and he was sniffing around Evans big time. Do we believe there’s a redirect in there and scum guessed correctly?

The X

I sense motive for killing Ratchet after this particular post

just quoting this because it made me giggle

also more possible motives for night kills and why (that may align with my theories)

lethal needs to go next, maybe, if i manage to not operate primarily via paranoia
Ratchet misinterpreted my reads list, though, and we cleared that up in thread.


I don't really think that's the case at all, CP's vote on me initially was pretty middling and he didn't really push it. Main push on me came much later off the back of Rugrat/Dalton

Why? Surely Odo hasn't just sent me to die by making me a healer with nothing to heal

This is fake af. Mans got SK and the watcher that caught SK making a kill. Bogus, at the very least indiciating it's TMI after the serpent claim.

I've been like 14ish years at this point I think?

Serpent pretty much aimed to kill the other gods.

I'm gonna be honest I thought you were SK/Serpent before Ruggers flipped SK. I still think decent shout you're serpent though. I don't see any benefit for a town rune cop, we've had no town roles that require it as far as I'm aware. If you find a rune do you get told which it is?

I can heal all status effects, but we've limited idea of what ones are in the game. I imagine there's more than just the poison as otherwise I think I'd just be a poison healer right?

How are you confident Dalton is town? Man looks absolutely woeful and I'd be lynching him today if the info didn't pop up

Hardest boss out of all of the games so far IMO

I'm Miriel, big priest turtle boi
your arguments against me are garbage.

I clearly sussed Tiara because I thought our roles clashed. I've since come to accept that we could actually both be town for a reason Tiara and I have both agreed on.

Implying there is TMI is also daft because they chances of scum having a watcher AND a tracker are basically 0.

Your arguments saying i'm "woeful" are weak and all you've really got it is pathetic omgus. I think I'm gonna vote SK today but I maintain I want you gone ASAP.
Interesting reaction when I had the opposite.
Is there anything concrete there that I'm missing? All I saw was "everything he said makes sense" which could easily just mean he's got a decent fake claim.
Because he looks awful. His push on to me made no logical sense given his stated views, and his reads he gave today had Flower/SK aligned prior to SK claiming Rykard, which is either fake af or TMI. Not to mention all the reasoning I had previous, as well as the added benefit that I think Alco/Flower are significantly more likely to be telling the truth than Dalton, and at least one of those 3 is full of it.
Already touched on these points + there's no feasible reason to think Alco is more likely to be telling the truth than me tbh. I can at least get the Tiara thing since they just caught SK killing (I caught Ekko killing too but he was town, if SK turns out to be legit serpent then Tiara has nothing better than me to show)

This is what Ekko talks about on this same page - Scum fake-solving where it feels like they should. For Doddsy, that's me who has sussed him all game.
I think pieces are connecting.

I think Gram has balanced this game in a very fair and logical way.

I think Phenom is scum. He is the counter to CP.

I think Doddsy is scum. He is the counter to Soul's poison.

I think Tiara is scum. She is the counter to Dalton's tracker.

All of these things help wolves to counter things that town and indies have. All of these are all possible town roles which makes them viable fake claims. Town has rune cop but it could still target town and scum. Town has a gunsmith that can target vig, gift maker gun, serial/harmful indie, wolves. This makes gunsmith valuable but still balanced and possibly misleading. Looking at all the roles, a lot of them could have their alignments or claims questioned. And a lot of the maybe stronger roles are harder to verify. Then there are also x-shots sprinkled in for town to use.

1. Lethal - Gift giver
4. Phenom - Commuter
5. Retrolize - Seraph
6. Ekko - Vig
13. Big Man - Neighborizer/Rune Cop
15. Arp Bladstrum - Vanilla
16. Evans - Invigorater
17. Dalton - Tracker
18. Yoshi - Watcher
19. Doddsy - Status Healer
20. Black Legged Dragon -
22. Soulkiller - Indie
23. Alco - Gunsmith
I'm still not sold on the Doddsy/Soul situation. Doddsy claimed to remove "status effects" which makes no sense if he just deals with Soul's poison. He would just be healer then. And since nothign else has flipped, I think Doddsy is scum independent of Soul's claim of poison.

Also I'm not sold Tiara is scum, have explained reasons why.

I think we're looking at Doddsy/Phenom for sure, then quite likely SK (think we lynch him today anyway to clear Tiara if he's scum), then maybe Alco? I do feel there's too many investigative roles and while Gramma could be trying to fuck with role spec, I think its more likely one of the four of us (me/tiara/alco/bigman) is just lying.
The invigorater role is maybe the one that's weird to fit into the balance? It's been confirmed by CP and I have a hard time thinking it's a scum role or that scum would use it on confirmed jailer to strengthen him.
it could be used for misdirection tbf (to plant the seed that evans invigorated the top townie so he's likely town) but realistically he's prolly town yeah.
not super familiar with watcher myself

"The Watcher is the direct Mafia counterpart to the Lookout. You should often follow a strategy as if you were a Lookout, because you receive the exact same results a Lookout does, so that is your most comfortable claim."

okay let's say that's a botched WU and there was someone janitored

would it be the counter to the lookout?
Where the fuck did you get this shit

No, this is not how Odo would design games.
PHEN0M was likely jailkept by CP as I said so his role would have failed.
would cp's role have gone through though if he died?

The X

Day 5 Vote Count 2

Soulkiller 5 - Alco, Ekko, Doddsy, BLD, Retro
Tiara 1 - Evans
Doddsy 1 - Soul

With 13 alive, 7 votes to lynch.

Next count in 9 hours or so.

BLD: Phenom > Unvote > Soul > Unvote > BLD
Doddsy: Phenom > Soul
Retro: BLD > Soul
Ekko: Soul
Soul: Doddsy
Lethal: Ekko > Soul > Unvote

*Edited for accuracy