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Game Elden Ring Mafia

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Well I’m assuming cos it says in my pm if I die in possession it goes to whoever kills or hammers me
lol this is like the lite version of what soul is claiming, just the townie version of one

do you see how soul's claim (excluding the probability of him probably being scum more than anything) could potentially benefit town tactically speaking?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
if soul flips mafia i expect tiara to just die tonight. or me if scum wants to kill my activity. hey they may actually activate my rune pog! if they kill me they will risk tiara watching them and anyway they will have to deal with more confirmed town so win win.

in this world i am looking at lethal and doddsy next!

if soul flips indie (which i hope he doesn't as that complicates thing) then sadly tiara goes back on the table, tho very low chance imo. with that being said it probably makes alco and by extension BLD look better for me? and confirms big man as town most likely


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i want to hear this doddsy vs dalton. BLD i need u to judge with me here


Just rechecked my role

Weapon was 1-shot vig. Cannot have blown up or been fake. So redirect as unlikely as it seems (with Evans) OR Ekko shot.

Armour is a super vest that is immune to all killing actions. Whoa boy.

I wish I could have gifted to myself.


Really how? Rolewatcher generally just sees what roles visit someone right not the person? They are very very rare so I might be misremembering. What info did Flower give on Big Mna?

How should I know, it depends on how the effect is applied tbh. We do only have one scum flip.

Gram specifically tailors his game to makle that not possible so I don't think your points are really well thought out.

Vote Phenom

Better than SK IMO but I'd still rather Ace
Rolewatcher is very rare? News to me lmao
@Dalton idk u keep ignoring this or im missing it. who did u track n4
this guy ffs

I mean, the wincon literally aligns with Poyser‘s:

Most of his supposed targets should be scum and Poyser needed to off the scum team as well.

Also the 5 defiled thingies makes me think there‘s 5 Mafia which makes a third Indie less likely. So I‘m leaning more scum than Indie on SK atm.

Poyser was 3P, realistically he wouldn't care about scum/town alignment lol


Mafia God
your arguments against me are garbage.

I clearly sussed Tiara because I thought our roles clashed. I've since come to accept that we could actually both be town for a reason Tiara and I have both agreed on.

Implying there is TMI is also daft because they chances of scum having a watcher AND a tracker are basically 0.

Your arguments saying i'm "woeful" are weak and all you've really got it is pathetic omgus. I think I'm gonna vote SK today but I maintain I want you gone ASAP.

Is there anything concrete there that I'm missing? All I saw was "everything he said makes sense" which could easily just mean he's got a decent fake claim.

Already touched on these points + there's no feasible reason to think Alco is more likely to be telling the truth than me tbh. I can at least get the Tiara thing since they just caught SK killing (I caught Ekko killing too but he was town, if SK turns out to be legit serpent then Tiara has nothing better than me to show)

This is what Ekko talks about on this same page - Scum fake-solving where it feels like they should. For Doddsy, that's me who has sussed him all game.

I'm still not sold on the Doddsy/Soul situation. Doddsy claimed to remove "status effects" which makes no sense if he just deals with Soul's poison. He would just be healer then. And since nothign else has flipped, I think Doddsy is scum independent of Soul's claim of poison.

Also I'm not sold Tiara is scum, have explained reasons why.

I think we're looking at Doddsy/Phenom for sure, then quite likely SK (think we lynch him today anyway to clear Tiara if he's scum), then maybe Alco? I do feel there's too many investigative roles and while Gramma could be trying to fuck with role spec, I think its more likely one of the four of us (me/tiara/alco/bigman) is just lying.

it could be used for misdirection tbf (to plant the seed that evans invigorated the top townie so he's likely town) but realistically he's prolly town yeah.

Where the fuck did you get this shit

No, this is not how Odo would design games.

would cp's role have gone through though if he died?
TMI claim had nothing to do with Watcher/Tracker being aligned, it's that SK / Flower weren't aligned in your suspicion list that didn't come across as genuine.

Also how are you going to say I'm OMGUSing you, I was sussing you first that's literally why you came at me to begin with, with your attempt to get invovled in the game by pushing someone who was already under suspicion, just not convincingly.

Alco has been one of my top town reads all game, there is definitely feasible reason to think he's town over you. There's even a seperate point on to that, the tracker/watcher pairing is a lot closer than the gunsmith pairing. Gunsmith is our pseudo cop, it's not on the exact same form of role like tracker/watcher are. The chances of the liar being among you and flower is considerably higher.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
your arguments against me are garbage.

I clearly sussed Tiara because I thought our roles clashed. I've since come to accept that we could actually both be town for a reason Tiara and I have both agreed on.

Implying there is TMI is also daft because they chances of scum having a watcher AND a tracker are basically 0.

Your arguments saying i'm "woeful" are weak and all you've really got it is pathetic omgus. I think I'm gonna vote SK today but I maintain I want you gone ASAP.

Is there anything concrete there that I'm missing? All I saw was "everything he said makes sense" which could easily just mean he's got a decent fake claim.

Already touched on these points + there's no feasible reason to think Alco is more likely to be telling the truth than me tbh. I can at least get the Tiara thing since they just caught SK killing (I caught Ekko killing too but he was town, if SK turns out to be legit serpent then Tiara has nothing better than me to show)

This is what Ekko talks about on this same page - Scum fake-solving where it feels like they should. For Doddsy, that's me who has sussed him all game.

I'm still not sold on the Doddsy/Soul situation. Doddsy claimed to remove "status effects" which makes no sense if he just deals with Soul's poison. He would just be healer then. And since nothign else has flipped, I think Doddsy is scum independent of Soul's claim of poison.

Also I'm not sold Tiara is scum, have explained reasons why.

I think we're looking at Doddsy/Phenom for sure, then quite likely SK (think we lynch him today anyway to clear Tiara if he's scum), then maybe Alco? I do feel there's too many investigative roles and while Gramma could be trying to fuck with role spec, I think its more likely one of the four of us (me/tiara/alco/bigman) is just lying.

it could be used for misdirection tbf (to plant the seed that evans invigorated the top townie so he's likely town) but realistically he's prolly town yeah.

Where the fuck did you get this shit

No, this is not how Odo would design games.

would cp's role have gone through though if he died?
well i think jury's closed.

winner is very easy to decide eh? @Black Pegged Dragon

Dr. Watson

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oh, fair point re: game design
think you're getting a little too bent out of shape by the actual term itself and what i quoted. let's filter out the rigidity and concept of the role, let's imagine our host writing it instead.
My point is: we don't know what others roles host-san designed, so a possible counter role to tiaras is valid

there has got to be atleast one claim that's from scum/indie, no? what is the likelihood of a role like tiara's to have a counter as a way to balance the game?