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Game Ranked My Hero Academia Mafia Thread

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...there's barely any content to judge him off of aside from the things I pulled up is my point

We only literally have reads from him, my guy
That's it

Fuck can you do with that
What am I missing
Then he sits as a null bot hard to figure out huh?


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Breaking it down and removing the extra pieces of meat from these posts (that I feel would be overshadowed or overlooked because of the flamboyance)

Here's the meat of his content (imo) thus far

2 reads so far
Both town

@Flower does the way he approach reads here align with this town play?
I dunno if I like the way you remove an aspect of his play like this.

Lord Melkor

I just wanna address that you're playing differently from last game I think. You were more eager to jump onto pushes last time around, but you're just handing out town reads this time

No can do, had spicy food last night.

Between whom? And why are you town reading Gramm?

Last time i also had mostly town reads over scum reads.

Not that way I played last time was sucessful so I am not trying to repeat that play?

Do you think i am player with consistent meta


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Last time i also had mostly town reads over scum reads.

Not that way I played last time was sucessful so I am not trying to repeat that play?

Do you think i am player with consistent meta
I'm not saying the town reads are the different aspects. I'm saying you were taking sides with arguments happening and your votes reflected that. Unless I'm remembering wrong, veeeeeeeeery possible, that's what's bugging me about you this game


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Last time i also had mostly town reads over scum reads.

Not that way I played last time was sucessful so I am not trying to repeat that play?

Do you think i am player with consistent meta
Also, idk your meta. The only reason I remember it last game was cause you were eager on my wagon and I read it more than usual


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Last time i also had mostly town reads over scum reads.

Not that way I played last time was sucessful so I am not trying to repeat that play?

Do you think i am player with consistent meta
Here you also only have Town reads so far tho.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I dunno if I like the way you remove an aspect of his play like this.
I'm removing the portion of content that overshadows the heart of the posts. I've done it before with PRs precisely because they could be faked

Do you think that looking back ISOing a guy with such an obnoxiously loud PR will be given due diligence?

Or does it come across as meaningless IF I TYPE LIKE THIS?
Or does the PR alone town clear someone for you?


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
I'm removing the portion of content that overshadows the heart of the posts. I've done it before with PRs precisely because they could be faked

Do you think that looking back ISOing a guy with such an obnoxiously loud PR will be given due diligence?

Or does it come across as meaningless IF I TYPE LIKE THIS?
Or does the PR alone town clear someone for you?
No, I mean, I'm just going off Gramm here that Magic isn't that kinda host. So, no, this isn't about the PR itself per se
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