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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Refer. To. My. List

all my reads are there :)
this is really unhelpful and i have no interest in running in circles with u. we r on a clock here. if u care about town's wellbeing and town read me here give me ur top 4 scum please


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
fwiw poisoning me might be what activates my rune so i could also take a risk and hammer but eh

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Refer to my list.

Cool but you’ve just quoted and provided no analysis yourself. Seems like busy work.
... im so tired of this "you didn't analyze so neener neener i won't give you my opinion yet"

want my ISO?
1. the biggest thing i infer that solidifies a possible scum link to BLD is BLD's attitude. the specific comment "back your reads up" felt cheeky and a "fuck you"
there's no surface or underlying logic to this. it's all feeling, but it's just the strongest thing i have.
2. ethos argument means i think i need to revive my theory this game that maybe the dead town were originally closer to possible leads to begin with
3. BLD's claim its just a town play and him bussing WHILE showing *extreme* reluctance to role reveal is suspect. it just is. unless there's TMI, from an uninformed person, it doesn't make sense to not claim to reduce the amount of paranoia around this slot.



all. game.

yes, this type of argument can be applied to others aswell. so if you feel like BLD isn't a link, who would be the biggest link to the things that were quoted?
what things that i quoted STUCK OUT to you?
there was literally no reason *not* to answer this

if im wrong on BLD maybe reactions toward all of this will come to light. just am not sure what reactions to look for


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
... im so tired of this "you didn't analyze so neener neener i won't give you my opinion yet"

want my ISO?
1. the biggest thing i infer that solidifies a possible scum link to BLD is BLD's attitude. the specific comment "back your reads up" felt cheeky and a "fuck you"
there's no surface or underlying logic to this. it's all feeling, but it's just the strongest thing i have.
2. ethos argument means i think i need to revive my theory this game that maybe the dead town were originally closer to possible leads to begin with
3. BLD's claim its just a town play and him bussing WHILE showing *extreme* reluctance to role reveal is suspect. it just is. unless there's TMI, from an uninformed person, it doesn't make sense to not claim to reduce the amount of paranoia around this slot.



all. game.

yes, this type of argument can be applied to others aswell. so if you feel like BLD isn't a link, who would be the biggest link to the things that were quoted?
what things that i quoted STUCK OUT to you?
there was literally no reason *not* to answer this

if im wrong on BLD maybe reactions toward all of this will come to light. just am not sure what reactions to look for
retro i think lethal is scum we may be wasting our time tbh


Mafia God
can u case out dalton for me pls doddsy. i think hes town
I've explained my reasons previous. Key points that I think are worth you looking over are his swap off Rugrat yesterday to push me. Given the viewpoint he explains, his decision to push off Rugrat and onto me doesn't make any sense. Also today his reads had both SK and Flower as scum, which reads either as illogical, or TMI.
oh u guys know who is she already. ive been calling her tiara all the time if she wanted to stay anonymous lol
She mentioned before
can u unvote pls. have u seen bigmans claim?

I can if needed. Yeah I have. As I mentioned earlier if SK is bullshitting that he's the snake then I think good shout it's Big Man. What benefit does town have from a great rune cop at this point? We don't have any town role that requires them from what I remember. Snake boi on the other hand aims to kill gods and amass their power so that makes more sense to me.

I said yesterday I didn't think you were the SK anymore for that reason as well, I thought it was probably Big Man. That was obvs prior to the Rugegrs fllp.
@Evans u havent claimed yet who u targeted n4

so did u @Dalton

the longer u hold ur claims the more i scum read u

@Doddsy how many shot healer r u?
I don't see any benefit to specify tbh

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
what do u think, could some things be a case of bussing + distancing

and if you factor in aurelian coaching, what direction you think the scum tactic could go in atm?

The X

I was hoping I would get strong killing abilities that would help me kill but funny enough I gained bulletproof ability instead , didn't wanna waste my shot and kill a player who is not a demi god which would not benefit me at all for I won't evolve my role nor would I get an inch closer to my win con.

I gained a kill, then a poison, and thought I would get something offensive but ended up being tanky after CP died. Funny how things work sometime right? I do believe if town were doing really well and lynching scum left and right I would considerably been super op at this point but oh whelp.
See, one thing about Soul's claim I don't believe is why he would gain a kill shot that just works on anyone? Why would he be able to poison anyone? How does that actually help him achieve his wincon? How does poisoning people on his lynch help his wincon?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
retro i think lethal is scum we may be wasting our time tbh
refusal to engage possibly bad sign

occams razor also might just mean im legit dogshit at this game and my noise isn't helping
i will never untap my tru potential
i will continuously step on tinfoil landlines :lit

i frankly have no idea what to do now bc this is prob gonna be every game unless you BLD and i ever get placed in a scum team together

u solve it
dgaf about u possibly being indie



Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
what do u think, could some things be a case of bussing + distancing

and if you factor in aurelian coaching, what direction you think the scum tactic could go in atm?
i think aurelion was bussed. he didnt really make attempts to survive

yoshi's sudden switch is the only weird thing about it as that could be seen as him being coached to do it in the chat


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I've explained my reasons previous. Key points that I think are worth you looking over are his swap off Rugrat yesterday to push me. Given the viewpoint he explains, his decision to push off Rugrat and onto me doesn't make any sense. Also today his reads had both SK and Flower as scum, which reads either as illogical, or TMI.

She mentioned before


I can if needed. Yeah I have. As I mentioned earlier if SK is bullshitting that he's the snake then I think good shout it's Big Man. What benefit does town have from a great rune cop at this point? We don't have any town role that requires them from what I remember. Snake boi on the other hand aims to kill gods and amass their power so that makes more sense to me.

I said yesterday I didn't think you were the SK anymore for that reason as well, I thought it was probably Big Man. That was obvs prior to the Rugegrs fllp.

I don't see any benefit to specify tbh
my reads r opposite of urs. we can discuss those more re: dalton and big man

the rune cop is a redherring or to find mafia with runes. can u talk about bigman's posts itself?

swapping from rugrat to u isnt bad. he scum read u more than him. i think u came off at me from a scum angle as well b4 i claimed vig

The X

... im so tired of this "you didn't analyze so neener neener i won't give you my opinion yet"

want my ISO?
1. the biggest thing i infer that solidifies a possible scum link to BLD is BLD's attitude. the specific comment "back your reads up" felt cheeky and a "fuck you"
there's no surface or underlying logic to this. it's all feeling, but it's just the strongest thing i have.
2. ethos argument means i think i need to revive my theory this game that maybe the dead town were originally closer to possible leads to begin with
3. BLD's claim its just a town play and him bussing WHILE showing *extreme* reluctance to role reveal is suspect. it just is. unless there's TMI, from an uninformed person, it doesn't make sense to not claim to reduce the amount of paranoia around this slot.



all. game.

yes, this type of argument can be applied to others aswell. so if you feel like BLD isn't a link, who would be the biggest link to the things that were quoted?
what things that i quoted STUCK OUT to you?
there was literally no reason *not* to answer this

if im wrong on BLD maybe reactions toward all of this will come to light. just am not sure what reactions to look for
I think that when you find out I'm really town, your mind will be blown.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I think pieces are connecting.

I think Gram has balanced this game in a very fair and logical way.

I think Phenom is scum. He is the counter to CP.

I think Doddsy is scum. He is the counter to Soul's poison.

I think Tiara is scum. She is the counter to Dalton's tracker.

All of these things help wolves to counter things that town and indies have. All of these are all possible town roles which makes them viable fake claims. Town has rune cop but it could still target town and scum. Town has a gunsmith that can target vig, gift maker gun, serial/harmful indie, wolves. This makes gunsmith valuable but still balanced and possibly misleading. Looking at all the roles, a lot of them could have their alignments or claims questioned. And a lot of the maybe stronger roles are harder to verify. Then there are also x-shots sprinkled in for town to use.

1. Lethal - Gift giver
4. Phenom - Commuter
5. Retrolize - Seraph
6. Ekko - Vig
13. Big Man - Neighborizer/Rune Cop
15. Arp Bladstrum - Vanilla
16. Evans - Invigorater
17. Dalton - Tracker
18. Yoshi - Watcher
19. Doddsy - Status Healer
20. Black Legged Dragon -
22. Soulkiller - Indie
23. Alco - Gunsmith
@Doddsy did u comment on this


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@PHEN0M u were allegedly caught lying because BLD was given an item and he confirmed it even with u commuting him. how do u explain this?


Mafia God
my reads r opposite of urs. we can discuss those more re: dalton and big man

the rune cop is a redherring or to find mafia with runes. can u talk about bigman's posts itself?

swapping from rugrat to u isnt bad. he scum read u more than him. i think u came off at me from a scum angle as well b4 i claimed vig
Who are exactly, Dalton and Big Man?

I think it's more likely he's Rykard tbh. His posts have not been up to his usual standard, but he has improved more as the game has gone on. He could be scum proper too realistically, neighbouriser not that uncommon of a scum role but I think it's not likely.

It is because he was under the impression we were aligned, and was "99.9%" sure Rugrat was scum. Does not add up to then follow a counter wagon he is pushing.

How did I come at you from a scum angle? My point was obviously true you've been night and day compared to before and after

@Doddsy did u comment on this
Yes I did


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
if tiara is scum, then soul is for sure indie

this means setup right now is probably 8-4-1

this means alco and BLD are likely just town from their interaction with tiara. big man town as well from their play around her last day. this require scum to not use yoshi's role for 2 days if her claim is legit. i can also just see it been an even night watcher

now to explore a tiara scum world:

soul = indie

alco, BLD, big man = town

evans interactions with tiara today could lean towards been town

this world would require the scum with tiara to be among: lethal, arp, phenom, doddsy, dalton

are there any incriminating interactions between these 5 and tiara?